The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1205: Terrestrial Tortoise


read2();   Lu Yin, Tai Xuan Land is the broadest, and it is also the profession with the lowest threshold.

The area of ​​the entire Taixuan Land is extremely wide, and there are so many influences in the 108 prefectures. The customs, customs, mountains and rivers of each region are different, and even large cities adjacent to each other may be completely A different world.

In this way, the first thing for almost every monk and force who has just arrived in the city is to find a guide who knows the local area very well. In other words, a good local guide can get twice the result with half the effort. Effect.

However, all monks understand that the threshold to become a guide is extremely low. Therefore, the industry is mixed with good and bad. Among them, there is a difference between the well-informed and the indiscriminate. At this time, Dong Yuan, Is undergoing the first test of being a guide.

  Dong Yuan, who looked like a ten-year-old boy on the big golden ship of the rolling Jinzong, raised his head and looked at the two black robe figures that appeared in front of him for unknown time. The color of doubt in his eyes flashed away.

   The bodies of these two people under the black robe were not too burly, but rather well-proportioned and slender. At the same time, in Dong Yuan's feelings, the aura of the two was not obvious, just like ordinary people with no cultivation.

   Almost everyone can practice in the land of the profound mystery, so at this time there is no aura revealed, on the contrary, it is another kind of powerful. Then Dong Yuan sternly looked, after a few breaths of thought, he said:

   "My lord has just said this, but there are actually some mistakes. The **** battle tens of thousands of years ago did not affect Linchuan City, but at the beginning of the battle between Wuxianshan Xiansheng and Longbo Kingdom, the city was mostly destroyed."

After   's words fell, Dong Yuan, who looked more and more confident, continued to speak:

   "The reason why this period of history is not remembered is that the city of Linchuan a long time ago was just an extremely inconspicuous Linjiang village. You can tell a thing or two from its name."

   "Your implication is that there was no sea outside of Fengxian County, but because of a great battle, the land became a sea?"

   After the steady voice under the black hood fell in the night, Dong Yuan's eyes showed a little surprise, and then he hurriedly said:

"My lord is keen. There was originally only one river in Fengxian County that flowed from the North Sea. Later, because of the **** battle, the land broke and it became a landform that is half land and half sea. Then the people of Fengxian County who survived by chance lived in this sea. To the shore, Linchuan City was re-established."

   After Dong Yuan said this, Shen Ning took a breath and continued to speak:

"Because Fengxian County is located in the north and was affected by the Great War, its overall strength is at the end of the 108 County, even better than Beihai County where the Heavenly Dao collapsed, so I consider the current situation The changes in the situation in Beihai, as well as the chaotic heaven and luck, believe that the entire Fengxian County is in crisis.

"As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. Whether a city can survive the war, the most important thing is whether the power in the city is strong or not. The strongest power in Linchuan City and even Fengxian County is the Feng family. But the Feng Family can't protect Linchuan City at all under the waves of all the big forces in the entire Taixuan Land!"

Dong Yuan’s words were decisive, and at the same time it revealed that he had a general view of the whole world, far beyond ordinary people. After his words fell, the black robe-clad Ye nodded and turned to the side who was immersed in the fruit. Jin Ingot directly said:

   "I'm very satisfied with this famous guide, just him."

   "Okay, Brother Ye, the first time I saw this kid, I felt that he was deeply hidden."

   After finishing the gold ingot, he threw the fruit in his hand aside, then rubbed his hands and stood up from the collapse, and continued to speak with a smile on his face:

   "Not only is this kid different from ordinary people in appearance, but also in his mind. He is good at seizing opportunities, which is very interesting."

After Jin Yuanbao’s voice sounded, Dong Yuan, who was praised, bowed forward, but the shocking color hidden in the latter’s eyes became stronger and stronger, because the young master of the Jin Jinzong in front of him, his round face was full at this time. With a pleased smile.

Dong Yuan’s behavioral style of Jin Jinzong can be said to be extremely impressed, that is, to use money to flatter someone, he uses countless money to open the way, like the present-day gold ingot, it’s incredible, especially Jin Yuan Bao's identity is the young master of this sect.

And just as Dong Yuan suppressed the horror in his heart, another move of Jin Ingot completely made the former almost exclaimed. I saw this chubby young master Jin, who personally raised his hand and picked two best-selling ones. The fruit was handed to the two black-robed men in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "Brother Ye, according to the previous plan, I will not stay in Linchuan City, but will go directly into the sea and continue north?"

   "First, send some people to the city to inquire about the news. I have been on You Tianweng's back these days, and the news is somewhat blocked."

After    Yaichi’s response fell, Jin Ingot suddenly showed a triumphant expression and said directly:

"I don’t need Brother Ye’s order. I had already let my subordinates take the rest of the flying races a few days ago, and came to Linchuan City first. I used celestial coins to buy a lot of information from Shenji Pavilion, which I had already sent back. On board."

   "So good!"

Ye Yi’s response was also filled with a smile, and then he stretched out his white and slender right hand and took the fruit from the gold ingot. At the same time, a pair of obviously very young right hands appeared in Dong Yuan’s line of sight, and then Ye Yi’s The voice continued:

   "Then King Jin, we will go directly to the sea and north, but remember to show me this information and see."

   "Good night brother, housekeeper Wang, you arrange to set sail."

With a big wave of gold ingots, the **** sitting on it will collapse, and the entire huge ship will suddenly become busy. Everyone and sailors suddenly start to shuttle inside the ship, and at the same time loud whistle sounds Rush to the sky.

   After the ear-piercing whistle sounded out, the monks who had just robbed the cents on Linchuan City Square looked up in amazement, and then there was a voice of inquiry.

   "This is the sound of whistling and sailing, but this is on land. How can this big golden ship move forward or even travel?"

   "Could it be that this ship can rise into the void?"

   As soon as the voice of a monk fell, different voices directly sounded beside him:

   "Impossible, this golden ship is too big and heavy, even the strongest floating formation can hardly get it off the ground!"

Just as the monks on the square were talking about it, Dong Yuan, who was standing next to Jin Yuanbao on the deck, flashed the same doubtful color, and then Jin Dashao, who collapsed on top of his body, saw it. The former was puzzled and said with a smile:

   "Boy, are you curious about how you can get this heavy golden ship onto the sea outside Linchuan City? It's actually very simple, you can see the few people standing next to this young master."

After Dong Yuan heard this, he turned his gaze to the eight figures that had just walked out of the ship, and looked up and down. When he saw the rune patterns on the figure that looked like cracks in the earth, he made a startled voice. He blurted out and made his debut:

   "Are these few people from the terrestrial tortoise clan?"


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