The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1431: Great victory


read2();   "Sima Annan took the people, where did he arrive in Beihai at this time?"

   In the imperial hall of the White Emperor's Palace, the voice of the young emperor's question was heard, and then Zhao Yu raised his right hand and gently waved at the mountain and sea map above.

The next breath, the vast and pure silver light rushed from top to bottom into the mountain and sea map above the center of the hall, and then the scene in the map suddenly began to change, and the entire perspective was pulled upwards, turning from the battlefield of the Shura domain. For a bird's eye view of the entire northern border of Taixuan Land.

   The vast northern land was lit up everywhere, and then Li Chunfeng below raised his hand and pointed at a sea area not far from the vast land of Shenzhou. The old response sounded:

"Your Majesty, this is the sea area where the great powers of the land and the fairyland of the sleepless giants and the Taixuan first broke out. Now Lord Sima Annan is taking the military plane and the other celestial nightmare division taboos approaching Here, it should have reached the periphery by this time."

   After the words fell, Li Chunfeng, with a smile, stroked the white beard on his chest, raised his hand to face the mountain and sea map above, and his confident voice continued to ring through everyone's ears:

   "Your Majesty, my colleagues, please take a look. This is where the Sleepless Giant Ao is currently confronting these exalted overhaulers. Compared with the beginning, it has moved northward and is getting closer and closer to the coastline of the Solar Empire."

After   , Li Chunfeng continued to raise his hand a little, and then a huge red dot continued to appear on the map of mountains and seas. I saw this red dot representing the location of the violent battle, which was already very close to the coast of Daiyu Immortal Mountain.

   "The power of the top-level overhaul of the Great Profound Land is indeed extraordinary. It is really horrible to be able to retreat the sleepless gods that have gradually and fully recovered."

   Gazing into the picture scroll of mountains and seas in front of him, the red dots slowly moving more and more toward the fairy mountain, the sighs of some veterans of the Ministry of War sounded in the Huangji Hall.

After the end of several battles, under countless **** killings, most areas of the North Sea today are already within Daxia's grasp, and until this time, all talents can lock all their eyes and energy on this most difficult Above the gnawed bones.

   "The harder it is, the harder it is to eat at the end!"

The emperor's voice from Zhao Yu's mouth was steady with a vast and endless imperial might, from top to bottom, overwhelming the entire hall, and then the young emperor picked up a cup of bitter tea that had just been poured on the imperial table. He opened his mouth and took a sip.

   Since Zhao Yu learned that every time Rouge makes tea, he consumes the power of his body. In the past few years, he has never let Rouge make tea again.

   But just after the **** battle in the North Sea began, the Summer Palace of the White Emperor's Harem, a steady stream of tea was sent out by the maids, placed on the royal table of the young emperor.

   Daxia Country Mother Rouge and the two little guys used the bitter tea personally brewed to tell the young Daxia Lord, who was sitting on the throne at this time and had not closed his eyes for a few days, silently supported him.

   Zhao Yu was not alone. Similarly, the frontline soldiers fighting in the Shura region at this time, the Sitian monks who were investigating the storm-raging sea, etc., were not alone.

   Behind them is a powerful and prosperous country, Daxia!

For Zhao Yu, the bitter tea made with rouge has a unique taste in the whole world. After the unique taste of bitterness and sweetness intertwined, Zhao Yu's slightly stiff body suddenly relaxed slightly, countless spiritual thoughts flowed, and a little faint. The rising head is also clearer.

   Then the young emperor continued to lift his cup and sip, a flat voice came down:

   "Xue Bancheng, on the coast of the border between the Solar Empire and the North Sea, are the things prepared by Fatty and Xihongchen in place?"

   As soon as this emperor's voice came out, the expressions of all the officials who knew the inside story, including Li Chunfeng, instantly became extremely solemn, as if they had infinite power, suddenly pressing on everyone's shoulders.

   Then Xue Bancheng, with his extremely beautiful face, directly knelt on his knees, and kowtowed Zhao Yuzhong above him, and a young response came out:

   "Lady Washi spent nearly two years on the islands on the shore of the East China Sea in Daxia, during which time she accumulated the magical powers of mines."

   When talking about the word landmine, Xue Bancheng paused, because even people with great wisdom like him had an inevitable fear of the former.

   Fear comes from the unknown, but also from the extreme power!

   Then under the steps of the Palace of Emperors, the young Xuemin who stooped to report took a deep breath and spoke again:

  " Afterwards, these islands in the East China Sea were transported by Zhong Lizhan, the Taboo of the Radiant Army, and the children of the Western Man King Zhong Li, who had the ability to move mountains, and all reached the coast of the Sun Empire.

   "In other words, everything is available now, just wait for the moment when these land gods and others set foot on Daiyu Mountain!"

After    Xue Bancheng finished speaking, he suddenly lifted his head, stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and at the same time, in the icy blue pupils, there seemed to be endless flames and fires rising into the sky.

   He has smelled it, the smell of killing and gunpowder in the dark!

   Not only is Xue Bancheng, but the core officials of Daxia in the Huangji Hall subconsciously breathed for a while, and then took a breath.

Then Zhao Yu, who was behind the table, put down the bitter teacup in his hand, and the faint sound of the teacup colliding with the table at this time was heard by everyone below, like an angry thunder roaring directly in his mind, tightly Then the voice of the young emperor resounded everywhere:

"Since the beginning of the **** battle in the North Sea, countless monks in the Great Profound Land have their heads beheaded by our soldiers. The hot blood drifts to all directions along with the tide of the North Sea, and it may not be long before Daxia’s prestigious name will Spread throughout the land of Taixuan.

"More and more people in the Great Profound Land will feel the strength of our human race, but this is not enough. What I want is not only to make people feel powerful, but also to be afraid. Fear!"

"I, I want to use an unprecedented fireworks in the entire Taixuan Land to overturn hundreds of millions of sacred fires and extinguish the dome galaxy, so as to declare to the heavens and all things that my Yangyang Daxia proudly stands in the north, does not believe in the gods, and does not believe in fate! "

While the domineering words of the young emperor rolled out, outside the imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace, a sergeant wearing a frontline warrior armor, strode directly into the imperial hall gate, with a high voice. Then swept outward:

   "Report, victory, victory on the front line of the North Sea battlefield, the South Palace of the Holy Court was completely annihilated."

   The roar of the soldiers lingered in the hall, and then the former came directly to the emperor's high platform and knelt down, and the voice continued:

   "On the order of the Marshal of the Frontline Soldier and Horse King, I hereby report to your Majesty that the North Sea Frontline has won a great victory, and the Fire Mansion Heavenly Soldiers were killed and wounded countlessly. At the same time, they captured the Southern King Xiliu.

   "In addition, according to Master Windrunner's report, another person was captured, who is the core pavilion of the Supreme Profound Land Divine Machine Pavilion!"


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