The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1261: The arc light up, the head falls


read2();   Shenxiancheng, shrouded by the power of the holy palace, although the southern palace above the dome of the sky has retracted the defensive barrier that exudes infinite light, and once again immersed in the darkness, but gathered The countless people of great power in this great North Sea city have already put away their thoughts of continuing to ambush.

   "His Royal Highness, the majesty of the holy court is too vast, and the subordinates suggest to leave first."

In a shadow on the west side of Shen Xiancheng, the voice from the counselor rang in the ears of the prince, and then the prince of the central state, the golden dragon eyes stared at the large building that fell like a piece of wheat. Wu, concealing the unwilling color in his eyes, then nodded and said:

   "It's a pity that this time, with such a good opportunity, I couldn't directly kill the fourth brother, but it also hurt my fourth brother's vitality, and most of the elite died."

After    finished speaking, the eldest prince turned his gaze directly to the west of Shen Xiancheng where the fight broke out, and continued to speak:

   "It's just that the fourth child has caught up with the line of Yan Jue's Kingdom, and when neither side is dead, my Highness feels uneasy!"

The voice of the Great Prince of the Central Empire has not yet fallen. Suddenly, within the emerald green barrier on the west side of Shenxian City, the vast and vast will that had been hidden once again rises to the sky. The strength of this will makes the surrounding Although there is barrier isolation, it still spreads rapidly to the entire Shen Xiancheng.

At the next breath, countless people of the great forces who sensed this will were shocked, and then all turned their eyes to the west. At the same time, they stretched out their right hand and held the hilt back to continue the trial of the forest, the first artifact of Qingzhi Kingdom. Withdrawing a trace of Miss Qing Tian, ​​her petite body leaned forward, holding the void with her left hand, her whole figure was like a beast ready to go, and it might explode completely in the next second.

At this time, the green life entrapment behind the eldest lady has all been absorbed by the jungle judgment phantom. At the same time, on this artifact, strands of runes begin to flow from top to bottom, just like awakening the secret of this sleeping will. key.

In front of    Qingtian, the Daozi of the Flame Demon, who was enveloped by the infinite killing intent, could no longer retain the previous madness on his hideous and terrifying face, and directly turned into intense fear, and his roar came out:

   "The holy court has an order. There must be no more conflicts before the chance meeting begins. You can't move me. How dare your Qingzhi country violate the order of the holy court!"

   Yan Demon Daozi's roar rushed towards the sky, but was completely stopped by the surrounding jungle enchantment, and then Miss Qing Tian continued to say nothing, and drew the sword again.

The silence of the girl at this moment represents the ultimate killing intent that no one can stop. For Dao Zi Yan Demon, it is an invisible blade that cuts on her body with a single knife, and the fear before her death suddenly erupted. Next, he madly twisted his huge body, attempting to break away from the will of the devil vine and the judgment of the jungle, roaring:

   "If you kill me, you will die too, and the holy court will not let you go in order to gain power!"

  As soon as the words of the Flame Demon Daozi came out of his mouth, Qing Tian's figure leaning forward on the void immediately dissipated, and when it appeared again, it had already appeared on the side of the former's ugly giant head, and the infinite killing machine was boiling to the extreme.

   "Save me, the Holy Court, save me!"

   Flame Demon Daozi's roar before his death was deafening, and the eyes of Miss Qing Tian around his neck condensed, and her right hand suddenly pulled out the hilt of the sword. After seeing countless green awns rising into the sky, the judgment of the artifact jungle was pulled out half.

In the next breath, a sharp sound of sharp sword unsheathing suddenly sounded between the entire world and the earth, and then the vast and incomparable breath of will rushed into the sky, shocking the hearts of all the cultivators in the entire Shenxian City, and also letting the Nanxing Palace outside the immortal gate, The face of the saint guard suddenly became extremely cold.

   The extremely strong iron-blooded aura rushed out from the bodies of these silver armored saints for an instant, and then the particularly tall female saint guard took a step forward, a cold voice resounding throughout Shen Xiancheng:

   "Someone blatantly violated the order of the holy court and sought death!"

After    finished speaking, the female commander directly grabbed a dazzling and flashing huge thunder, and on the huge fairy gate behind her, a dazzling white thunder rune also lit up.

The Beihai Sky Dome above Shenxian City, the endless power of thunder punishment, converged at the blazing thunder in the hands of the female saint at an extremely violent speed, and Beihai County, the Taixuan Land, which had been lost for tens of thousands of years, Once there was a powerful atmosphere.

   "Heaven's punishment, this is the aura of heaven's punishment, this holy court palace actually wants to punish the heaven, is this incredible?"

A series of exclamations appeared in the minds of the cultivators of Shen Xiancheng. Then these great cultivators pressed their lips and made no sound, but their attention came out again, gathered at the west side of Shen Xiancheng, and then thickly The color of interest appeared directly on their faces.

   Tai Xuan Land is recognized as the strongest force behind the scenes, and the frontal conflict between Qing Zhi Shang Guo, who has always been alone, is rare in ancient times, but it happened in front of all the forces.

   The vast and infinite will on the west side of Shenxian City rose to the sky, while the power of Thunder Heaven's punishment in the Southern Palace was billowing down. The two collided in the sky above Shenxian City, and even tore a void crack after another.

   "Stop, stop fighting, spare you not to die!"

After the incomparable voice of the commander of the holy court lady and holy guard resounded throughout Shenxian City, all the monks in the entire city were paying attention to Miss Qing Tian's choice, and even the worried Master Young Miao took a step forward subconsciously. I wanted to say something, but was stopped by Qinglin on the side.

   Then Qing Lin shook his head, staring at the shadow standing next to the head of Yan Demon Daozi holding a sword, with a solemn expression on his face.

Because everyone in Qingzhi Kingdom knows that at this moment, the shoulders of the young girl Qingtian suddenly bear an unimaginable weight. This is the weight of choice, and it is also related to the life trajectory of countless Shumei clan. weight.

   "You dare not kill me, you dare not joke with the life of the entire Qingzhi Country Shumei Clan!"

   Flame Demon Daozi's heart attacking words continued to be heard, and after this hoarse voice rang in the girl's ears, Qing Tian was exquisite. Yu's face did not change in any way, and because of the rolling momentum generated by the will, the girl's long green hair was flying like a waterfall, and her petite and exquisite body suddenly became extremely tall!

   At the next breath, Qing Tian's lips pressed, and his right hand used force again, pulling out one third of the jungle trial again, and a dazzling green arc instantly appeared in the void.

   Pina is like a surprise, like a dragon!

  The arc light ran across Daozi's neck, and it flashed away. After an instant, Daozi's roar stopped abruptly, and there was still a thick incredible color in his eyes.

   Then under the immortal gate of the Nanxing Palace above the sky, the saint guard girl commander holding Thunder in her hand, cold as frost, opened her mouth and let out a loud shout:



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