
read2();  , in the center of Beihai, the land of Taixuan, under the core balance rule of the avenue, a Shura battlefield that almost encompasses the entire center of Beihai descended into the world.

   Then the boundless blood red evil spirit violently tumbling, obscured the Beihai sky dome that had finally become bright after the mist of the original Taoist abandoned, and the air in the battlefield was chaotic, and the killing air was full.

   This is the battlefield set down by Tiandao himself on the North Sea. It is destined to continue to flow in blood!

In the Asura domain, the giant mountain of Jingguan, which is made up of countless heads of monks in the Supreme Profound Land, is enough to make anyone who sees it fearful, especially the heads of those who are piled up in a row above the Jingguan. It is for this Shura domain to add a strong and tragic atmosphere.

   "Yushuhuofu, the general, come out!"

In the South Palace of the Holy Court above the Asura domain, after the Nantian King Xiliu directly turned into a meteorite and hit the North Sea, the voice of instructions from the female lieutenant continued to sound. Before the words fell, within the fairy gate opened in the South Palace, there were five The red streamer flew out, rushing through the void and falling straight down.

After a breath, behind the slender figure of the Nantian King, five Huofutians, surrounded by infinite flames, slowly stood up. At the same time, the majesty of the vast and infinite fire reached its peak in an instant, not only turned into an endless heat wave. The entire void will also force all the head monks of the sect, including the GCC leader, to retreat outwards.

   "Unauthorized to criticize the Holy Court Nantian Wang Zun, palm!"

   Then there was a stern hum, and the self-headed Huofu Heavenly General rolled out of the mouth, and it was the disappearance of the Heavenly General that spread faster than the sound.

After an instant, the sea surface in front of the GCC Guild Lord will suddenly be torn apart by violent violent violent tears to both sides. A ray of cyan flame then burst out of the void, and swelled rapidly outwards, directly appearing the double blue of the Heavenly General of Fire Palace. Yellow eyes.

   At the same time, the face of the GCC club master's delicate and seductive face suddenly changed, and he stepped back and withdrew, raised his hand, wrapped in the extremely strong blue mist, and shot forward violently.

   "Too much bullying!"

After a loud shout, the blue mist in the hands of the GCC leader directly formed a three-headed venomous snake with a whole body of dark blue, from the top, the middle and the bottom three directions, facing the Huofu Heavenly General who stepped out of the void in front of him. Bite down.


The creepy biting sound of poisonous snakes rushed straight into the sky, and the GCC master violently blasted out the three heads of the Sea Snake Road Statue, which contained the power of the three negative laws of poison, cold, and yin. It can even be said If you touch it, you will die, instantly revealing the powerful cultivation base of the master of the meeting.

However, in front of the Lord of the GCC, the heavenly general of Huofu, the power of the sun’s sacred fire in the body ragingly circulates, and the two are born in a relationship of opposing and fighting, so this victory scale depends on who understands the original law more profoundly , More core.

  In an instant, in front of the GCC leader, a slender palm completely wrapped in the blazing cyan flame stretched out from the void, and then slapped it directly on the three sea snakes without fancy.

   The law of origin is the hedging and fighting, which suddenly broke out at this moment, but the higher the cultivation level, the faster the winner sometimes is, so this fight is the beginning and the end!

   In the next instant, the flames on the right hand of Huo Futian skyrocketed outwards, and even within the cyan flames, countless forest shadows appeared. The fire ignited violently, and immediately swallowed the three poisonous snakes.

   "Damn it, it turned out to be wood fire!"

The GCC would advocate a horrified roar in the mouth, and continue to withdraw one step backward, trying to use the law to burst out and retreat, but in the next second, the fire in the wood continued to swallow it like a bone gangrene, completely removing the former. package.


After a breath, a clear and incomparable applause suddenly sounded on the surface of the sea, causing all the leaders of the sect who heard about it to jump fiercely in their temples, squeeze their fists, and stare at the front. This just started, it is over. Battlefield.

Then, under the gaze of one after another, the blue-robed figure of the GCC club master was shot out of the blue flames with a slap, and hit the scarlet sea, causing a burst of spray. At the same time, the former was male and female. Difficult to distinguish, on the extremely seductive face, there was an extremely conspicuous slap print.

   Such an unexpected situation caused the entire fleet of Taixuan Land to go north, suddenly become silent.

   The Heavenly General of the Fire Palace slapped the GCC leader directly, and the power of the South Palace of the Holy Court is undoubtedly displayed!

"Come back, Mu Liu, a chicken and dog like the GCC, also wants to fight with the holy court. If it weren't for something that might be useful in this battle of the North Sea, this king would directly thwart him. "

As the GCC’s master’s face was blue and red, the overbearing and majestic voice of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu rolled from the front, and then the Huofu Heavenly General, standing proudly above the sea, bowed his head slightly, and a respectful voice came out. :

   "Respect the edict of the Southern Heavenly King!"

"Rentou Jingguan, Shura Region, it seems that all of us have underestimated the two immortal mountains that were born. Originally, the king didn't understand why the holy place valued this northern land so much. He needed to send two palaces to come, but now he understands. ."

   The sound of the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court is not old, but has an aura of heroism, indicating that it is much younger than the other heavenly kings.

Afterwards, the Nantian King Xiliu, who was full of flame light, raised his hand and flicked his red hair back. The thinking in his eyes was even greater. Then he continued to look at the **** Jingguan in front of him, sticking out his tongue. Licking his lips, the voice came out again:

   "It's so good, it's interesting. The king is tossing with those immortal Insomniacs in the chaotic sea, and it has been too long since he has not experienced the pleasure of depriving life."

   After rushing into the sky with excitement and anticipation, the Nantian King Xiliu opened his arms outward, and at the same time, the red hair hanging from his head began to glow hot lava one after another.

At the same time, the increasingly tyrannical and fierce heat began to sweep outward from the slender body of the Southern Heavenly King, like a lava crossing, instantly evaporating most of the sea water of the entire North Sea, turning it into fire fog, and beginning to touch the surrounding area. The **** Shura suffocated violently.

After an instant, in front of the Jingguan mountain in front of everyone, a golden enchantment soaring into the sky appeared, and the intertwined runes on the enchantment slowly appeared, exuding a misty golden light, completely isolating the flames. .

   "Interesting, so interesting!"

The murmur of    came from Xiliu's mouth, and then this sacred court Nantian Wangxiu clenched his fists, turned sideways, the sky filled the sky with flames, and slammed a fist in front of him.

   "Supernatural power. Yan Mie!"

After an instant, almost every inch of the sea surface of the North Sea where the entire cultivator army was located was completely flooded with incomparable flames. Because of the strong light and supernatural power, the cultivators of the Supreme Profound Land recovered their spiritual consciousness and closed. Eyes.

   Then, above the sea, there appeared a long and mighty forward rushing river. It was a long river of flames that was completely converged by countless flames!

After a few breaths, the supreme flames boiling in the long river of Yan Mie rushed down to the giant mountain protected by the rune enchantment in an attempt to evaporate the humiliated Jingguan of the Taixuan Land. destroy.

   "This king will give it a try. How many catties are you waiting for!"


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