
read2();   The **** and cruel battlefield of life and death, whether it is the deployment of troops, or the continuous conspiracy and conspiracy, in order to eat the bargaining chip in the opponent's hand.

The battlefield is like a chess game with no regrets, and every chess piece dropped is a lively creature, but the real battle is far from being summed up by nineteen points, because the game is focused on Rules, but fighting on the battlefield, there are no rules, only life and death!

   The simplest point is that the players take turns in the game, but on the battlefield, what cards are in the hand, when and how they are played, are all on their own, regardless of the rules, and strive to kill with one blow.

Therefore, the Grand Marshal Wang Jing of the Great Xia Front on the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth did not have too much verbal confrontation, but directly let Peng Mu throw the violent and unparalleled God of War Fast Spear, tearing the entire battlefield, forcing the overhaul of the sect of the Supreme Profound Land Take a shot.

   Block life, if you can't block life, you die, the reason is so simple!

The Xiliu outside the Immortal Gate of the South Palace, although the fighting spirit was boiling and eager to try, he did not directly take action, but the five-day general of the Huo Mansion behind him, the violent flame law rose fiercely, and after it poured out loudly, he gave it to the warship. The sect monks above have good faith.

   "The five-day generals of the Yushuhuo Mansion are said to urinate and follow the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, each practicing an extremely powerful flame in the world. Now when they see it, they really deserve their name."

Watching the five-colored figure that will be full of flames for five days and cut through the void, a sect monk uttered a loud shout, and then not far away, on the battleship from the Shenji Pavilion, an old monk stretched out A shot with his right hand toward the front, and then in the void in front of him, a book surrounded by golden light suddenly appeared.

   At the next breath, the old man stretched out his fingers like dead branches and stroked the golden book in front of him, writing a word of fire.

   After the last brushstroke fell, the book began to turn pages very quickly, and finally stopped on one of the pages, and then countless dense tiny tiny prints gradually emerged.

   "The old man used my sect's divine machine to investigate the law of flame that these five generals had understood, and found a hint of information."

   "Shenji old man, don't sell it, tell it quickly."

After the urging of the monk beside    fell, the old man nodded, and then the old voice sounded:

"Speaking of the five jade pivot fire mansion celestial generals above this, they are actually closely related to the treasure fan in the hands of the Southern Heavenly King, because the five fires in this five-fire seven-ling treasure fan are the laws of the celestial generals. They are the legendary fire in the air, fire in the stone, fire in the wood, fire in the Samadhi and the last fire in the world."

As soon as the words of the old man of God machine fell, he quickly smashed from the void and fell on the body of the Huofu Heavenly General. The five flames of various colors suddenly rose up several times violently, and even in the blazing flames, various representatives appeared. The vision at the heart of the law.

After a breath, the Huofu Heavenly General's figure burning with the fire in the pale white stone suddenly appeared in front of the God of War Fast Spear, and then his fists were clenched, pieces of white rock began to cover the surface of the body, the thickness of the earth and the violent flames The two breaths rose into the sky at the same time, opening his mouth and let out a loud roar:

   "Fire in the stone, dream in the body, stop for Ben Jiang!"

The loud shout from under the flame-shrouded rock armor was a female voice full of breath, and then Shi Zhong Huo Tian raged the aura inside his body again, grabbing a huge stone shield from the void with both hands, and directly erected it. Before the God of War Swift Spear.

   "The fire in the stone of the five fires is one of offense and defense. Therefore, this heavenly general is one of the strongest defensive powers under the Southern Heavenly King. I wonder if he can stop the war spear thrown by the immortal human race?"

  After the extremely old voice of the old man of Shenji came out, on the battleship he was on, the question of another monk of Shenji Pavilion sounded:

   "Elder Ge, do you know that the spear thrown by this fairy island creature is touching what kind of law in the world, why has his subordinates never seen it?"

As soon as this question came out, the old man Shenji's complexion condensed, without saying anything, he directly raised his hand and continued to write quickly on the golden book in front of him. After a spear character was formed, the book began to browse quickly, but until the entire book was completely turned over. After all, there was no page that matched the God of War Spear.

   Then the old man of Shenji suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth and said:

   "There are still laws in this world that have not been included in the Divine Machine Ceremony, how is this possible?"

At the same time when the words of shock came out, the fast spear of the **** of war that tore the void directly blasted on the huge stone shield that the Fire Palace Heaven General was blocking in front of him, and then all the monks of the Supreme Profound Land who watched all this together. The scalp exploded, and there was a tingling tremor all over.

In the next breath, the huge boom that the monks had imagined did not come out, and there was not even any harsh sound. The scarlet war gas turned into a fast spear of the **** of war intertwined with thunder and lava, as if passing through a piece of tofu directly. The stone shield in front of him was completely torn apart from the center.

   Then the spear continued to move forward, and quickly approached the latter's abdomen under the circumstance that Huo Tian would not be able to return to his reaction at all.

   "Avoid, avoid!"

   The roar of the rest of the Huofu Heavenly Generals rolled back, but everything was too late, because of the might of the God of War, it was inevitable to avoid!

   An instant later, the blood spear suddenly tore through the fire and flames in the stone and the rock armor outside the sky general's body, completely piercing it, and with the whole body of the former, he continued to rush backwards violently.

   "Damn it!"

The anger continued to be heard from the mouths of the other four Huofu Heavenly Generals, and then four violent flames exploded directly before the fast spear of the God of War who continued to move forward. In the flames, the four Heavenly Generals stepped forward together. One step, raising his hand forward to set off a four-color violent wave of clear fire.

In this fire wave that almost turned the entire North Sea upside down, countless visions billowed up. Not only were there lush forests, but there were also a large number of densely packed creatures kneeling to pray for blessings, and even an extremely barren area appeared. The nine days of the void.

   A wave of billowing flames swept forward, and the four heavenly generals did not stop, but continued to rush forward, reaching out their hands to try to catch the fire heavenly general who was completely penetrated by the God of War Spear.

   "Five fires come out, Kemu Kejin, burn the beams and burn the buildings, extinguish!

   The shouts of the four heavenly generals resounded throughout the entire Asura Domain, and then the billowing waves of fire condensed inward, directly forming a big hand, and the core five fires were the five fingers that opened and grabbed the big hand.

"Kemuk Jin, burn the beam and burn the building, but it is a pity that my spear is neither wood nor gold nor Liang Feidong, but the fire of fighting spirit, the thunder of evil spirits, unless there is a fighting spirit that rivals mine. Otherwise, they will all pass through."

   Above the walls of the Heaven and Earth Fortress, the upright and proud Peng Mu still bowed his head and stared down. He did not continue to take action. As he said, the fire of the five-day generals of the Fire Mansion could not stop the advance of the God of War Fast Spear.

The next breath, accompanied by a sudden sound of tearing in the void, the scarlet God of War spear continued with an unstoppable posture, tearing the five big fire hands in front of him, blasting above the other four heavenly generals, and then the five people All the way down the North Sea, directly nailed to a warship behind.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   A loud bang followed, and the violent impact sent the ship flying backwards.

   One ship, two ships, three ships, a large number of warships smashed up and down, and a huge scar that seemed to be cut in the waist appeared directly among the cultivators in the entire North Sea Asura Region!


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