
read2();  Daiyuxian Island, on the shore of the Sun Empire coastal cliff on the south side of Kunlun Mountain, with the violent cracking impact of the Frost Ladder from north to south, the entire cliff trembled violently and began to crackle and crack , And at the same time a piece of rock began to fall downward.

   "The cliff has collapsed, run!"

The high cliff under him was crumbling, and the aliens lying on the cliff were completely exhausted, but under the crisis of life and death, under the emergence of the last survival instinct in the depths of the body, the only remaining strength burst out, directly Shouting and running to the rear.

   "Come and take the young master away, you people, you really should be a thousand swords, forget the way the patriarch treats you well?"

   By the edge of the unbroken sea cliff, the old man with a completely comatose young alien on his back, looked at the scattered people around him, open his mouth and let out a hoarse roar.

   He also wanted to run backwards, but he couldn't squeeze any power out of his body, so he could only stretch out his hand to grab the young man behind him, and continue to lie down on the cliff.

At the next breath, the huge and incomparably cold ice ladder rapidly enlarged from its eyes, and the billowing cold air almost sealed the entire body. Then the cliff face under the old man suddenly cracked open. After exclaiming, the old and the young fell straight away. Fall down.

   "My life is over!"

   The old man let out a stern wailing, and his body fell down. In an instant, above the void, a slender figure shrouded in wind and snow suddenly appeared, and then fell into the void, his feet lightly stepping on the high cliff.

   The Monarch of Xuemei Kingdom became the first Taixuan land to be overhauled on the land of the Sun Empire after Daiyuxian Island was born in the center of Beihai.

   But although he successfully landed on the island, he landed in the wrong direction!

Then, the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom under the frost and snow lowered his head and looked down at the two aliens who were howling and falling. His eyes moved slightly, and he raised his right hand and grabbed it forward. The snowflakes outside his body flew out downwards. A bundle of people is in the air, and then pulls up.

At the same time, behind the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom, one after another, the white robe of the monks of the Xuemei Kingdom, came walking on the ice ladder, the figure fell on the cliff, and then the Princess of the Xuemei Kingdom coldly The voice sounded directly:

   "Who are you and where do you come from?"

   After the sound that almost frozen the entire void fell, the foreign race old man, together with the unconscious young man on his back, slammed on the cliff ground, and after a few laps, he groaned.

  Then the alien old man raised his head with difficulty, and what directly caught his eye was a vague figure exuding the color of snow white, and a cultivator of the Xuemei clan surrounded behind him like stars arched over the moon.

  Between the darkness and the yellow sand, a group of high-ranking monks in Xuemei Country exudes an incomparable aura of nobility, just like a vast galaxy above the nine heavens, descending directly, enveloping them with awe-inspiring power.

   "God, God has come, God has not forgotten us, God has come to save us!"

   A shrill loud cry came out from the mouth of the alien old man, and then he climbed up from the ground, and began to kowtow to the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom in front of him. While kowtow, he continued to make a scream:

   "God, save us, we are going to die from hunger and thirst, I want to drink water!"

   After the call of the alien elders was heard from Gaoyazhi, the aliens who had fled out because of the fragmentation of the sea cliff stopped one after another. Looking back and seeing the abnormality behind, they also knelt to the ground, kowtow.

The entire high cliff suddenly became extremely chaotic because of the shouts of the foreign races in the ruined clothes. This made the cultivators of Xuemei Country frown tightly, and the foreign races who kept kowtow in front of them became impatient. After that, the extremely cold voice of the princess continued to sound:

   "This princess asks again, who are you and what forces do you belong to?"

The princess’s words are more icy, like countless spikes piercing into the body at the same time, making the wailing alien old man, as if being pinched around his neck, making no sound, and then the latter trembling all over, He tremblingly responded:

   "Back, back to the gods, we are the Yellow Sand Wolf clan from the Sun Empire from the Beasts Without Borders, and the first big clan in this region."

When the old man said the words of the first big family, the monks of the Xuemei Kingdom directly showed a very strange color, because at this time the old man’s breath was so weak, his clothes were ragged, and his bones were as thin as wood. Young Master Yellow Sand Wolf’s soul fire is almost extinguished, it can be described as dying.

   "If this race in this state can be called the strongest nearby, then the creatures on this land are even weaker than the ants."

   A voice with a deep disdain came from the mouth of a sacrifice to the Xuemei Kingdom, causing the old man of the alien race who heard it to show bitterness, and continued to cast his five bodies on the ground in front of him.

"Master Huishenming, originally my clan had a large population and powerful forces, but recently I was punished by heaven. Under the meteorite falling like rain, there are very few surviving clan members, and the ones who survived are hanging by a thread like we are waiting. "

The alien old man said with extreme sorrow, trying to influence the so-called holy gods in front of him, and save his poor self and the young master behind him. However, he was doomed to be in vain, because the gods had no compassion, and these monks of the Xuemei Kingdom, Nor is it a **** who can really dominate everything.

There is no expression on Xuemei’s cold face, and because of the law of ice surrounding the void, the temperature of the alien old man’s body is getting lower and lower, and even the blood in the body is freezing, and he feels that the body is getting more and more. The strange old man, his complexion finally changed drastically, and he subconsciously climbed forward and continued to beg for mercy:

   "Master gods, please save our young master, give some water, just give a little water!"

   Before the voice of the alien elder fell, the priests behind the Xuemei Kingdom opened their mouths and let out an angry rebuke:

   "The ants race, dare to approach the monarch, and not quickly retreat!"

At the next breath, the Monarch Xuemei, who had been standing silently under the frost and snow, directly stretched out his right hand and gently pointed forward, and then suddenly a colorful finger appeared between the whole world and the whole world, and directly clicked on the eyebrows of the foreign old man in front. .

   An instant later, the colorful fingers directly touched the middle of the eyebrows of the old man of Yellow Sand Wolf, who was completely still in place at this moment, motionless.

   At the same time, in the induction of all the people around, there is an immense will, accompanied by the ups and downs of the colorful halo, directly injected into the eyebrows of the alien old man.

   "Soul search!"

   After three more breaths, the old man of foreign race who had been motionless began to tremble violently, his orifices were bleeding, and his head suddenly exploded like a broken watermelon.

   Then the vast soul-searching will returned to the frost and snow, and the cold voice of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom resounded in the ears of all the Xuemei clan:

   "God, feather tribe, Tongtian city."


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