The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1073: Semi-automatic


read2();   In the depths of the puppet hall, the old book of the Ministry of Industry, who was originally taking a nap, felt that the bright candles in the hall were burning at close range. There was a fierce pain on his old face.

   Although he couldn't see his face, Wu Xiangui knew that when the young emperor saw him embarrassed, his face must be extremely flushed.

However, after living for so many years, the Lao Shang Shu of the Ministry of Labor, who was also called Chao Tang Old Naughty Boy with Li Chunfeng, was naturally not a vegetarian. After returning to normal in a short period of time, he raised his hand and bowed deeply to Zhao Yu. Respectfully said:

   "Your Majesty descended to the Puppet Hall in person, and the old ministers are here to shine!"

   "Wu Xiangui, how come I saw you, an old fellow, lazy in the corner?"

   After the steady voice of the emperor came from Zhao Yu's mouth, Lao Shangshu's ravine face suddenly wrinkled, and then he responded bitterly:

   "Your Majesty's Ming Jian, the old minister is just eating dry food and drinking tea. After all, the minister is old and his energy is not as good as he was in the past, and this kind of physical work of splicing organ parts can't do much."

  As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yu nodded, smiled and said:

   "Old Shangshu has worked hard. I know the contribution of the Ministry of Engineering during this period of time. I know better than anyone else. You are so busy that sometimes you don't even come in the morning, so I can only come to your site personally."

   Although the young emperor’s response sound was as steady as before, but it caused the eyes of the old man beside him to flash, which made him cry, and then his trembling voice continued:

   "Your Majesty, the old minister can't wait for him to be twenty years younger, even ten years old. The minister has never longed for more time or more than he does now."

After    finished speaking, Lao Shangshu raised his hand and pointed to the front to assemble most of the sky above the puppets. In the extremely complicated structure of the picture, the old eyes showed pride, and the voice came out again:

   "Although the old minister does not have to have the energy of the past, he still lives up to his majesty's trust. Your Majesty, look at the complex structure of the roof of the palace. The old man did not sleep day and night and personally made it stroke by stroke."

The words of the old Shangshu fell, and Zhao Yu, standing with his hands in his hands, raised his head and quietly stared at the structure map above. Then the young emperor gradually moved along the complicated lines on the map with infinite majestic eyes. After a long time, Huang Huang The emperor's voice came out:

   "This is the catapult puppet that I proposed before?"

   "Your Majesty Shengming, it is."

  Old Shangshu smiled proudly, his entire face smiled directly into a chrysanthemum, and then his confident voice continued to spread into Zhao Yu's ears:

"At the beginning, in the vast Arctic land of China, your Majesty asked the Ministry of Industry to build an agency puppet that could detect enemies on its own and defend itself to garrison our extremely long border in Daxia. Then the old ministers united with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry. And almost all masters of Daxia began to create day and night.

   "But your Majesty, this is a pioneering work that has never been seen in the history of the vast land of China, so it is not easy. At the same time, many concepts, including veterans, are the first to hear."

   "I know that my request is contrary to the original deep-rooted thinking of your craftsmen, so the degree of difficulty in this can be imagined."

   After the young emperor’s voice fell, Lao Shangshu nodded with approval, raised his hand to caress the white beard, and continued to speak slowly:

"His Majesty said that since ancient times, the idea that I and other craftsmen have been pursuing has remained at the stage of utensils, that is, making natural objects between heaven and earth into tools, whether it is the various utensils commonly used in the homes of the people, or The armor and blades of the soldiers are soulless and mindless.

   "Therefore, craftsmen like me have never thought about creating an organ puppet with thinking and soul, because this only exists in the myth, until I waited to see the silver mountain."

   At this point, the light in the eyes of Lao Shangshu became extremely enthusiastic for an instant, and then a voice of incomparable sigh sounded:

"The Great Lord Silver Mountain is so incredible, it can even be called the **** among the puppets! The old man faced it like a frog in a deep well, and like an apprentice blacksmith, he suddenly obtained the most mysterious weapon in the world. , But even the furthest rune is hard to understand.

   "And when a person knows more than he knows, it is not a good thing. Therefore, we are all confused and go in the wrong direction."

   The words of the old Shangshu made Zhao Yu's expression slightly condensed, and then the young emperor retracted his gaze to look ahead, turned his head to look at the old man beside him, with a calm expression and a listening color.

   Zhao Yu did not speak, but Lao Shangshu continued to bow to the former, and the old voice sounded again:

"Among the requirements mentioned by your majesty, one of the key points is to automatically recognize the enemy and launch an attack accurately on its own. Therefore, from the beginning, including the old man, they thought that to do this, they need to let this The puppet has its own thinking, in other words, it is to create a new creature!"

The word   shengling was especially solemn when it came out of the mouth of the old Shangshu, and then his old face became extremely lonely, and he muttered:

"But giving life is the category of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and it is a taboo. How can we wait for manpower to get involved? In other words, compared to the entire world, these craftsmen are as small as dust and can thrive and survive. It is already a great gift, how can it be done to give life to an instrument? This goes against the laws of nature."

   "I understand what Lao Shangshu said, between heaven and earth, matters involving the reincarnation of birth, old age, sickness and death are all taboos!"

   Among Zhao Yu's ebony eyes, Shen Ning flashed past, then he raised his hand to signal Lao Shangshu to continue, and the latter bowed again, and the voice came out:

"Afterwards, when I was unable to do anything, I waited for the Dao Soul bestowed by His Majesty, and wondered whether I could use this magical Dao Soul to make this mechanism puppet really come back to life, but I still failed, because the essence of Dao Soul is The medium of communication between creatures and heaven and earth is the concretization of thinking. Therefore, the foundation of Dao Soul is creatures, and organ puppets without thinking cannot integrate Dao Soul, so this road is also a dead end.

"One dead end after another, let me understand how great and incredible the Great Silver Mountain is. I don’t know if there is another puppet like the Great Silver Mountain in the whole world, but one thing is certain, even if we It really gave a puppet life, then this process is absolutely unrepeatable and unique.

"So this is also inconsistent with Your Majesty’s original intention. Your Majesty hopes to use a strong means to protect the entire country. That means that the demand for this kind of puppet will be extremely huge, and it will also block the practice of giving souls from the side. ."

   The words that continued to spread from the mouth of the old Shangshu foretell how many failures and detours the entire Ministry of Industry and Daxia craftsmen experienced during the development stage.

  Zhao Yu can clearly understand the complex mood in Lao Shangshu's heart at this time. Then the young emperor raised his right hand and pointed to the structure map on the top of the palace. Then the steady emperor's voice came out:

   "So the method you finally came up with is to control a part of it, in other words, can I also call it semi-automatic?"


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