The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1365: Missing North


read2();   Cows and sheep are often in groups, and only ligers can walk alone!

   Whether it is the land of the Supreme Profound Land or the vast land of China where Daxia is located, the basis for deciding to move forward or backward, cling together or go alone, is based on its own strength.

   Living beings often rule the weak, but surrender to the strong. At this time, for the countless sect forces in the North Sea, the internal chaos and division were amplified to the limit after the first batch of northward cultivators returned from the south.

   It is true that they need a will to lead and a person who can make a final decision.

   In this way, this North Sea upheaval has been carried out so far. For the ambitious GCC that occupies the southeast of the entire Taixuan Land, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity to show its dominance.

   However, before waiting for the GCC leaders to fully display their ambitions, the appearance of the Central Palace Palace made everything completely vanished.

   "Gulf Master, the Palace of the Holy Court suddenly came, and gave me orders to wait for the assembly to go north. Time is limited, so this suzerain will leave first!"

   Soon after the glorious voice of the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court fell, in the main hall of the Haihe Building, there was a powerful Sovereign who fisted at the cold-faced Haihe Guild Master from above, and then the figure swaggered out of the hall.

   Using this person as a guide, more and more sect leaders, after their eyes flashed violently, also held fists at the top, and got up and left.

   After a while, the hall on the first floor of the Haihe Building, which was originally extremely busy, suddenly became empty. The various delicacies on the lone table were steaming, but it seemed extremely lonely.

   "It's really some swaying wall grass!"

The stern voice came out from the mouth of the GCC leader. At the same time, waves of swift and violent momentum pouring out in the body of the former, like a roar of anger in all directions, making the hall The elders of the GCC were equally stern and solemn, and then the headed elder, after a few breaths of thought, opened his mouth:

   "Master Huizhu, the palace of the Holy Court came earlier than we expected. It seems to be stronger than the Holy Court. Under the circumstances at this time, it also showed a hint of urgency."

   "It was a good time to win over the hearts of the people, but unexpectedly, when the Sheng Ting students got involved, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity passed away in vain. It is really unwilling."

After    finished speaking, the GCC club master suddenly waved his azure sleeves forward, his complexion grew colder, and continued to speak:

   "But now the North Sea is treacherous and dangerous. Even the emperors of the Central Shangguo can land on their heads in front of them. If they don't keep this holy court palace, they will suffer."

   "The Holy Court is so powerful, I hope you will speak carefully, Lord Lord."

After    GCC Grand Elder spoke to remind him, he turned his head to face a shadow in the temple and continued to ask:

   "Investigate the identity of a young man who just spoke in the temple. Now the North Sea is a mixed bag, I have to guard against it."

   The old voice fell, and in the shadow of the hall, a very cold response suddenly came out:

"According to our GCC ancient records, there is indeed a very hidden and rare murloc clan living in this Borneo. The whereabouts of this clan are extremely hidden, and few people know their existence, so their words still have a certain degree of credibility. ."

   "It's so good, let him stay on DaShi for a period of time, let Lin Xing make a set of words, whether there is still some important information that has not been said."

After   , the GCC club master stood up, his body suddenly exploded, turned into a blue mist, and disappeared quickly, leaving only a voice lingering in the hall:

   "Let all the cultivators in the association prepare to go north, this association will mainly see whether this holy court palace is really as powerful as the rumors."

   At the same time, outside the Haihelou Hall, a young and concerned voice came from Lin Xing:

  " Xue Daoyou, there are steps ahead, please pay attention."

After   , dressed in the blue robe of the core monk of the GCC, Lin Xing, who was well-proportioned and tall, stretched out his hand, while supporting the staggering young monk beside him, he continued to speak:

   "I have just received the news from the elders. My GCC has accepted the request for asylum from fellow Daoists. On this North Sea, you can live on this GCC ship temporarily without worrying about safety."

   "It's so good, it's so good!"

   Next to Lin Xing, the young monk who heard the news, perhaps because his mind fluctuated too violently, he suddenly trembled violently. On his face covered with blood and stains, his mouth grinned and he began to laugh silently.

  , it looks like a madman, causing the cultivators passing by to look sideways, revealing a very surprised look, including the junior brother Fang who is running fast.

   "Brother Lin, who is this?"

   An eager question came from Junior Brother Fang, and then Lin Xing in front of him raised his hand and swayed, lowering his voice and responding:

   "This is Brother Xue Dao Xue, a wounded monk who returned from the front battlefield. Because he gave us a very important message, he temporarily accepted asylum on Da Ship."

After speaking, Lin Xing stared at the madman in front of him, kneeling and shaking Xue Dao who was howling dry, and raised his finger to the latter's eyes in a dark color, showing a meaningful expression to Junior Brother Fang, and then deliberately raised it. 'S voice sounded again:

   "Brother Xue, rest assured, this great sea-going ship under us is known as the largest ship in the southeast. It is solid. No matter how powerful the creatures on the fairy island are, this great creature of heaven and earth will surely protect you well and cultivate well. Don't worry about the rest.

Lin Xing said this with full confidence. After all, this huge and incomparably big ship under a few people symbolizes the greatest glory of the GCC, and it is far beyond the size and vastness of the other warships, giving everyone on it. The disciples have strong confidence.

   In other words, this behemoth entrenched in the North Sea, instead of calling it a big ship, should be called a sea mobile fortress!

   "The GCC Daship is like a thunderous in the entire Taixuan land, and can accept the blessing of you, maybe the sky opens its eyes, the sky opens its eyes."

The young monk who had broken his right arm and closed his eyes, was still very excited at this moment, and then the Junior Brother Fang, who was flying from a distance, lowered his head and glanced at the former, and continued to face Lin on the side. The senior beckoned suddenly, his voice hurriedly said:

   "Brother, come and take a look, this palace of the holy court is strange."

   As soon as he said this, Lin Xing's complexion condensed, and he followed Junior Brother Fang, three steps into two steps, quickly walked out of the area covered by the Haihe Building, raising his head and looking back.

I saw a huge boundless palace hovering in the sky above the berthing group of warships in the Taixuan Land of Wuyangyang, and the huge southern character outside the palace’s Tianmen was exuding outwards. Shining luster.

   The South Palace of the Saint Court is still like the Nine Heavens Shrine, tilted outward with unparalleled power, while it still embraces the majesty of the Saint Court, which disregards the world, and suppresses all the rest of the power.

   However, more and more people have discovered something extremely unusual, and then, like Lin Xing, who is looking up at this time, he opened his mouth and let out a doubt:

   "The southern palace of the holy court came down, and then another northern palace came side by side before, where is it?"


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