
read2();   When Liang Poyu launched a violent charge against the Great Sun Crane on the wall of the Heaven and Earth Fortress, the monks of the Taixuan Land above the sea opened their mouths to sneer.

   Some people say that the moths are fighting the fire, and Liang Po, who actively seeks death, can only insist on ten breaths. Others say that even five breaths are enough. Some monks even vowed that it will be completely wiped out in an instant.

   But time is slowly passing by one minute and one second, one breath, two breaths, ten breaths, twenty breaths.

   The deafening cracks, dragons, and the roar of the sky over the entire Shura Region all heralded an astonishing battle with one person against the entire Da Ni South Palace.

   The beams under the radiance of countless red suns, instead of being directly smashed into powder, declared to the world in an unheard of way, the blind trust of countless people in Daxia is not unreasonable!

   "The sky is above, how is this possible? The downward trend of the Nine Heavens God Sun really slowed down, indicating that the Immortal Island Human Race really contained the entire blazing sun's fall abruptly!"

   On the surface of the North Sea, the high-ranking monk in the Taixuan Land who had finally regained control of his body was confined by the arrogant Sun.

   Then the rest of the people next to him continued with a hoarse retort:

"The power and light of these nine days are too vast. It is already extremely rare for me to be able to speak at this time, let alone to use my spiritual sense to investigate the situation. Therefore, in addition to the sound, let's fight against the sky above the sun. I don’t know, it’s not that the Nantian King Xiliu Zun wanted to tease this person, so he didn’t kill him as soon as he came up."

The person’s voice just fell, and he wanted to open his mouth to explain a few more words, so he opened his mouth and swallowed the words that had already been spoken abruptly, staring roundly at the sky above the sky, as if one was being vigorously. The frog caught its neck and stopped breathing for a while.

At the next breath, two extremely painful dragons roared from the sky, and then two giants fell directly from the golden-red shining sun. At first there were two inconspicuous black spots, and then everyone's eyes. It zoomed in rapidly, revealing a real look that made people look upright.

   Those are two huge blue dragons whose bodies are completely extinguished by the sun's fireworks!

   "Boom boom!"

After    two breaths, the falling Great Sun Canglong smashed into the North Sea, causing a lot of huge waves. At the same time, all the cultivators of the Taixuan Land around shook subconsciously, with a little stuttering voice:

   "It's the Great Sun Canglong, the Great Sun Canglong pulling the crown block, unexpectedly, the spirit **** was wiped out and smashed down!"

   "Not only the spirit **** was obliterated, even Cang Yan was annihilated, my God, could we be dragged into the illusion and have hallucinations?"

As soon as this person’s voice fell, there was another loud noise and dragon roar above the sky, and then the red gold sun was torn apart again, and another big sun dragon fell powerlessly from the sky, and this time, Beyond the torn hole where the blue dragon fell, everyone could vaguely see some blurry scenes above the sky.

I saw a huge black-brown behemoth roaring and roaring above the sky within the infinite blazing fire. The body of this behemoth was so large that everyone could only vaguely see the numerous mysterious runes on its body. Huge scale armor, and the abyssal black awns that shoot outward from above the scale armor.

   Although this abyssal Umong is not as dense and dazzling as the sun's brilliance that occupies the entire sky, it is like an indestructible wall of heaven and earth, blocking the scorching sun stream from the whole body like a tide.

   "What kind of monster has this Daxia human race turned into?"

Under the utterly shocking murmurs, Liang Po, who directly transformed into the Great Demon King Roshan from the sky, poured out with infinite frenzied aura, and then completely ignored the endless frenzied impact around him, and stretched out enough. Grabbing the huge beast claws in the void, closing his hands together, directly biting the last charge, the Great Sun Canglong firmly pinched in front of him.

Then a strong tyrannical killing intent flashed through the dark brown eyes of the Great Demon King of Roshan, the hideous wings and wings flicked on the back, the scales on both hands were erected, and the dark abyss of the dark light drew the blue dragon outside the body. The law of the scorching sun is directly corroded and exhausted.


   An extremely painful dragon howl once again shook the hearts of all those who heard it, and then the voice of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu with a little horror directly resounded across the sky:

   "Block the big day's rotation, presumptuous!"

After the voice of    fell, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu lifted his left hand from the railing of the overhead crane in front of him for the first time, and then quickly formed the seal, matched the five-fire seven-ling fan on his right hand, and pointed at the front Liang Po fiercely.

   "Heavenly soldiers transform into spirits, burn heaven and boil the earth!"

After the words were finished, in the mighty downward pressure of the big sun crane, countless celestial soldiers roared out suddenly, and then one after another the spirits of the fire mansion heavenly soldiers wearing scarlet armor, before the towering crane Appeared, and a few breaths formed a raging fire formation, together with infinite brilliance, launched a charge against the Roshan Demon King.

   Before the charge of the spirit soldiers, the torrent of flames went first.

Then the scale armor was broken by the red beam reflected by the torrent of flames, and he threw the last blue dragon in his hand toward the sea below, raised his claws with fists, like a hammer sky, and the wings on the back stretched outwards, and the sky made a whistling sound. Howl, an ear-piercing roar like roaring but not roaring:


  The abyss roared out of the beam's breach, carrying a mighty force belonging to the lowest level of the Jiuyou Hell, sweeping outwards, and even pushing the surrounding sun flames outward.

   At the next breath, the huge body of the Great Demon King Roshan jumped up from the void, ignoring the rushing fire and streamers, and directly smashed it violently.

   looks like this, like a sea of ​​blazing flames, smashed down a powerful abyss behemoth, set off countless fire waves, recklessly!

What makes it difficult for the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu and countless monks in the Great Profound Land to understand is that this behemoth of heaven and earth has a defensive power beyond imagination, no matter how fierce, how dense, or even the surrounding bombardment containing the law of the sun is. Unable to break through the black light of the abyss that Liang broke through.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Thunder hammer!"

   After an instant, his entire body smashed into Liang Po, who was in the raging formation of the heavenly soldiers, and the heavy fist that lifted the sky directly hit the violent hammer and hit the void in front of him.


   A burst of louder than ever before burst into the void, and then with the huge body of the Great Demon King Roshan as the center, one after another visible ripples swept outwards frantically.

   ripples across the border, space and time are all crushed, under the illusion of ten thousand years, countless holy court fire palace heavenly soldiers are directly shocked into the void, it is difficult to move.

   At the same time, the ultimate supernatural power that was still pouring out mightily and violently, ripped the sun shrouded in the sky and extinguished it.

   Thunder hammered the ripples across the border, and the fireworks of the big day went out, just like an abyss tengu appeared on the edge of the big day, and began to eat wildly on the scorching sun.

   Then Liang Po's fiercely violent and ferocious body suddenly appeared above the void, oppressing all directions.

   "Da Ri, the nine days of Da Ri is torn apart!"

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