
read2();   "In the face of blood, fire and death, both gods and humans will tremble!"

   In the depths of the North Sea, on the top of the Daxiadi Fortress, Wang Jing, as the frontline generals, looked down at the scarlet sea where the battle of life and death was suddenly staged. Yinglang's voice came out.

   Then the young man who had taken over the handsome print of the post-summer era, frowned slightly and continued to speak:

   "In this second **** battle, the action code given by your majesty is called the trembling of the gods, which means that Daxia will fight with this, and formally lay the foundation for a foothold in the land of the supreme!"

The four-character code name of God-Man Trembling just came from Wang Jing's mouth. The void in front of the shouts from the enthusiastic followers of the God of War directly resounded through the void. At the same time, the second scarlet rapid spear thrown out by Peng Mu violently carried incompetence. The might of the God of War that blocked, shred everything in front.

After a breath of   , the roaring wood fire dragon, the origin of fire, was torn apart from the middle, and the spear of the **** of war continued to move forward, appearing in front of the wood fire heaven in a frantic cracking posture that almost ignored time and space, rotating and stabling it.


  The countless roars of warriors from the spear of the God of War rushed directly into the eardrum of the fire heaven general in the wood, and then the fire elves transformed by the latter made a fist and blasted tens of thousands of fists against the war spear ahead.

After a breath, a vast forest condensed by cyan fireworks appeared directly in front of the fireworks in the wood. In this forest, every tree, even every leaf on the tree, is the source of condensed to the limit. Fire in the wood.

   "The wood flames are poured out, everything is destroyed."

   An extremely cold voice came from Muzhong Huo Tianjiang's mouth, and then this green flame forest shrank inward, enveloping the War God's Swift Spear, and then burst outward.

   Then, above the North Sea Asura Region, the sky that was already shattered for most of the sky, once again experienced a baptism of destruction, the sound of crackling space fragmentation was endless, but in the next moment, a dazzling red light appeared again in the raging blue flames.

Then, under unbelievable gazes, this red glow intertwined with lava and thunder, ripped apart the wood, fire and blue flames, and the fire field outside the body of the Huofu Heavenly General. Directly penetrate.

   "What a domineering rule!"

Muzhong Huo Tian will stretch out his right hand, holding the spear of the God of War that penetrates the entire hole, and trying to pull it out of his own body. However, as he said, the dominance of the law of the God of War is beyond his imagination. At the moment of the latter's body, the original battle energy had already confined and strangled the power of the law within the Huofu Heavenly General, causing it to completely lose its resistance.

After    two breaths, the cyan flames quickly faded, and even the Taoist statue disappeared and disappeared, and the wood in the fire heaven general who completely faded into the original appearance, his body crashed down from the sky like a meteor.

   This is the second fire mansion general who was nailed down by the Spear of the God of War after the war!

   The time flowing in the entire Shura domain seemed to have completely stopped at this moment. All the monks in the land of the profound mystery were shocked, their mouths opened and it was difficult to close them.

If it is an ordinary power suzerain, even if it is the helm of a large power such as the GCC guild leader, being pierced into the void by a spear, the rest of the monks will not have such a strong mind shock, but this is under the command of the Holy Court Nantian King The cultivation base is the strongest Huofu genius.

   And the most terrifying thing is that from beginning to end, Peng Mu only shot two spears, but he has completely lost the combat power of the two Huo Fu Tian generals. This is undoubtedly crushing!

   Such an incredible scene, the idea that the monks in the land of the profound mystery would circulate quickly, there was an instant stop, but in this battlefield of life and death, even a fleeting distraction would cause major consequences.

In an instant, the ten-point arrow rain poured down by Daxia Minxiu’s army directly covered countless warships above the sea. One wave, two waves, three waves, saturated arrow rain bombardment, regardless of the ship or the monk’s place. The empty sea enveloped the two under the infinite edge.

Armor-breaking arrows, blasting arrows, and demon-breaking arrows containing celestial sand are fused in proportion to the ten-square arrow rain. After the baptism of the first **** battle, the defensive ability is stronger and the bursting power is even greater. More lethality.

Then in the battlefield in the Shura domain, at the forefront of the monk fleet of the Supreme Profound Land, the rune defensive barriers opened by the battleships were directly blasted out one by one by the demon-breaking arrows surrounding the light of stars. After the mouth, under the horrified roar, a piercing armor and bursting arrows violently shot into the hole.

   "Fill the gap in the enchantment, magical powers, use magical powers to sweep these arrows!"

The roar from the elders of the sect was full of anxiety, and then several divine power streams rose up from the deck, rolled along the cracked hole of the barrier, and poured a large amount of arrows down like rain. , And the loud voice continued to sound:

   "How do the arrows used by these primitive talents smash the rune enchantment outside the ship, I can't figure it out!"

However, on the battlefield of the Asura domain, there are still many things that this person can't understand, because there is still a part of the arrows that are mysterious and mysterious, avoiding the magical powers sweeping from below, and directly rotating towards the monks on the deck Shot down.

A moment later, before the middle-aged cultivator who had just issued a roaring question, there was a sharply rotating armor-piercing arrow before his eyebrows. From this person's eyes, one could even see the arrow left after it cut through the void. Blurred trail below.

At this moment, the spiritual sense under the body of the middle-aged monk exploded outwards to an unprecedented degree, and the great horror between life and death caused his cultivation to skyrocket in an instant, so that it stretched out between the electric light and flint. His right hand directly caught the armor-piercing arrow that Cyclonus rushed forward.

The piercing arrows with runes shook violently in the hands of the middle-aged monk. Although the latter’s palm was cut into blood and blood, it was difficult to move on. Then the light in the middle-aged man’s eyes became brighter and brighter. While shrinking one by one, Yang Tian let out a wild laugh:

   "Not only can this arrow not kill me, but it allows me to break through the border successfully. It's really God who helps me, haha!"

   The middle-aged man’s laughter has not yet subsided, and the warning sound of the same clan not far away hastily sounded:

   "Dodge, hide!"

   However, it was too late. After the first armor-piercing arrow, five or six rapidly rotating arrows pierced down, and this time it was a howling bursting arrow.

The next breath, the runes on the bursting arrow all lit up in an instant. After a loud bang, the huge impact burst outward from the bow of the warship, and at the same time the sharp blades flew around, blinking. He immediately baptized a large number of monks around him from beginning to end.

Under the intertwining of the cutting sound of   噗呲 and the wailing, the entire deck of the battleship was instantly soaked in blood and flesh, and it became extremely tragic for a while.

Then, thanks to the efforts of the elders and all the people on the ship, the large enchantment hole torn out by the demon arrow above the hull was quickly filled, and then these monks noticed that the bow of the ship was exploding. The big hole opened, and the stump of the broken arm flying horizontally, their expressions changed wildly.

   There are even young monks who, under the stimulus of the fierce **** smell, sit directly on the ground and vomit violently.


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