The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1456: Peach blossom


read2();  The talents of the Taoist palace complain about the spring breeze, and the peach blossoms are full of red!

   This is the description of the mysterious Taoist Palace Master Wen Xiuqi from the entire Chinese monk Daxia.

This old man who founded the Taoist Palace in one hand has always been inseparable from two things in his life. One is the thousand miles of peach blossoms wafting with the mellow fragrance of wine, and the other is the completion of countless self-sovereign palaces and successful cultivation. Practitioners.

Perhaps compared with the fourteen masters who have fought in the world and the surname Winning, Wen Xiuqi does not have so many magnificent experiences, nor does he have the earth-shattering behavior known to the world, but his life is very simple and also Very pure.

  Teach and educate people, plant trees and make wine!

In fact, in a sense, talent is not the literary cultivation of the best of the times. This ordinary but extraordinary life is the pinnacle that ordinary people of that era can reach. The name of Daxia is imprinted on the milestone of Daxia's growth.

The Taoist palace has thousands of miles of peach trees, countless disciples, and the world is full of peaches and plums. Therefore, the short guard has long been carved into the bones of this old man. Even if Taiping is the number one artifact in the vast land of China, in the eyes of the former, he is still countless. A little doll among the people.

   Therefore, facing the outrageous shot of Yan Jue Guozun, the old man was angry from the bottom of his heart, even if the other party is a great power, it is not false.

   Great array of thousands of miles red!

  Daiyuxian Island is on the Gobi desert by the sea, accompanied by the rapid growth of peach trees, and the pink peach leaves are like beautiful women dancing, beautiful and charming.

   But as the saying goes, under this road, the more beautiful things are sometimes more dangerous, and every peach leaf in this great array of thousands of miles is a peerless blade with infinite edge.

The peach blossoms flying all over the sky not only occupy the entire sky, but also completely isolate the violent blow that belongs to the land **** of the land of Yan Jue Kingdom. Then, within the vast lava country suspended above the nine heavens, that harsh ear The tyrannical voice continued violently down:

   "A good big formation can actually resist the deity's claw, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile."

Before the words fell, the lava flowing on the giant claws of the underground flaming demon fell from top to bottom, and then the ugly skin outside the huge five fingers cracked outwards, and the extreme underground destruction law emerged and formed directly. An abyssal river of flames.

   "Magic power. Lava river!"

The supernatural powers displayed by the land gods in the fairyland are extremely powerful, so the violent claws that surround the lava river, then brazenly pierced into the Qianlihong formation below, and sent out bursts of fine iron signs. The sound of hitting.

   "Ding Ding Dong Dong!"

   Under the extremely harsh impact sound, countless flying peach blossoms, like a well-trained army, formed a very extraordinary formation, and began to launch a fierce and undaunted charge against the giant talons above.

   After a breath, under the gaze of countless lights, the torrent army composed of peach leaves fought a suffocating battle with the underground lava river above the void next to the yellow sand.

   This is a battle without gunpowder smoke, but in the eyes of those with a high level of cultivation, there is an extremely profound mystery. The thousands of miles of red peach forest and the giant claw of the underground flame demon are two extremes.

A work that represents the pinnacle of skills, Taoist Palace Master Wen Xiuqi almost urges every flying peach blossom to traverse the path of mystery and form a more powerful battle. On the other side, Yan Jue Guozun The above is the complete destructive power, which is about breaking the ten thousand laws with one force.

The powerful claws pierced by the violent stabbing of Yan Jue Guozun did not have any skills to speak of. Relying on the powerful realm of the terrestrial fairyland and the law of destruction from the abyss, the peach blossom army in the Shilihong Formation was wiped out one round and another. Round.

   "It's useless. In the face of absolute strength, the so-called skills are nothing but clouds, just a dying struggle."

  The roar of Yan Jue Guozun reverberated through the sky, and then, in front of the thousands of peach trees below the mountain and sea map, an old man in a purple robe slowly appeared.

   I saw that although the old man’s beard and hair were snow-white, his face looked like a middle-aged man. Under the purple clothes, there was a delicate hip flask hanging around his waist. At the same time, he exuded a very elegant aura.

At the next breath, Taoist Palace Master Wen Xiuqi raised his head and looked at the sky. In the wise and deep black eyes, the reflection appeared above to obscure the sky and the sun, the hideous five claws entwined with lava, and the mighty ones moving forward under the siege of countless peach blossom troops. The long river of lava flashed a dignified color.

   is solemn, but without fear!

   As we all know, the vast land of China and the establishment of the country since the establishment of the country, the entire Central Plains rivers and lakes have not seen a land fairyland overhaul on the bright surface, so this is the first time Wenxiu has placed a top-level overhaul on the upper realm.

As the old saying goes, if you want to climb that mountain, the first thing to do is to see the mountain and feel the mountain. Therefore, Wen Xiu's eyes are getting more and more fiery and he has a straight body. Within, more and more powerful fighting spirit poured outwards one after another.

   "The human world is only a few years old, and it is like a fog that is invincible to the wind and sand. The old man can fight against the terrestrial fairyland today. He is dead and has no regrets. Why be afraid!"

   The old and elegant whistling sound came from the mouth of the purple-robed old man, and then the Taoist Palace Master directly picked up the hip flask around his waist, opened it and poured it into his mouth, and drank on his back.

   It is rare in the world that peach blossom wine rolls into the abdomen, and even because the action is too bold, the pink syrup pouring out from the mouth, together with the wild and unruly shocking weather, it is completely like a teenager.

After    two breaths, the old man who drank the whole pot of peach blossom wine completely, directly slammed the jug on the ground, raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth, and continued to raise the sky with a long scream:

   "The wind rolls in the residual sand, the peach blossoms are still there, the life is alive, there is not much to ask for, one wine, one tree, just count the disciples, start!"

As soon as    came out, the peach trees growing on the ground suddenly began to tremble violently, and then, like a disciple with academic achievements, bowed respectfully to the old man in the front center.

   After an instant, the peach trees that were all bent over trembled more violently. Pieces of pink flowers continued to float from the tops of the trees, gathering mightily upwards, forming a completely pink sky.

   If the peach blossoms that leaped in the thousands of miles before, it was just a well-trained and powerful army, then now that countless flowers have risen into the sky again, they have completely become a charge army that covers the sky and the sun.

   The entire sky by the sea has been completely occupied by the flying peach blossoms, the beauty and the danger are intertwined, extending outward, and it is even hard to see the end at a glance.

   In other words, it is no longer Qianlihong, but Wanlihong!


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