
read2();   People die for money, and birds die for food.

   The monks in the Taixuan Land, whether they are aloft and proudly standing in the clouds, or a disciple of the sect, or even a low-level cultivator who is panicked like a dog in the mourning family, the desire for opportunity is equally strong.

   In fact, for these sect monks who had traveled from the sect to the north to search for opportunities and crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to the shore of the North Sea, this trip was extremely tortuous and could be called a life of nine deaths.

   From the violent void shock wave when I just left Shenxian City, to the **** battle between the North Sea Center and the Daxia Invincible Army, it can be said that it has gone through countless hardships to reach the shore of this fairy island.

   In this way, it is enough to see the sect monks including the GCC and others, at this time, their hearts are impassioned.

The opportunity of Beihai Tianda is ahead, and the sect monks who are under the shock of their minds can hardly notice the abnormality around the cliff seaside. If you take a bird's eye view of the entire island bank from the sky, you will find the sea on the shore of the fairy island. Above, it surrounds one after another small islands, densely packed, like stars.

   "Control the abyss sea snake, speed up and approach the fairy island!"

The GCC, which is a geosnake in the southeastern waters of Daxia, can be called the home field under the ocean environment. In addition to the sea fortress-like GCC, there are other good methods, including this The abyss sea snake under the seat of the people repaired.

The speed of these sea snakes on the water surface is extremely fast, even surpassing the large number of flying races struggling to wave their wings. Then, under the instructions of the elders, the mighty GCC monks on the sea surface Amidst the laughter, they came from behind, surpassing the rest of the sect monks who had rushed out first, and took the first place.


The sound of the abyssal sea snakes breaking through the sea and rushing forward is the same as the whistling of the arrow from the string tearing through the void, and then rolling into the huge waves that are separated on both sides, a large array of sea snakes bypasses the stars and dots. The islands on the shore of the sea formally rushed under the sea cliff.

   At the next breath, the GCC's energetic voice continued to roll out:

   "The snake has four legs and officially landed on the island!"

After speaking, the purple poisonous mist surrounding the body of an abyss sea snake was even worse. After a second, four animal claws protruded directly from under the sea snake’s belly, and the whole body jumped from the sea, firmly grasping the extremely steep The cliffs, like geckos, twist their bodies and climb up the rock quickly.

This is an extremely strange picture, and the secretly planned GCC for a long time, at this moment, demonstrated the strength far surpassing the rest of the sects, and directly became the first company to bring an army of monks under its command to climb the Daiyu Mountain. Of the sect.

  Thinking about this, the delicate face of the GCC club host raised his mouth and smiled, and then his cracked mouth even worsened, sticking out his tongue like a sea snake, laughing wildly.

   After a few dozen breaths, the three-headed sea snake under the main seat of the GCC, four-legged violent force, the entire huge body straightened and jumped, like a dragon flying over the dragon gate, and completely jumped onto the Daiyu fairy mountain.

   landed on all fours, the wild laugh of the GCC leader came directly, resounding across the sea:

   "The sky is above, this North Sea opportunity will be my possession!"

   However, before this crazy voice, the voice of the GCC master suddenly stopped, because at this time, the scene in front of all the GCC monks, except for barrenness, could not even be described in other words.

   The whistling gust of wind, engulfed in the dust dancing everywhere, there was almost no water vapor in the air in front of him, let alone the hidden treasures, even the breath of life could not be felt.

   "Master Huizhu, this, what does this fairy island look like?"

   After the elder's slightly hoarse voice came out, the GCC leader standing proudly on the head of the three-headed sea snake, clenched his fists, carefully looked at the endless desert in front of him, and responded:

   "Still the same sentence, keep a good attitude for the Lord of the Association, know that the treasure will always cover the barrenness."

After   , the slender master of the meeting, a gloomy color that is not easily detectable flashed in his eyes, and the voice continued:

   "Send someone to search outside, familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment first, and report immediately if you find it!"

   "Yes, Lord Huizhu!"

   After the response of the elders behind him fell, the figure flying in the robe rose and fell several times, leading the monk on the sea snake on the side to spread out.

After    half a pillar of incense, more and more sect monks climbed from the sea below to the cliffs on the shore, and then a stream of extremely dissatisfied voices continued to sound:

   "This is the fairy island that we've worked so hard to reach? If it wasn't for the place where Lao Tzu was injured and still aching, I even thought I was back in the Gobi desert of Liusha County!"

   "Yes, the heaven and the earth here are as thin as the North Sea, and it is a land of abandonment. How can it be possible to say that there are some treasures of heaven and earth!"

   These voices from the sect monks were filled with deep disappointment. It is true that facing the extremely barren desert next door, under the extreme drop, these monks even showed bloodshot eyes in their eyes.

   Then some cultivators who are quite experienced in tracking techniques squatted down, reached out their hands and grabbed a handful of yellow sand on the ground, gently squeezed, and continued with a strong voice:

   "The old man can't feel the slightest breath of water in the sand, which means that this area has been abandoned for nearly ten thousand years, and its level of dilapidation is even worse than that of Liusha County!"

  As soon as the monk's words came out, the complexions of the people around him suddenly changed, and they exclaimed:

   "It was dilapidated for tens of thousands of years, which means that the fairy island was torn apart by the war before it sank. We were deceived. There is no such thing as a fairy mountain!"

   "Friends of Daoist said that this is wrong, and the immortal island human tribe that suddenly appeared above the North Sea is so powerful, I would not believe it if there is no chance."

   There are many intelligent and extraordinary people in the group of Beihai monks, so different analysis sounds came out. Then these people looked into the distance, and the voice continued to spread:

   "Under the avenue, there is no chance that is easily available, so the biggest problem now is to find something of value.

   "It's no wonder that these land gods who arrived early have been hanging the kingdom in the air, maybe even them will have difficulty making up their minds for a while."

   The voice fell, and all the monks who heard the words raised their heads and stared at the seven-wheeled kingdom above their heads that exuded the vast light and was vying for the glory of the sun.

   Suddenly, the brows of these cultivators suddenly jumped fiercely, because the seven rounds of vast kingdoms fell at the same time in an instant, lowering the height of their suspension in the air by a full half.

At the same time, the boundless violent momentum rushed down from top to bottom, rushing up countless sand and dust on the ground, shocking countless dust storms that covered the sky and the sun, and then the sect monks on the ground shouted in surprise. , Rush to avoid.

In the next moment, among the rolling yellow sand and dust, a burst of light burst out, and instantly spread out, like a scroll of heaven and earth slowly unfolding, and then a heroic and young voice suddenly came out, resounding. Between the whole world:

  "Raising a tornado storm, I am yellow sand, and I will leave the earth at any time and drift by myself, because of the wind.

   "The wind is coming!"

   The sound fell, and the endless wind appeared out of thin air, rolling up countless dust and roaring!


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