
read2();  With the rapid changes in the summer, the development speed is like a rocket. Those parts of the eight forbidden areas that were considered by countless people to enter, have become no longer mysterious and Dangers, such as the Hexu Mountain in Guizhou and the Valley of Giants in the depths of the wild forest in the southwest.

   But there are some forbidden lands, which are still mysterious and dangerous, representing the most secretive side of the entire heaven and earth avenue. As the first of the eight forbidden lands, the endless mountain is undoubtedly the leader.

   In other words, for Daxia at this time, under the circumstances that the origin of the vast land of China is already clear, the vast and endless endless mountains are still as secret and deep as a black hole and bottomless.

   Endless Mountain Jade Dragon Pass, the three rounds of never-falling scorching sun above the sky, exudes a bright light without hot temperature, and at the same time illuminates every corner of this huge borderline giant fortress.

At this time, Jade Dragon Pass under the light, because of Daxia's complete victory with the Sun Empire, most of the burden of the fortress's shoulders was relieved, not only the deafening charge and the sound of fighting outside the city wall The roar suddenly disappeared, and even the tens of millions of troops stationed here were deployed back to Daxia mainland under the order of Zhao Yu and the Ministry of War to deal with the contact with the Taixuan land soon.

   In a sense, this Xijiang fortress that once carried the youth and blood of countless Daxia sergeants has now become a gloriously retired veteran!

The alien race has completely disappeared in the endless mountain, and its mission is temporarily over. Only the dark brown city wall that has been infested over and over again by the blood of countless enemies and ourselves, and the crisscross and crisscross scars on the city wall, silently tell that this Xiongguan has been Thrilling, breathtaking past glory.

   On the towering city wall of Yulongguan, bright light shone down, a burly figure wearing heavy black armor and a tall shield hanging behind it stood quietly, looking down at the bottom, his eyes flat and solemn.

   Then a young and clear figure came from not far away, and it sounded clearly above the city wall:

   "Lieutenant Peng, I've been watching you stand on this city wall during this period of time, but you have something to do with it?"

   The voice fell, Wang Jing in light armor stepped from under the city wall to behind Peng Mu, and then Peng Mu's thick response came out:

   "I'm practicing!"

   After Peng Mu’s faint response sounded, Wang Jing stepped forward, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hands, supported the city wall in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Although your Dao soul of Captain Peng is a city brick, it does not mean that you have to cultivate on this city wall, but I keep in mind that Wan'er told me before returning from Fengcheng to the army. I need to take good care of your brother-in-law, let me see what you are watching?"

After he finished speaking, Wang Jing with a handsome face bowed his head and followed Peng Mu's gaze. At the corner of Yulong Pass below, there was a group of sergeants lined up, and the sergeants in this line were different from the rest of the service. , Did not wear the armor to kill the enemy, but a plain white robe representing the rescue and healing of the wounded,

   Daxia Xijiang Military Medical Health!

The girls in the military doctors are the dream lovers that all the lads in the army in Daxia dream of. Therefore, after these military flowers came out of the camp, they attracted the attention of a large number of other sergeants and watched them. The girl standing in front undoubtedly attracted the most attention.

This calm face and picturesque eyebrows of the military medical girl exudes a calmer breath than a shield armored soldier. From a distance, it looks like a snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains that quietly blooms. It is eye-catching, but it makes people afraid to approach.

Peng Mu's response above the city wall was as thick as always, and then the dark eyes on his national character face stared at the girl who was talking at the forefront of the military doctor and guard below. After a while, he spoke softly. Road:

   "Wang Jing, you know what, I'm actually not used to it."

   The voice fell, Peng Mu raised his right hand on the wall, pointed it down, and continued to speak:

"After I came to the endless mountain Yulong Pass, for so many years, Yulong Pass has been filled with gunpowder and blood. The war outside the pass has never stopped, and the only place where I can close my eyes is the darkness. Camp."

Speaking of this, Peng Mu stayed his finger on the west side of Yulong Pass. The [liancheng] piece was endless, and Fang Fangzheng was like a tofu block on the camp, but if you look closely, this is now The camp had already begun to be demolished by a large number of sergeants, and then the voice from Peng Mu continued on the city wall:

"The place where the camp was once was very lively. The stove in the hands of the fire-headed army was burning all the time, providing food for soldiers returning from the front. The shield armour I belonged to were all devouring giants. The beast, even the cockroach, the shortest body, can eat half of a small alien beast. Therefore, these fire-headed soldiers will turn blue and white every time when they see the swelling of the soldiers. "

   Accompanied by the description of Peng Mu's calm voice, it was not long away, but it gave people a scene in the extremely distant Yulongguan battlefield, which was slowly opened in front of Wang Jing like a scroll.

Wang Jing has not been in the army for a long time, so he has not really participated in the **** and brutal battle between this fortress at his feet and the foreign races, but Wang Jing has participated in it. There are already a lot of battles, and I have a deep understanding of the real battlefield of life and death. After Peng Mu finished speaking, his eyes moved slightly and he responded gently:

"Peng Mu, you have to understand that everything we see before our eyes has an extremely heavy name, called peace, and this peace is the supreme glory cast by the lives of human soldiers for countless years. It's not easy, so precious.

   "The general died in a hundred battles, and the strong men returned for ten years. Peace is so rare. I wish the whole world would be peaceful, so Peng Mu, you have to get used to it."

   "But now is not the time to get used to peace."

   The dignified color in Peng Mu's voice remained undiminished, and then he slowly turned around, staring at Wang Jing with a confident smile, and continued to speak slowly:

   "The most common thing people do is forgetting, and those of us know better than anyone else that the so-called peace in the world is far from coming."

"Of course, your Majesty understands, and all the officials of the Manchu dynasty cultural relics also understand that all of this is working for the glory of the next dispute and victory. Although we only have the strength of our own strength, we should become stronger. In history Playing a more important role on the stage."

After    finished speaking, Wang Jing slowly raised his hand, directly drew out a transfer order and handed it to Peng Mu in front of him, and his clear voice continued:

   "Your Majesty has an order, we are going to Shenjing City."

   The voice fell, Peng Mu bowed his head and looked at the transfer order in Wang Jing's hand. Only three major seals could be seen on this transfer order.

   Fuyao the Great Seal, the Cabinet Great Seal, and the Ministry of War Great Seal.


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