
read2();   "咚! 咚! 咚!"

  Between the dense fog of road and abandoned in the center of Beihai, the sound of drums resounding like mountains and seas rang again and again, shaking the sky.

   The sound of war drums rolling in from the front, with the mighty power that directly touches people's hearts, can even gradually affect the heartbeat of the people who hear it, as if there is a huge rock pressing in the heart, extremely depressing.

   "This war drum is a treasure, and even this highness is affected. If it is in the hands, it will undoubtedly be a killer on the battlefield in the future."

Suddenly, at the front of the monk in the Great Profound Land, the greedy voice of the prince from the Central Upper Kingdom sounded, and then he continued to raise his hand and wave forward, indicating that the entire outward spreading formation was charged forward, shouting loudly. The sound continued to spread out:

   "The sound of the war drums is not far ahead, and their concentration makes these human races tremble under the crush of our cultivators in the Great Profound Land!"

After that, the entire formation of the prince changed again, forming an arrow-shaped charge formation. However, some people were faster than it. A monk who believed to be a master of cultivation directly used the mysterious powers of the body and magic, and moved forward. Stepped on the volley, leaving the large army and rushing forward.

   is a master of the palm boundary birth and death realm with a realm added body!

   "These grand masters of birth and death who are hiding in the army and fishing for fish are all masters who do not see rabbits and scatter eagles. They will be noted by my Highness, and will be calculated later!"

The voice of the Great Prince of the Central Empire was extremely cold and stern, and the faces of the other great forces at the front were also extremely bad. Then, under the charge of countless monks in the Great Profound Land, the thick fog of Daoqi covering the entire North Sea was Under the infinite suction that lifted into the northern boundary city, it began to fade backwards crazily.

   If you take a bird's eye view from above the sky, you will find that the fog of road abandoned here is like a rapidly receding tide, rolling back, and at the same time fully revealing the scene above the sea along the road.

The mist of Dao abandoned ebbs extremely fast, even faster than the speed of the palm edge birth and death realm cultivator volley forward. It only took a few breaths, and it dissipated a hundred miles backwards, the next breath, all the primordial land The monk's eyes began to flicker, because a young figure appeared on the surface of the sea where Dao abandoned the gray mist.

   This person is dancing in white, standing in front of a huge battle drum, holding heavy hammers in both hands, slamming it down, making a thunderous drum sound.

   is exactly Sima Annan who retreated back before!

The heavy hammer in Sima Annan's hand, every time it hits the big drum, the green runes on the drum surface will suddenly brighten outwards. At the same time, with the deafening drum sound, waves of emerald green ripples go in all directions. Diffusion, void shaking, sea water boiling.

   Ancient taboo equipment drum, which can provide a lot of attack speed and speed bonus for allies!

   Sima Annan before the tenacious drum, with a solemn face, raised arms that were not sturdy but contained great strength, clenched the heavy hammer and slammed it down, then opened his mouth to the sky and uttered a song that resounded across the sky:

   "The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, the Wiga and the sea are returning to their hometown, and the warriors are guarding everywhere!"

The boundless and thick singing voice seemed to have some kind of profound power, causing those monks in the Supreme Profound Land who rushed forward to suddenly tighten their hearts, subconsciously slowing down, and the next breath, the loud and loud horn sound went into the sky, and the sound shocked. Yunxiao.

   Sounds from all directions, and the smoke rises thousands of miles under the sun!

   With one horn after another, the fog of Daoqi continued to recede, and then nine wolves rose into the sky with the ultimate iron-blood killing intent, almost tore the entire sky.

   "Islands, there are nine more islands on the sea ahead!"

   Dao Dao screams came from the monks in the Taixuan Land, and then there were those with good eyesight. After staring at it, they let out a long scream:

   "These nine islands are full of people, they are humans, human monks!"

   Before his words fell, amidst the sound of drums, horns, and roars, a young, confident, but sharp-edged voice rang directly, completely overshadowing all the surrounding sounds, and reaching everyone's ears:

   "This general Da Xia Huijun is the frontline soldier and horse marshal Wang Jing, and he was ordered by Emperor Fuyao to guard the border of the North Sea and destroy all invading enemies!"

   After Wang Jing's voice fell, three ancient black dragons lifted up into the air with the young Grand Marshal Xia Xin, and then Wang Jing clenched his fists and let out a roar to the sky:

   "I recommend the mountains and seas with my blood, the glory of the summer!"

   "Daxia Glory!"

Under the roar of the mountain whistling and tsunami, the faces of the monks in the Taixuan Land became extremely cold and stern for an instant, especially in the golden palace of the central princes, the solemn voice directly sounded:

   "His Royal Highness, the human races on the nine islands below are not scattered monks, but a large army under unified command, and the nine islands that suddenly appear below are shaped like pockets and are fierce. Don't underestimate it!"

  As the people of the Central Government, it is impossible for them not to know the horror of ordering and prohibiting the army, because the Central Government itself has the largest number of monks in the entire Taixuan Land.

   "Should everyone slow down, let the cultivators of the other forces charge first, and see if this Terran army is justified!"

After hesitating for a while, almost the same order came from the princes of Central Shangguo and the fourth princes. However, the seven and eighth princes behind the two adopted completely different strategies. They passed directly and continued to advance. .

   On the other side, the fog of Taoism continued to retreat, exposing the densely arrayed Daxia army above the sea, and then Wang Jing's command continued to linger in the sky:

   "The Great Xia Canglan Law repair army, frozen and supernatural, the target is in front of the North Sea!"

Wang Jing’s loud shout fell, and the nine abruptly moved from the coast of the East China Sea to the flat islands here, the Daxia Fa Xiu Army, who had already condensed magical powers to the peak, under the command of the commander, Qi Taking a step forward, the huge ancient relic magic Dao Soul behind it penetrated out, and at the same time began to absorb the vitality of the sky and the North Sea.

   At the next breath, nine huge black holes of vitality appeared directly above the sky dome of the North Sea, just like open mouths, competing for the vitality of the sky in the North Sea.

   "The foreign soil turtle is the foreign soil turtle. I don't know how rare the world is in the mist of Hokkaido, and I tried to freeze the sea. This is the North Sea, not the water tank in the backyard of my house. I really want to laugh at Ben Xiu!"

The North Sea, which was shrouded in the mist of Taoism, was as scarce as water in the desert. Therefore, these monks from the Supreme Profound Land who were charging forward, upon seeing this, let out a chuckle of disdain, and then their ears A commander roar sounded from the bank:

   "All the French repairers, take purification potions, supernatural powers and cold currents, let go!"

After a breath, under the puzzled gaze of countless monks in the Great Profound Land, Da Xia Canglan, who was wearing a robes, took out a white porcelain bottle and poured it into his mouth. Then the vast and endless ice attribute vitality fluctuated suddenly. It soared into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and swept outward, smashing into the North Sea below.

After a few breaths, the first sheet of frost condensed on the North Sea in front of him, followed by the second sheet, and the third sheet. The densely packed frost closed together, sealing a large area of ​​the sea and forming a roaring cold current like an ice dragon. It spreads at an extremely violent speed.

   "This, how is this possible, it really has frozen the surface of the North Sea in the mist of Taoism!"


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