The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1406: Death immortality?


read2();  "Hide, hurry up, this is a pure and incomparable big sun flow. Our warship does not have the terrifying defensive ability of the giant beast above. Once covered by this flow, barriers When the barrier is touched, it will be transformed, and the monks in the ship will also be directly turned into ashes!"

   When Liang broke up against the Nantian King Xiliu's three fans of the gods of extinction and the torrent of supernatural powers of the Huofu Heavenly Soldiers, he jumped up and used Roshan's claws to directly blast the falling Nine Heavens God Sun.

In the entire Asura domain, countless blasted pure golden sun fluids suddenly turned into torrential rain-like flaming golden rain, which covered the North Sea with a mighty force, causing countless primordial places on the battleship below. The monks changed their complexions and shouted wildly.

   The power of the scorching sun flow is undoubtedly, it contains the extreme heat that can burn all things, so after the rain of fire fell, the entire fleet of Taixuan Land suddenly became chaotic.

The warships that were swaying from side to side under the impact of the momentum, under the control of the monks in a hurry, quickly reinforced the shining magical barriers outwards, and began to move quickly, trying their best to avoid the overturning flame rain above. .

   "Left full rudder, quickly avoid the fire and rain, the monk prepares with supernatural powers to strengthen the barriers for this elder desperately!"

An extremely anxious roar came from the warship, and then an old man with white beard and hair jumped directly from the left side of the deck to the right side, raising his head and watching a large group of falling sun's slurry, his mouth Continue to urge:

   "Turn the rudder quickly, why are you still stunned?"

   The hoarse roar of the old monk did not stop, and a panic response followed:

   "Elder, there is no way to make a full rudder left. Some other warships have also turned around. It is a ship of the Night Voyage Sect. Its size is several times the size of ours, and it can't be hit."

   "If you don't hit it, you will have to hit the elder, otherwise you will die under the cover of the sun!"

   The old monk let out a hoarse roar, and then the entire warship, under the monk's control, drove to the left with its rudder, and quickly approached the other big ship that had hit the side with full force.

After the second breath, accompanied by the horrified screams and shouts of countless monks, the two warships collided with each other without fancy, and then a large number of monks on the ship fell to one another under the violent impact, and the shouts were even louder. very.

In the next moment, a loud crash sounded across the sea, and only a short time later, the small warship where the old monk was in was directly knocked back to its original position at a faster speed. At the same time, the golden sun fell from above. The slurry happened to hit the defensive barrier outside the warship.


After a very harsh scorching sound, outside of this warship, the defensive enchantment gathered and reinforced by the strength of all the monks of the whole ship was like a fragile bubble, which burst at the touch of it, and then the golden flow continued. Falling down and hitting onto the deck.

   "My son, my life is dead!"

   The eyes of the old monk clearly reflected the sight of the sun smashing into the deck, and then he raised his eyes to the sky and let out a cry of fear.

   In the next instant, countless great sun flames burst from below the deck, swallowing the entire ship in an instant, and no monk could escape the envelope of the fire snake.

The golden syrup rain over the Asura domain is still pouring down mightily, as the so-called immortal fights, and mortals suffer. For the monks in the Taixuan Land on the sea at this moment, they truly understand what is the weak. Life and death are involuntary.

Above the turbulent sea, large expanses of raging fireworks raged wildly, devouring a large number of ships and monks in the Taixuan Land, and their souls were destroyed. Above the sky, Liang Po continued to use sharp and huge beast claws to be violent. He slapped the big sun crane where the Nantian King Xiliu was.

The louder and louder roar rolls around from above, and then countless abysses are surrounded by black light. The indestructible Roshan Demon King Liangpo completely ignores the constantly increasing power of the sun, stretches out his claws, and flows more and more in the west Under the icy gaze, he slowly pierced in the halo of the big sun that was cracked in front of him, and opened it outward.

   "This king admits that among all the people I have encountered, your defense can be called the strongest, but under the bright sun, you are not allowed to have such an impudent creature in the abyss."

Huanghuang divine sound came from the mouth of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and then the former raised his left hand and slammed it at the railing of the big sun crane in front of him, then lifted it up again, grabbing a handful of red gold directly from the infinite scorching sun and golden light. The bow of the big sun pointed forward.

   At the next breath, the fan-shaped five-fire seven-ling fan suddenly turned into a streamer and appeared on the bowstring of the Great Sun's bow. It was buckled by the Nantian King Xiliu with his right hand and pulled back.

With the opening of the bow of the big sun, the already dazzling inside of the nine days big sun, the more violent and dazzling golden light once again shone out and burst, an indescribable golden streamer penetrated the entire inside of the big sun, at the same time Point straight at Liang Po's brow.

   Then the Nantian King Xiliu pulled the bowstring to its limit. The streamer arrow on the string, which was transformed by the five-fire seven-wing fan, exudes a dazzling colorful light, and the voice continued to be heard:

"In the ancient times, the ancient giant of Longbo Kingdom held this bow and chased the big sun across most of the world. Although he died of exhaustion and thirst in Yu Yuan, the bow of the sun has since become unimaginable. This king doesn't believe it, you can still block it at such a close distance!"

   The voice fell, the Nantian King Xiliu's right hand was directly released, and at the same time a fierce roar from the ancient Longbo giant sounded in the bow of the day.

   This roar carries the extreme unwillingness and resentment of the ancient giant before his death!

   "Supernatural power. Giant's grudge!"

   At the next breath, the colorful streamer arrow suddenly disappeared directly from the golden string of the Bow of the Sun. The entire center of the North Sea, after the infinite golden light was diffused, was once again completely flooded with colorful light.

Before this bow, time and space seemed to have lost their original meaning. Perhaps after a moment, before Liang Po’s eyebrows, colorful arrows appeared again, directly blasting into the lingering abyss outside Liang Po’s body with a sharp and unparalleled edge. Within the kingdom of Wuguang Abyss.

   The collision and friction between the vast and colorful streamer arrow and the abyssal nest country is hard to describe in words. Except for the harsh sound, everything in the entire North Sea and sky began to appear violently twisted.

Then an extraterritorial void black hole with infinite gravitation suddenly formed in a self-confrontation. At the same time, the black hole soared outwards, like the violent mouth of a giant void beast. It sucked inward, sending the sun into the abyss The mist swallowed through.

   Then the colorful streamer arrow continued to move forward, approaching the center of Liang Po's brow at extreme speed.

   "This time this king will see if you die!"


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