The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1352: Want to enter the hall


read2();   In the center of the North Sea under the night, on the nine islands of Jiuyao where countless human warriors are stationed, the skyrocketing flames in the camp tents, when combined, seem to shine continuously in the dark night sky The splendid galaxy exudes extremely psychedelic light.

  In Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, every gleam of light has been so precious for tens of thousands of years.

   While the lights were shining, the door of the camp where the eight princes of the Central Shangguo was held was gently opened, and Sima Annan's white figure fluttering stepped out of it.

   Then he walked to Wang Jing and other generals to stop his figure, his expression on his handsome face was not obvious, and it was much more stable than before.

   "Sima Sicheng, how is the contact this time?"

   After Wangjing’s question fell, Sima Annan unfolded the folding fan, and the response came out:

"When I met for the first time, he was a familiar face. He is a smart person. It is estimated that he will have to contact several times. The individual strength of the monks in the land of the profound is generally not weak. There are undoubtedly more thoughts in the sea of ​​knowledge, but he is dealing with A wise man has a way for a wise man, let him dry for a while."

   "This handsome looks at Qi sitting in a daze at this time, and he wants to come to Lord Sima to say something, which completely suppresses the bachelor of the Central Government."

   Wang Jing continued to speak with a joke in the voice, and then took the lead in turning around with everyone, and then some solemn voice continued:

"Young Master Sima, you know the latest holy order issued by your majesty. This commander is worrying about this. It is the first time for me to see the world, mother, you must know that this commander was still a few years ago. The son of the young man who has been in Fengcheng, has never thought of doing such a big thing that shocked the world."

   "Dashuai Wang, everything you do now is something that shocks the world. Don't underestimate yourself."

Accompanied by Sima Annan’s weaker and weaker response, this group of generals, who almost encompassed the core of the human front line, gradually moved away. However, the eight princes sitting in the camp at this time fell into a deep depression. While thinking, his face was full of disbelief, and he kept muttering:

   "Who will be the emperor of my central government, who will it be?"

After the    murmur fell, a speculative voice continued to spread from his mouth:

"The old nine is dead, naturally ruled out, the boss and the fourth are also impossible. This time the North Sea has an opportunity to compete, they are both more active than anyone else and ruled out. Most of the princes other than me have appeared on the North Sea battlefield. , As for the ones who didn't come."

   At this point, the eighth prince Yin Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows, and the more doubtful voice sounded inside the camp:

   "There is no emperor who has sunk to the north of Xiancheng, only the second and third, one is a reckless martial artist, and the other is a nerd who has no power to bind a chicken. No matter how you think, you can't make a big thing."

No matter how the Eighth Prince, who was now a prisoner of the order, racked his brains to think, the whole night became deeper and deeper under the lapse of time, and at the same time on the extremely barren land of Beihai County, infinite loneliness and darkness became The main theme of every inch of space in the entire Northland.

"When I was in Tangdu, I heard that Beihai County, abandoned by heaven and earth, has no stars, no moon, and no light. When I saw it at this time, it was not made up. The cold wind roared and the land was barren. No creatures could be seen along the way. ."

   The waves of the North Sea are undulating along the coast, and between the dark and violent winds, there are two golden temples one after the other. Under the pulling of the Tianma's wings, they quickly move forward along the coastline.

   Then in the golden palace ahead, the nineteenth prince of the Central Kingdom retracted his eyes from the window, looked at the door, and asked loudly:

   "Come here, how far are we from Shenxian City by the North Sea at this time?"

   After the young and loud inquiries fell, a middle-aged attendant walked in quickly outside the gate of the Golden Temple, knelt down on his knees, and then came out with a trembling voice:

   "Back to your Highnesses, due to the lack of luck in this land of the North Sea, the vitality is thin, and it happens to be night, so the monks who went to explore the front have not yet come back, and the specific distance is still unknown."

   After this person's voice fell, the nineteenth prince at the window looked cold. Just about to open his mouth to scold him, he listened to the top of the hall, and a strong voice came down:

   "Nineteen, don't make it difficult for him, this clever woman can't afford to cook without rice, how many people we have, I know very well in my mind, it is almost impossible to find out the surrounding environment in this late night in the North Sea."

   This voice resounded throughout the Golden Temple, with a special breath that was like a spring breeze that blew off the hostility, causing the nineteenth prince below to close his mouth and stop speaking.

   Then at the top of the hall, a middle-aged man who was reading through a book raised his head and looked down at the attendant who was kneeling and bowing his head. The voice continued:

   "You should withdraw first. If the monk in front of you returns from the investigation, you can go directly to the temple and report."

   "Small, please thank your three princes."

   a convincing voice came from the servant's mouth, and then he bowed his head to the thin three princes above, and retreated slowly and respectfully.

  With the disappearance of this figure, in the corner of this huge but extremely empty golden palace, a figure with an extraordinarily large figure opened his eyes, and then a thick voice came out:

"Brother Three Emperors, those weak scholars under your hand are really not good, few can fight, or the emperor brother, I will let the monks in the rear directly take over the defenses around the entire Golden Palace. Once this reaches the Beihai land boundary , The other sect forces don’t mention it, the bosses are not good people."

The voice of this person speaks with a deep color of worry, and if someone who knows his identity sees this scene, his chin will be shocked, because in the eyes of everyone, it is said to be inconsistent. No matter who it is, the second prince of Zhong Shangguo lunatic, who will directly get the hammer.

   At this time, these two princes were actually caring about people, and the object of concern was another prince who directly competed with him for the throne!

"When did the third brother walk so close to the second lunatic child, and look at the latter's appearance, but respect the third brother, how is this possible? Why did I not receive any news about this before, we went to the country Anyone at, I guess they would never think of it!

A horrified roar sounded in the hearts of the nineteenth princes standing by the window of the Golden Palace, and even if these two princes had already arrived at the Three Princes Golden Palace for a long time, the former would still find it extremely strange to see such a situation. .

   At the next breath, when the nineteenth prince looked back at the center of the Golden Temple, still thinking in his heart, the extremely gentle voice continued to sound from the palace:

"No need, brother, the eldest people know that my forces are all civil servants, and there is no threat to them. They have never been overly concerned, and the North Sea has an opportunity ahead. The monks who go to the North Sea are all afraid of falling behind. It should have entered the depths of the North Sea long ago. There are not many forces in Shenxian City and there is no danger."

   After the third prince's voice fell, the second child on the side was about to speak, suddenly his eyes shrank severely, and an extremely fierce aura poured out from his burly body.

   At the same time, the Golden Temple, which had been steadily moving forward, suddenly stopped, and then a guard rolled into the palace and screamed:

   "Your Highness, someone blocked the way, they said they wanted to enter the hall for a while!"


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