
read2();  Phoenix Golden Flame, Great Sun Blade, Taboo Landslide, Sword Dance, God of War Fast Spear!

   Since entering a white-hot state from the shore of the North Sea Immortal Island, Zhao Yu, who shot alone, has continuously released extremely violent five-type forbidden supernatural powers, but the great principles contained in these five-type supernatural powers are completely different.

   "Great sun, wild flames, earth, kendo, and the final fighting spirit, five completely different laws are performed by the same person. How is this possible? Is there such a person in the land of the profound?"

   An incredible murmur came from the monks in the Great Profound Land, and then these people stared at the void in front of them, and the shot that pierced the God of War Fast Spear on the Xuemei Kingdom, shook their heads and responded:

"It is impossible for such an existence against the sky to appear in the land of Supreme Profound, even if it is impossible for the son of Dao in the legend, and whether you have discovered that this young master of Great Xia, so far, every style has been displayed. The supernatural powers and powers are all earth-shaking, and even the terrestrial gods and fairyland masters are also under the wind, and what is needed behind this?"

   At this point, the cultivator did not sell Guanzi, but directly continued to speak:

"The need is an unimaginable amount of vitality, and you should not forget that the place I am waiting for at this time is Beihai, a place where the vitality can no longer be replenished once the vitality is exhausted. This shows that this young man How terrifying is the vitality reserve in the body to the overly Daxia Lord."

As soon as this statement came out, the monks who had reacted around him took a breath, and then the monks beside him climbed up from the ground, watching that the body in front of him was not tall, but it was as tall as loose, and completely occupied the entire center of the world. The young emperor, the question came out:

"The vitality in the living beings cannot regenerate like the whole world. When it is exhausted, no matter how strong it is, it will be consumed. So why don't these sacred lords of the terrestrial fairyland embrace them, even if they can't directly Killing can also exhaust this person's vitality."

   After the sound of the question fell, the old man who spoke at the beginning shook his head, and then the old reply sounded:

   "It's not that these land gods do not want to, but can't do it!"

After   , the old monk raised his hand and pointed to the land gods above the land ahead of him. His voice sounded again:

  "Not to mention that the Supreme State of Yan Jue, who has been completely bombarded under the water, with a broken arm, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Central State and that Supreme Supreme Ze are firmly restrained under the bombardment of the four flaming golden phoenixes.

"As for the other two mysterious lords, one is unidentified and they dare not make a full shot, and the second point is that these two have been completely locked by those black-robed monks with their air machines. If there is a change, they will encounter a strong wind. The storm-like blows, especially the vast palms of the great silver mountain, made people unable to raise any resistance.

   "In other words, this fairy island force named Daxia is using strong means to create a one-on-one environment for this young emperor!"

After the words fell, the expressions of these monks in the land of the profound mystery became more helpless and desperate. At this moment, they seemed to be above the Gobi desert in front of them, seeing a dense net of heaven and earth intertwined with shackles, and inside the giant net of the island All of the people are trapped in it and cannot get out.

   This is the net of killing laid by Daxia with the power of the whole country, and these desperate monks on the shore of Xiandao Sea are destined to lose most of their lives here!

At the time when the minds of these monks were ups and downs, in the center of everyone's sight, Zhao Yu violently threw out the fast spear of the God of War, with a violent attitude, directly smashing the ice armor outside the upper body of the Xuemei Shang Guozun. Slowly pierce inward.

At the same time, the scarlet fighting spirit on the Spear of the God of War, like the charge of thousands of troops, took the lead in turning into a torrent of sharp and violent blood, opposing each other with the frost storm outside the upper body of the Xuemei Guozun. The void shattered over and over again.

   At the next breath, the Xuemei Guozun directly raised his hand and moved forward, and as soon as he grasped the swift spear of the God of War that was still piercing, after the ice and the fighting spirit disappeared, extremely strong white smoke came out.

  At this moment, Admiral Xuemei Guozun instantly mobilized the power of the law in his body to the limit, trying to directly freeze the God of War Spear, while the roar in his mouth continued to roll out:

   "If you want to kill me, this spear is not enough. You will never be able to break the deity's defense by hiding in this turtle shell."

Before the words fell, the voice from the Xuemei Kingdom suddenly stopped, because Zhao Yu's figure shrouded in the light of the altar had disappeared. Almost at the same time, a slender palm directly held the fast spear of the **** of war. On the other end, push forward.

After an instant, the flames of war gas on the spear of the **** of war began to burn violently outwards, directly smashing the frost condensed from the Xuemei Guozun's usage rules, and then thrusting in inch by inch under Zhao Yu's advancement. Xuemei Shangguo's body.

   "Little emperor, you came out unexpectedly, out of the tortoise shell. You don't know how dangerous it is to confront a land **** in front of you. This is just death!"

The mouth of the Xuemei National Venerable opened his mouth and let out a full-fledged roar, with violent and confident roar, and then he even loosened the right hand of the God of War Fast Spear, allowing Zhao Yu to pierce the spear into it. Within the body, the arrogant voice continued to come out:

"How exuberant the deity’s life origin is, don’t mention your shot, even if you stabbed ten more shots, I won’t die with a hundred shots, but as long as you are hit by the deity with a punch, you will be destroyed and die. !"

As soon as this death word came out, the Xuemei Guozun raised both fists to the sky at the same time. The law of frost wrapped around the fists condensed to the extreme in an instant, while ignoring the God of War Fast Spear that runs through the entire body, directly facing the spear. The stabbed Zhao Yu smashed with a heavy fist.

   "Supernatural power. Ice burst!"

In the next moment, a white light suddenly appeared on the heavy fist of the Snow Charm National Zun, and then this white light became brighter and brighter, becoming more and more dazzling, forming a mountain that violently erupted out of heaven and earth, which instantly occupied Everyone's sight.

   The mountain of heaven and earth under the heavy fist of    Xuemei Guozun, what is erupting out is not lava magma, but endless, with the extreme icy cold current of freezing the world!

   Then everyone's sight, centered on the confrontation between Zhao Yu and Xuemei Guozun, was instantly filled with a stream of frost pouring outwards, and even the outer void was frozen inch by inch.

   Within the next breath, at the center of the torrent of frost and ice rolling outwards, the violent words of the Snow Charm Country Lord continued to roll out:

   "Young man, you don't know anything about the melee fighting power of the land gods!"

   As soon as the words fell, a young and steady response came directly from the torrent of frost and snow that turned into a storm:

   "When I was still in the virtual realm, I confronted the land gods, and then she died and I lived!"


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