
read2();  The time passed slowly forward. Perhaps for the people of Daxia above the vast land of China, the night after the birth in the land of Taixuan was longer than before It's much longer.

   At dawn, before the scorching sun, the North Sea has shimmered, and the faint sunlight shines on the particularly calm sea, reflecting the silhouettes of the mighty warships that have dropped anchor in place.

   At the next breath, a gnawed, polished bone fell from one of the warships and hit the sea, causing some waves.

   Then a sleepy voice sounded on the battleship:

   "Big brother, did you not sleep all night, it is rare that you don't have to hurry and take a break at night?"

After the words fell, a young disciple in a GCC monk's robe walked out of the cabin, while continuing to chew the beast meat in his mouth, while sitting on the edge of the deck, facing an older monk beside him , Spoke again:

   "This North Sea is really evil. The vitality of the world is so thin. If you want to replenish vitality, you can only rely on the rich treasures, which makes it difficult to travel north, and it is embarrassing."

   As soon as this person's words fell, under the big ship, the sea surface where the animal bones had been dropped before, suddenly countless bubbles appeared, and then began to roll extremely violently, as if there were a large number of creatures in the sea competing.

  As soon as this abnormality appeared, the young man from the GCC brightened his eyes and said with interest:

   "The vitality above the North Sea Void is so thin, and the sea should be lonely and barren. However, there are creatures living in this sea, which is really weird."

After he finished speaking, the man directly drew the long sword from his waist and pierced it towards the bottom. Under the burst of vitality, a vast sword light directly volleyed down, slashing above the tumbling sea, tearing the sea violently away, and exploding. Several strange and ugly North Sea creatures.

   Then the young man from the GCC raised his hand and moved forward, and a small aquatic sword flew out directly, wrapping a struggling North Sea creature and quickly returned.

   "According to legend, these creatures in the North Sea were left behind when the North Sea was cracked tens of thousands of years ago and the Chaos Sea was inundated. I don't know the true or false."

Looking at the void in front of him, his whole body was stabbed, ugly like a skeleton, the voice of interest came from the young man again, and then another GCC brother on the deck closed his eyes slightly. Opening it, the voice came out:

   "Junior Brother Fang, Beihai's vitality is very thin. Once used, it is extremely difficult to replenish it. Since I have already neglected this, I should pay more attention to it. The use of vitality can save and save."

After speaking, the senior raised his hand and waved lightly, and the struggling North Sea creature in front of him suddenly exploded, and this volley-driven method of vitality reflected his extremely high cultivation level, and then the flat voice continued from the former's mouth. Outgoing:

   "For some reason, I always feel that this trip to the North Sea is terrifying, and I feel uneasy."

After the words fell, he raised his head and stared at the mighty warships that were anchored in the morning light in all directions. A faint color flashed in his eyes, and only these densely packed warships, the first to meet, looked extremely wild. His posture occupies the entire sea level, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

   This GCC recognized the pride of heaven is not an ignorant person, but it was the first time he encountered such a large-scale monk stationed in groups and even warships.

The various forces in the Taixuan Land have always been fighting separately, and it is possible to make it like this, a large number of top forces gathered in one place, the last time it was traced back to the giant sea riot, when the sleepless people were overwhelmed. .

   "Brother Lin, you worry too much."

   Just as this GCC senior brother Lin was immersed in the frenzied momentum of countless monks gathering together, the junior fellow surnamed Fang shook his head and continued to speak:

"Even in the heyday of this Northern Sea Fairy Mountain in the legend, when it encountered the siege of almost all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land, it could not overcome the big waves, let alone it has been sunk for so many years, after it was reborn, is there any creature on it Still unknown."

   At this point, the handsome face of Junior Brother Fang raised the corners of his mouth, and after showing a smile, he then joked:

   "Brother Lin, I think that when we officially land on the island, these immortal island natives may kneel and kowtow one after another when they see us, crying and crying for us to save them from the fire or water."

  As soon as he said this, even the unsmiling brother Lin couldn't help but smile, and his voice came out:

"According to Junior Brother Fang, these immortal island natives are so fragile, so we have to work hard to come to the North Sea and have to toss about it. We must know that in order to participate in this so-called battle for great opportunities, the entire GCC Almost 40% of the background was taken out.

   "The other forces should have failed too much. They all wanted to take a place in this upheaval in the North Sea, but if you ask what the chances are on this reborn fairy island, no one can tell."

After   , Senior Brother Lin of the GCC stood up from the deck, held on to the railing of the battleship in front of him, and continued to look into the distance. Then the sigh from the younger brother in his ear sounded again:

"Actually, I am quite puzzled by the decision of our GCC leader to postpone our departure. Although the sects on the east coast cannot be compared with the giants in the central region, the strength is not bad, plus the war we have created. The ship is the most deservedly strongest in the entire Supreme Profound Land. You don't have to flinch at all, and you simply lose your first hand.

After    finished speaking, the young Junior Brother Fang raised his hand and clenched his fist, slammed heavily on the deck, and continued with a resentful voice:

   "Senior Brother Lin, thinking of those forces that went northward first, perhaps at this time they have already set foot on the land of the fairy mountain of chance and wantonly plundering, Junior Brother I feel angry!"

After    Junior Brother Fang’s words fell, the expected response did not come, which made the former feel weird. Then he raised his head and looked upward, and a voice of doubt came out:

   "Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

   "It's changed, it's not good, something has come down from the north!"

   Senior Brother Lin responded with amazement, and then Junior Brother Fang on the deck directly stood up and looked far away, subconsciously exclaiming:

   "What's ahead, could it not be the powerful monks who went north before?"

   I saw a large number of black spots suddenly appear between the sea and the sky in the north. Accompanied by the faint light of morning light, the panic and confusion caused by these black spots can also be seen.

  After a few breaths, more and more people of the monks stationed above the sea discovered this abnormality, and they came to the deck one after another, staring at the north with suspicious eyes.

   And when these people saw that the team that fled south, there was also the emperor's golden palace in the central Shangguo, their expressions changed suddenly, and then there was an overhaul, and their voices resounded through the sky:

   "Why is the Daoist rushing south in such a hurry, but nothing happens?"

   "Die, have been killed, you guys flee too, the devil's territory is ahead!"

   After the terrifying voice came, the entire group of stationed monks suddenly boiled violently.


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