The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1401: Chasing the sun


read2();  On the vast land of the great summer of China, the past few years have sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain, and one after another young talents have emerged continuously.

The taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division will not mention it for the time being. Under the ups and downs of the heavens, a large number of talented young people have emerged as the times require, and in the minds of these young people, in addition to the imperial palace dominating the whole In addition to Daxia's Zhao Yu, there is also a young man who is regarded as an idol.

  His name is Liang Po.

   Reticent, unbeaten.

   Growing up with Emperor Fuyao, whether in a small village outside Jiangling City or the solemn Baidi Palace in Shenjing City, Liang Po’s burly body will always be by the side of the emperor.

  The talents topped the entire Daxia, but at a young age, he has been called invincible by the world!

  All of these, each one is in full compliance with the illusions of these newcomers to the strong. The young are invincible, and they hold up a sky without speaking. How bold and happy is this?

   There are talented people from generation to generation, after Guan Zhengqing, Liang Po has become a well-deserved role model in the minds of young men.

Therefore, the burly body of the present one jumped from the top of the stage and began to run on the walls of the fortress of heaven and earth. In the 36 states of Daxia behind, countless young people who saw him turned red. From the place collapsed, began to cheer:

   "Master Liang, Master Liang, he was sent to the front line by His Majesty from the White Emperor Palace!"

   These words shouted from countless young people, with full confidence, as if Liang Po was not running forward on the city wall alone, but led countless soldiers in a violent charge.

   Then more and more Da Xia Zimin recognized Liang Po's easy-to-recognizable figure, and began to roar and cheer as well.

   Bright bald head, extremely burly body, and delicate face all herald the unique identity of the vast land of China.

   The Great Guard!

   "Master Liang has made a move, and it will definitely be able to block the powerful and intrepid supernatural powers of the Southern Heavenly King of the Profound Sky. His Majesty once said in person that the person who wins Master Liang is like a fortress of heaven and earth."

A loud cry with joy came from the mouths of the people of Daxia, especially the people of Shenjing City at the feet of the emperor, who had extremely blind faith, but for the Tai Xuanzhi on the Beihai warship. For the local monks, the situation is completely opposite.

Their expressions were weird, and there was even a thick joking color in their eyes. Then some heads of the sect hovering above the void, watching the array of soldiers on the city wall below spread out to both sides, at the same time. The burly figure running wild in the formation could not help but let out a sneer:

   "A person charged at the Six Dragons Big Sun Crane. It is either demonized or demented. Using flesh and blood to fight against the power of the cycle of heaven and earth, it really laughs off the big teeth of this sovereign."

   After the words fell, the rest of the monks in the Great Profound Land beside them nodded and agreed:

"In the final analysis, this fairy island creature that was pulled out of the North Sea is essentially just a frog looking at the sky from the bottom of a well. We have never seen the vastness and stalwart shores of our Taixuan Land. The strength of these human races is not Weak, but in terms of insights, tut tut!"

   Although the sect elder didn't finish his words, he has fully revealed his meaning.

   Then these sect monks, who had been out of breath by the Nantian King and Daxia in the battle, began to comment as if they had finally found their own superiority:

"This human race who is rushing forward is burly in shape. Looking at the robe on his body, he is the same as the three great monks before. It should also be a strong general. Everyone thinks that this person can be on the big sun crane of the Southern Heavenly King. How long will it last under the crush?"

   "Ten breaths, although this person is not vigorous, but his burly body should be good at defensively, perhaps he can hold on to ten breaths."

"No, Elder Li may have been bluffed by this immortal island human race's previous battle. Look at this sect master, five breaths at most. This is the nine-day day with infinite light above our heads. Five breaths are counted. many."

   As soon as this person’s voice fell, a different voice sounded again:

"According to legend, in ancient times, there was an ancient giant who tried to chase the crane driven by Xi and the godmother in order to conquer the sun. He only chased after Yu Yuan and died of thirst under the power of the sun. The ancient myth Even if the giant is like this, how can it be compared to the little human race below, so in my humble opinion, this person can't even hold on to it."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire crowd of the sect of the Great Profound Realm fell into silence directly, and the faces of each monk showed a little uncomfortable color, because after tens of thousands of years of **** battle in the North Sea, this ancient The giants of the Longbo Kingdom, like the humans, have also become taboos that few people talk about.

   Then on the Shenji Pavilion battleship above the sea, a young disciple looked up and asked:

   "Leo Ge, what do you think?"

   "The secrets of heaven are changing and the luck is reorganized. Before the matter is settled, it is difficult for the old man to judge."

After a period of calming down, the excited and impatient old man on the battleship also gradually recovered his calmness. A sigh flashed through his old and wise eyes, and then he raised his hand and patted the book in front of him. With the faint light of the divine machine ceremony, he continued to speak:

   "Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the old man, even if he tried desperately this time, will have to tell the story of the battle. The entire Taixuan Land will undergo drastic changes starting from this battle!"

  Shen Ji Ge Ge Lao's words just fell, the light of the scorching sun over the North Sea Asura Region was instantly richer than ten times, and besides the vast golden light, there was also a billowing red glow that burned everything.

   "The big sun crane was completely thrown out of the Fusang sacred tree. Hurry up to reinforce the barrier outside the warship, otherwise I will be directly lit by the flood of big sun fireworks!"

When the Six Dragon Crane ascended eastward, the monks of the Supreme Profound Land on the countless warships roared, and then the warship enchantment above these people's heads suddenly began to tremble with extreme intensity, and even flowed out and melted. Liquid afterwards.

   Fortunately, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, who was driving the crane, smashed almost all the majesty of the sun against the wall of the fortress in front of the sky, which made the warships on the sea not directly burned.

At the same time, the entire fortress wall was shrouded in extreme brilliance, which made it difficult to look directly at the golden red light. However, in the next breath, within the golden red light, there was a rhythmic beat of armor. The sound is like countless soldiers shouting and cheering for the charging soldiers.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

Under the sound of uniform bombardment, Liang Po's charging figure directly tore the dazzling sunlight and rushed out, his hands spread out, and the flying celestial army robe directly bulged out, just like a big bird about to spread its wings. .

   The beam breaking charge was getting faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the edge of the fortress wall. At the same time, the entire solid wall began to tremble slightly at the feet of the former.

   Then the old man Shenjige's emotional voice came out:

   "In ancient times, there was a giant dragon chasing the sun, and today there is a big summer human race hitting the sun, the world is different!"


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