
read2();   Deep in the North Sea of ​​the Great Profound Land, the extremely northern boundary city that stands on top of the sky, stands on the sky like an ancient gate, and is swallowing every moment of madness. The endless gray fog of road abandoned.

Above the North Sea Void where the Nine Heaven Vault was completely shattered, the fog of Taoism left after the Chaos Sea ebbs is endless. Therefore, even if this extremely northern boundary city has indescribable swallowing power, it still takes a long time. It takes only a few days to completely absorb this fog.

The thick gray fog gathered under the far north boundary city, making the sea surface in the center of the North Sea dim everywhere, day and night intertwined, and the crisis-ridden center of the North Sea, the fleet headed by the GCC just entered After that, he directly gave the head a blow.

Only the first wave of violent impact from the front has already completely formed the formation of the monk fleet, instantly rushing outwards, and a large number of warships that were too late to open the defensive enchantment were engulfed by the ships. Above the sky, flying up and down, the scene is extremely shocked.

   "The defensive enchantment on the right side of Haihe Daship's body was smashed into pieces. The impact and sea water poured into it, and there were casualties among the disciples. Enter vitality and make up for the enchantment first!

   A roar of incomparable horror came from Lin Xing's mouth, who was lying on the ground. This voice was no longer calm and indifferent, but subconsciously brought full horror.

At the same time, in his eyes, Junior Brother Fang, who was still communicating with each other before, only took a moment to become a blood mist that was washed away by the sea, and then Lin Xing's pupils swelled and shrank fiercely, because through the front In the void, you can see another transparent ripple, like a heavy hammer, blasting through the fragmented enchantment, accompanied by the fierce sea attack.

   "Damn, how powerful is this, it can directly smash Daship's enchantment!"

   A roar continued from Lin Xing's mouth, and then his two hands suddenly pressed the deck in front of him, and began to fully mobilize all the vitality in his body.

In the next breath, a very strange purple energy gushed out from inside Lin Xing's body, and directly condensed behind it into a hideous sea snake phantom. Then the sea snake opened its big mouth with exposed fangs and charged towards the front. The waves were rolling, and he opened his mouth and let out a purple breath.

The dark purple poisonous mist turned into a barrier in front of Lin Xing, like a cocoon, the former was completely wrapped in it, but the energy fluctuations from the most core level in the world of the Supreme Profound Land were far from a GCC core disciple. withstand.

   therefore only resisted for less than a breath, and the purple gas poison barrier was also torn apart by violent violent, Lin Xing's body was blasted backwards, directly hitting the mast behind, and let out a muffled snort.

   Under the impact of the violent aftermath, Lin Xing's internal organs were almost completely misplaced. After he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, he looked around blankly and found that there were a large number of monks around, and no one could stand on the deck.

   The vast majority of the GCC monks who were crushed by the shock wave were completely shredded into blood like the previous Junior Brother Fang, and a small part was moaning and moaning on the deck.

   However, Lin Xing, who was already seriously injured at this time, could no longer take care of the nearby monks of the same clan who were dying, because under the sea that was rolling apart on both sides of the front direction, the infinite pure golden light rose up into the sky, shining everywhere.

The dazzling golden light instantly spread out on the rolling sea surface, covering everything around it completely in this golden sea. At the same time, more and more intense bubbles rolled from the bottom of the deep sea, and There were extremely dense grunts.

At the next breath, before the opening of the big ship barrier in front of Lin Xing, one after another human figures suddenly appeared, and then several GCC elders shot forward at the same time, the strong blue vitality spread forward like a long snake, and the combined force will be poured in. The sea water inside the ship retreated outwards and began to quickly make up for the broken barrier.

   At the same time, a feminine and harsh voice resounded in everyone's ears:

   "Stop the boat!"

   Soon after the command of the GCC leader fell, the entire army of warships moving forward, under the control of a large number of sect monks, gradually stopped.

   But if you observe with your eyes fixedly, you will find that around the extremely large Haihe Big Ship, the wrecks of warships from other sects are floating around, and the cry for help and wailing of those undead monks are one after another.

   "The golden light fills the sky and occupies the entire surface of the sea. Between every move, the sea trembles. Those with such power must be the Great Lord Jinhai."

On the deck, a great sect master's vigorous voice sounded, and then together with the top masters on Haihe Da Ship, his eyes were fixed on the center of the golden sea that was rolling in front of him, and his eyes were full of dignity. .

   Then the GCC club master in a dark blue robe stretched out his tongue like a snake, licked his lips, and the strange voice continued:

"As the gatekeeper of the former Immortal Palace Saint Palace, Great Lord Jin Hai is naturally the best in the world, but what makes this Association Master feel uneasy is that there is anything else on the North Sea that can make Great Lord Jin Hai show such a strong With the strength of, even hesitate to plate the entire depths of the North Sea into gold!"

   As soon as the voice of the GCC leader fell, under the surface of the sea in front of the GCC, there was a loud noise almost enough to smash the eardrum:


   At the same time, between the infinite golden waters, a boundless giant jumped directly out of the sea, and after stepping firmly on the rolling sea, it roared to the sky, and a louder roar resounded through the clouds:

   "Damn sleepless creatures, dare to be presumptuous in the land of the Supreme Profound, and roll back to your chaotic sea for the deity!"

   After the roar resounded like thunder, the Great Lord Jin Hai bent his legs and jumped directly to the top of the sky.

   An instant later, the huge golden body rushed directly into the sky like a cannonball, and at the same time split the dense fog of Taoism over the center of the North Sea into two and tore it outward.

   "Defense, defense against shock!"

As the most proud inheritance tool of the GCC, the GCC Grand Ship is already boundless in size. However, the Jinhai Great Master that rushed out of the sea is even a few points larger than the former. The impact produced by Zun's stepping into the sky is even more violent than before.

   An instant later, another powerful shock wave swept outward from the center of the North Sea. At the same time, accompanied by the earth-shaking roar, the scene above the sky gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone on Haihe DaShi.

Behind the gray mist of Daoqi, the Great Lord Jinhai, who was bathed in the dazzling golden light, was swinging his heavy punches like a hill, punching punches on the gray-black behemoth in front of him, outward There was a loud noise like a cracking sky.

What's more striking is that not far from the two giants of heaven and earth fighting, round after round of kingdoms belonging to the land gods and fairyland, standing in the sky, exuding the infinite power that oppresses the entire world. .

   then saw the exact appearance of the head of the sect above the sky, and opened his mouth together and let out a strange cry:

   "One, three, five, seven, heaven is above, above the sea in the center of the North Sea, there are seven land gods in the fairyland!"


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