The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1492: Are you scared?

In fact, it is not that the Daxia taboos in the vast land of China headed by Zhao Yu have not seen the Dao of Heaven, and the confrontation between the young emperor and Da Xia Dao has been carried out more than once.

But when the real Beihai Heavenly Way slowly emerged from the depths of the sky, everyone still felt the trembling from the depths of the soul.

Facing Tianwei, mortals are instinct in awe.

But there are always things in this world that make people have the courage to face the majesty of heaven!

The big human spear in Zhao Yu's hand was still shining with a milky white light, and this shimmering soft light was particularly conspicuous in the entire red-lighted void.

Heaven is ruthless, so this red light is as cold as the former freezes all eyes, and on the other hand, the world is sentimental, so the brilliance from the spear of the world turns into a warm breath that envelopes the young emperor. His body is isolated from the invasion of the vast Daowei.

The exposed Beihai Heavenly Dao, the real body eyes that occupy the entire sky above the sky, are tightly closed, which means that the Heavenly Dao is still sleeping and waking up.

Afterwards, the **** vortex of the road above the sky dome in the center of the North Sea was spinning faster and faster. With this Hokkaido eye as the center, a **** storm that spread to the entire North Sea was completely formed.

In the next breath, the entire Beihai County, which had been deserted for tens of thousands of years, had almost doubled the thickness of every inch of the void, and even the entire surface of the North Sea sank down.

"Your majesty's will is so strong, and under your majesty's persecution, this Beihai Heavenly Dao will open its eyes, and the decisive battle is approaching. You must cheer up. This battle can lay the foundation of my great summer peace!"

Sima Annan rolled out with a solemn voice, and then Zhao Yu, who was in front of everyone, raised his head, his black eyes stared at the **** eyes on the road above his head, and opened his mouth and continued to let out a terrifying roar:

"Beihai Tiandao, come to fight!"

The sound of Emperor Huanghuang's sound lingered in all directions, turning back and forth, turning into more and more loud echoes, directly breaking the long silence in the center of Beihai, under the pressure of the avenue.

Then, on the surface of Daomu's true body in the center of the vortex storm, countless avenues began to fluctuate in an instant, and both the void and the earth began to tremble violently, deafening and roaring like a battle drum, coming out one after another from the deepest part of the void.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the next moment, Daoyanzhenmou, whose eyes were closed, opened his eyes directly, and at this moment, the entire Beihai world fell into a standstill between Xumi, and then under the gaze of the real Beihai Avenue, The Beihai Center has become a real one in a few thousand years.

The sky opens his eyes, and the universe changes suddenly!

Under the weird state of chaos, on the periphery of the North Sea cliff, the old veteran from the Central Shangguo made a roar with all his strength:

"The Dao of Heaven must not be profaned. Once you look at Dao's eyes, you will be condemned by the heavens. Turn your eyes closed and close your eyes quickly."

Before the great howl of the old master, the exact appearance of the true eye of the heavens was directly exposed in front of everyone, making all those who witnessed it trembled, and could not help but let out a scream:

"Broken, the Eye of Heaven is broken!"

I saw the huge eye pupils occupying the entire center of the North Sea. In the pupils that were revealed after opening, there were densely packed cracks. These cracks extended outward like scales under the dragon-like avenues. , Very conspicuous.

Looking down, the eyes of heaven, which are full of broken scars, are as creepy as suffering from a serious eye disease. Then the next breath is a voice that looks like a man and a woman, old and young, almost indescribable, clear. It sounded incomparably in everyone's ears:

"Zhugou mortals, offend Tianwei, should be obliterated!"

At the same time, a avenue stared directly from above, firmly locked in the young emperor who was full of milky white flames of the world, and under the lock of this gaze, everything around the center of the North Sea seemed to be suddenly exiled. Generally, it gradually disappears, leaving only two existences in the entire world.

Beihai Tiandao, Lord of Great Summer!

In fact, this battle of Zhu Tian belonging to the young emperor has progressed to the present, and the victory or defeat may be in the next instant.

In the broken eyes of Beihai Tiandao, there is an endless **** whirlpool storm that is raging, because it needs to use the supreme heavenly power to condense a vast heavenly punishment that can completely obliterate the young emperor.

Even if this type of natural punishment is performed, the former will sleep for at least a thousand years, even if this type of natural punishment is performed, the recovery of the entire North Sea may be stagnant.

But this Beihai Tiandao had to do this, because Tiandao cannot be desecrated. If it is desecrated by mortals, Tiandao can no longer be a heaven.

As Zhao Yu once said, once a **** is stabbed with blood, then he is no longer great!

The entire space seems to be completely stripped off the cliff and the sea, and the vortex of Heaven's Punishment and supernatural power condensed by the blood eyes of the Heavenly Dao is becoming more and more vast. Everyone can clearly feel the infinite power of the Beihai Heavenly Dao. In the eyes of the young emperor standing tall, they were full of worries.

In fact, Zhao Yu's situation at this time is not optimistic. How simple is it that man and the sky are fighting against each other!

Every previous bombardment of Beihai Tiandao had the mighty power of destroying the heavens and the earth, especially the final dying light, even if Zhao Yu has the long river of earth transformed by the ideas of trillions of people in the entire Taixuan land. His body was still seriously injured unimaginably.

The body under Zhao Yu's dark golden body can be described as fragmented. Whether it is muscles or meridians, they are like sieve meshes, with numerous cracks appearing.

The reason why the young emperor can still stand proudly in the world is that in addition to the indomitable physical quality and the incomparable strength of the original kingdom, there is also a tenacious will far beyond ordinary people.

Every breath and every subtle movement of Zhao Yu at this time was accompanied by extreme pain. This pain was enough to destroy ordinary monks tens of thousands of times, but the expression on the face of the young emperor who was not angry and presumptuous There is no change, not even frowning at all.

Then, under the icy eyes of Heaven, Zhao Yu raised his hand to help pass the crown, raised the gun with his right hand, and his body stepped forward slightly.

Every movement of the young emperor is still full of calmness, heavyness, and meticulousness, like this extreme pain of broken body, to the former, it is just as slight as being bitten by a mosquito.

In the next breath, the big broken spear that dangles the power of the rich fireworks in the world, once again pointed its last sharp edge to the eye of the Beihai Heavenly Dao where God's punishment was condensed upward.

This gun is the same as the young master holding it. There is no place on the whole body intact, and it is on the verge of breaking, but the human fireworks burning on the gun still exudes an unyielding will.

Daxia human race, tough, unyielding, and fearless!

After an instant, Zhao Yu once again carried his gun forward and stabbed heavily.

With this shot, the young emperor stabbed very slowly.

With this shot, even the heavenly vortex that was condensing divine punishment above it stopped for several breaths because of panic!

"Are you scared?"

A voice with a slight smile came from the young emperor's mouth, and then Zhao Yu raised the corner of his mouth and continued to speak:

"Heaven's Dao actually derives a feeling of fear, which seems to be very sick."

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