
read2();   There are countless creatures in the Taixuan Land. Under the core principle of ensuring balance between heaven and earth, different creatures have different life spans.

The Mayfly clan above the East China Sea is dying from life to death with only one sun and shade. Also in the Silver Night Forest of Dongsheng County in the east of the Taixuan Land, a green branch tree Mei clan grew from a tree to adult form. It takes a thousand years.

  The difficulty of the creature race's reproduction determines its time of adulthood. At this time, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, who is standing proudly above the battlefield with a fan, has been in charge of the Nanxing Palace for a long time, but she is still a typical girl.

   The heart of young girls is always arrogant, so from the beginning to the end, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu did not pay attention to the countless monks in the Taixuan Land that were densely packed below, and went north together. It was like this at the beginning, and it is still like this.

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu believes only in himself, and the Heavenly Soldier of the Huofu Heavenly Commander built by himself!

   "The golden snake turns into a bridge, the heavenly soldiers burn flames!"

The stern voice continued to be heard from the west, and then he grasped the five fire and seven feather fan in his hand, and slammed it to the rear. The billowing black smoke and the five-color flame light poured out from the treasure fan again. After coming out, connecting behind him into a piece, all the Heavenly Soldiers of the Fire Mansion that could not be seen at the end were enveloped.

   Afterwards, on the crimson armor of every Fire Palace Heavenly Soldier, the five-colored flames directly began to blaze, and after the destructive aura was united in one place, the black flames were overwhelming.

   After another breath of time, the slender body of the Nantian King Xiliu that exudes golden glow suddenly disappeared. When it reappears, it has already appeared above the blazing bridge formed by ten thousand golden snakes, slowly falling down.

Then, at the moment the Nantian King’s slender feet just stepped on the scales of the golden snake, the tens of thousands of big sun golden snakes that bit into the barriers of the heaven and earth fortress with their fangs under him, as if they saw themselves The racial gods were average and began to tremble violently, and the golden flames beyond the golden scales suddenly soared several times, and the excitement was beyond words.

   At the same time, the cutting and friction sound of the fangs and the fortress barrier was more piercing, reaching everyone's eardrums, and with this creepy sound, the huge golden fangs once again tore the barrier supernatural powers and penetrated deeper.

   "The fangs of this big sun golden snake contain the peculiar piercing law of this race. It has a certain celestial sand power and needs to be cut off by someone."

Above the fortress wall, the voice of a general rang from behind Wang Jing. Then he raised his head and watched the large number of giant snake fangs that were continuously piercing the barrier barrier in front of him, and his eager voice continued to spread. :

"Marshal Wang, the high-ranking monks and the generals of the angry beast army have landed on the city wall in the black dragon guard, and the French army has also condensed the magical powers. You can directly attack and sever these big sun golden snakes with a command. Fangs."

   The front-line general’s notification sound came out, and the point on the platform looked at Wang Jing in front, the eyes under the sword eyebrows appeared thinking, and then the command sound came out clearly:

   "These ten thousand golden snakes will not be removed, but not only the 100,000 heavenly soldiers of the holy court can use this to go straight to the fortress of heaven and earth, and the fleet of monks in the sacred land below will also not be suppressed, so not only must be removed, but also fast!"

Wang Jing’s words just fell, and the monks of the sect on the battleships on the sea below, in the void of the ten thousand golden snake horizontal bars, turned into a barrier to block the thunder cannons and ten arrows rain, finally Xia got a little respite from her suppression.

   Then countless angry flames rose from the eyes of the heads of the sect, and the voices of gritted teeth resounded in the battleship:

   "Repair the formation, treat the wounded, and the rest of the people re-inject the vitality of heaven and earth into the ship cannon, and slam the master forward fiercely. How has our sect suffered such humiliation!"

After the anger came out, these people in the sect raised their heads and looked at the Great Xia Fortress wall above their heads that was hit and burned by countless flames. After hesitating, they took out something from their arms and threw them forward, rising into the wind. Amazingly, it is a flying magic weapon that can accommodate several people.

   "Several elders rushed up to the city wall with this suzerain. The army of the holy court has already begun to charge. I can't wait to fall behind!"

After    finished speaking, these suzerain elders jumped into the flying magic weapon from the deck, turned into a black light, and rushed directly into the sky and the city wall in the sky.

There are many sect monks in the monk army with this idea, so for a time, dense black shadows rose from the battleship, and the vast numbers of monks within the black shadows quickly approached the world fortress ahead by various means. , From a distance, like swarms of bees pouring out of the nest, covering the void.

The violent murderous intent on the entire battlefield fell into white-hot at this moment, and under the cover of the violent counterattack organized by the forces of the Supreme Profound Land, Wang Jing's still steady command sound continued. Resounding through the sky:

   "The Heavenly Army Jiangyue, Li Yi, break the Golden Snake Bridge on the big day, and the French Army's supernatural powers are coming, prepare!

The sound was lingering in the void, and then the aura tumbling on the walls of the heaven and earth fortresses changed 180 degrees in an instant, just like the barriers of the Daxia fortress in the sky and the earth, awakening itself at this instant. Will.

   At the next breath, on both sides of the bridge formed by the golden ten thousand roads, two Radiant Army cannons flew, and the blood-smoked figures appeared at the same time. Between the whole world, there were two earth-shattering **** evil intentions.

   Jiangyue and Li Yi's body surfaces both have a rich and substantial blood glow intertwined and rising, but the rules behind these two scarlet blood glows are completely different.

   The legion commander's body is filled with the vast evil spirit that fills the entire battlefield, and the blood demon Li Yi's body is a real boundless wave of blood.

   Although the ancient origin principles that the two understood are quite different, there is one thing that is beyond doubt.

   Jiangyue and Li Yi were born for the battlefield!

At the next breath, two large swords overflowing with cold light appeared in the hands of the two at the same time, and then the endless blood stretched forward, and the large sword was completely wrapped in the blink of an eye. In the depths of the void, there was a faint sound of countless roads belonging to the soldiers. The shouting roar.

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

After   , Li Yi and Jiang Yue waved their swords, and the dazzling scarlet glow suddenly appeared in the void, directly slashing on the huge fangs of the golden snake pierced into the golden barrier, making a loud sound of fine iron percussion.


After a sharp roar, the two golden fangs condensed from the essence of countless days suddenly appeared in the first crack in the mouth of Da Ri Jin She, and then the infinite blood burst from above the great sword into the crack. , Directly cut off the entire fangs in an extremely violent posture.


   After a stern roar, the original power of the big sun golden snake sprayed from the broken fangs and turned into golden rain shining above the sky.

   The golden fire and rain were beautiful, and then the giant snake body of the big sun golden snake was unable to smash from the city wall. The golden bridge that originally spanned Henglan Tiandi suddenly began to break.


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