The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1249: Chance meeting


read2();   When the darkness above the sky dome completely enveloped the city on the top of the armour, the North Sea wild bird that had gathered its wings and fell, gently placed the two Shen Xiancheng is brightly lit, still on the gossip square where people come and go.

   "Two distinguished guests, Shen Xiancheng has arrived."

   The wild bird of Beihai who fluttered in the air finished speaking, looking down at the little girl with the back sword who was waving thanks to him, after hesitating, a concerned voice came out:

  "Guests, in accordance with the rules of the Tianyun Temple, the flying races I and others are responsible for transporting have never asked the origins of the guests, but I think the little girl is so cute, so I am here to talk more.

"Now that there is a situation in Shenxian City, there are some forces that are only heard in legends have come here. The land of the Supreme Profound is not peaceful, and the forces in various regions have festivals. Shen Xiancheng can almost say It is a gunpowder keg, and now it is because the chance has not yet been born that there will be this fragile balance.

   "But you must also understand that this battle will come sooner or later, and soon, so I still hope you can be safe."

   "Thank you for your reminder, Uncle Aura, I will be careful."

The little girl carrying a long sword smiled and responded. Then the two raised their feet and stepped on the ground of the rune-made armor. At this moment, the middle-aged man with a smile suddenly He frowned and stood still.

After being transported, the North Sea wild bird, waving its wings, rose to the sky again, and this time after being far away from home, I don’t know when the next return will be. What makes these Beihai creatures worry about is this place in Shen Xiancheng. Whether the last homeland can stand as still as it has stood under the North Sea hurricane for tens of thousands of years is still unknown.

After the wild birds of the North Sea were far away, the middle-aged man standing on the ground of the Ao Jia city pool was very strangely motionless, and then he closed his eyes directly, and the little girl beside the middle-aged man was also extremely well-behaved. Standing next to him did not disturb, but with curious eyes he looked at the square surrounded by a large number of monks.

The crowds coming and going on the Eight Diagrams Square of Shen Xiancheng, passing by the two big and small, all looked suspicious, because the two standing by themselves appeared in the crowded Shen Xiancheng. It was extremely abrupt, and it seemed like a casual repairman who came to try his luck.

   "Shen Xiancheng actually has casual cultivators, is it too long?"

Seeing the immobile appearance of the two of them, when some big-tempered children passed by, they opened their mouths and let out a snarling roar, and they wanted to go forward and teach them. In their opinion, at this time, some San Xiu dared to appear. In Shen Xiancheng, it was an insult to them.

   Fortunately, there are many calm disciples among these big sects. They opened their hands to stop the angry-faced companion on the side, shook his head, and a solemn voice came out:

   "Master has an order. At present, it is forbidden to create conflicts in Shenxian City. Even if they are really casual cultivators, they must endure it. If they make a big plan because of this, you will not be blamed for 10,000."

As soon as the harsh words came out, the disciples who wanted to go forward snorted and left very unwillingly. Then the middle-aged man and the little girl stood on the gossip square in Shen Xiancheng for a full quarter of an hour. The former slowly continued to open his eyes, still a little shocked in his eyes.

   "Uncle, what's wrong?"

   After the little girl fell with a little curious voice, the recovered middle-aged man raised his hand and touched the former's head, and responded:

   "Uncle found something very interesting and unexpected at the bottom of Shenxian City. In this way, the situation in Beihai is completely difficult to say."

   After the middle-aged person’s voice came into her ears, the little girl raised her hand, scratching her little head in the mist, then turned her head to look at the unkind sect children around her, and asked:

  "Yi'er has just been listening to the four words of chance meeting among the people passing by. Uncle, what is this so-called chance meeting like?"

   "This opportunity meeting, as the name suggests, is a meeting held for the purpose of dividing up opportunities."

   The middle-aged man’s voice in response was still mellow, as comforting as a spring breeze in the cold and biting North Sea, and then he took the lead in raising his foot forward, and the voice continued to sound:

"There are many forces and monks in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, but there are too few opportunities. Therefore, whenever there is a great opportunity to be born, a large number of monks will always participate in the fight, and blood will flow into rivers every time. This will not only consume power, but also Give people the opportunity to profit.

   "Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the forces in the Taixuan Land followed the practice of the Immortal Palace era, and held a chance meeting before the chance competition."

   "So this chance meeting is for the monks to fight first?"

   The little girl stretched her hand to the long sword that was higher than her own, and trot to catch up with the middle-aged man in front. After the clear voice came to the middle-aged man’s ears, the latter nodded and responded:

"It is true. The truth above the Supreme Profound Land is unreasonable, so in the end, you still have to speak with your fists. However, the confrontation between powers is earth-shaking. The stronger the cultivation base, the life and death fight once they take action. This is a chance meeting. It’s against the original intent, so it is the younger generation who really end up fighting.

  When the words of the younger generation came out, the girl with the sword back brightened her eyes, her small fist was clenched, she even subconsciously licked her lips, and her voice enthusiastically sounded directly:

   "It turned out to be the younger generation. No wonder there are so many young disciples gathered in Shen Xiancheng. As a result, this trip to the north suddenly seems to be something to look forward to."

   The sudden high fighting spirit of the little girl indicates that she is not as peaceful as she sees on the surface, and then the middle-aged man who knows the former militantly smiles and continues to speak:

"The old guys don’t take action, and the fight between the younger generations who represent the future of the forces can show the background of a big force. After all, inheritance is a top priority for any force, so this rule is also used by most forces. Acceptance has become the highlight of the chance meeting."

   Along with the conversation, the two people, one big and one small, stepping on the shining street of Shenxian City, gradually approaching the most lively Shenji Pavilion in the city, and then the sister-in-law thought for a few breaths and asked:

   "Uncle, this time the Beihai chance meeting is held in Shenxiancheng where I am waiting?"

"that is not."

   In the face of the little girl's constant inquiries, the middle-aged man had patience beyond imagination, and still answered with a mellow voice:

  "Yi'er, the organizer of this chance meeting is the holy court, and this Shen Xiancheng is still the site of the North Sea Five Immortal Sect. How can the high holy court allow such a meeting to be held on other people's sites?

   "Although the saint lives in the ruins of the dilapidated fairy palace on weekdays, there are a lot of palaces under his hands. Just come to one to meet your needs."


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