The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1050: Cross boundary


read2();   Somewhere in the center of the North Sea in the Taixuan Land, the big golden ship that was originally like a small island moving forward mightily, after being ordered by the gold ingot, it immediately started to slow down, and then Hovering and floating above the dark green sea.

   After the big ship stopped for a few breaths, the figure covered by two large black robes jumped up directly from the deck, pierced the trajectory of the void through two trajectories, and slammed into the sea, causing a lot of waves.

Then the gold ingot, which was sitting on the collapsed deck, got up and sprinted to the edge of the deck. The speed was as fast as a very flexible meat ball. After reaching the edge, the gold ingot raised his hand to support the mast, Putting his head out, staring at the sea where Ye Yi and Xue Dao disappeared, pursing his lips, his eyes solemn.

As Xue Dao said, gold ingots belong to the wise and foolish type. Those who should believe will never doubt it, and should not ask, just ask. He did not ask Ye Yi and Xue Dao why they went to the bottom of the sea. Because he knows very well that in the land of Supreme Profound, everyone has a secret.

   The bottom of the North Sea, the lower the sea, the colder the sea, and this is a kind of icy cold, because the depths of the ocean are no longer pure water, but a mysterious and mysterious substance.

Whether it was during the tens of thousands of years when Beihai County was prosperous, or when it is now in an abnormally desolate period, the monks in the land of the profound mystery don’t know how deep this Beihai is. It’s like an abyss without any end. in the end.

There are too many incredible mysteries in the entire vast area of ​​Taixuan, and this huge ocean that spans the entire northern part of the continent, along with the **** battle of tens of thousands of years, has too many secrets buried in it. seabed.

   Starting from the golden golden ship suspended above the sea, it extends down to an unknown depth in the sea, with two tall and straight figures standing between the dark green water.

   The sea area around Yeyi and Xue Dao was already extremely deserted and lonely, and there was not even a trace of light. Then Xue Dao’s voice sounded softly:

   "If I didn't feel wrong, this is the place where I appeared when I was teleported for the first time, so the other side of the city should be around here."

The infinite pressure in the depths of the North Sea is beyond imagination, but Xue Dao, who is the guardian of the deep sea murloc, has no effect on this, and even feels that endless power is constantly pouring into his body, with a very comfortable sense of fullness, and his voice After falling, Ye Yi next to him raised his right hand, as if trying to touch the vast and illusory world city, and at the same time, he responded:

"This world city is directly hidden in another layer of void under the power of the mysterious space law. Therefore, when the coordinates are not found, it is difficult to find it no matter how searched on the seabed. In fact, it was in our Shenzhou Hao Earth, if it weren't for the purpose of Heaven to force the city out of the void, it would be difficult for me to find it either."

After    Ye Ye finished speaking, Xue Dao directly sounded with a little worried voice:

   "Yeichi, you should know that once you act according to your plan, for you, your cultivation base may cause irreversible harm."

Although the deep sea was dim and completely dark at this time, Xue Dao could still see Ye Yi's particularly pale face beside him. During the ten-odd days of traveling on the sea, the three of them tried to determine the authenticity of the intelligence from the Five Immortals. , Wasted a lot of attention.

"We all know the importance of the information in our hands to Da Xia, so we must make sure that it is true when it is handed over to His Majesty, and it is not easy to send the information back to Da Xia in any way when the boundary city is isolated. This is the only way I can think of!"

   After finishing speaking, Ye Yi raised his hand and took off the hood that covered his head, revealing a pale face with runes on the bars, and then narrowed his eyes, no longer hesitating, and directly opened his mouth and let out a low drink:

   "Glory is my life, I am willing to devote myself to the great cause of the future Daxia glory in the land of the Supreme Profound!

   "Xue Dao, do it!"

After the roar of the young night demon came out, Xue Dao directly raised his head and let out a roar. The whole figure began to expand rapidly. Numerous dark brown rune scales appeared, and sharp fins stretched out from all parts of the body. Then, in a blink of an eye, a huge, burly deep-sea murloc lord was formed.

The entire vast and endless, extremely silent center of the North Sea, at the moment the lord of the deep sea arrived, it instantly began to boil and jump outwards with it as the center, as if every drop of water in the depths of the North Sea was cheering for the arrival of the lord. , Excited.

Between the electric light and flint, Xue Dao unreservedly released his ancient forbidden soul, and his original broken right arm was condensed again by countless laws of the deep sea, and at the same time a huge trident like a pillar of Dinghai was covered The former holds hands tightly.

   Then Xue Dao, who was completely transformed into the lord of the deep sea murloc, slowly raised the trident in his hand and slammed it down!

   After a breath, the entire depths of the North Sea, together with the sea level, the entire infinite water jumped directly upwards, just as if a giant volcano suddenly erupted out on the seabed.

  The waves of rage swelled wildly, and the depths of the North Sea tore off the kind surface, revealing the ferocious and violent nature!

At the same time, the big golden ship that had stayed above the sea directly turned into a horse-drawn carriage that charged quickly in the rugged mountain roads. The monks who were too late to react on the ship turned upside down one after another, and they were looking at the edge of the deck. Looking at the gold ingot on the sea below, after making a weird cry, the round face was in direct contact with the surrounding pole below him.

Then the gold ingot that smashed its eyes and stared at the gold star climbed up from the deck, reached out a hand and touched the dirty blood on his face, and hurriedly continued to look at the sea under the ship, his face full of horror, because under the big golden ship, at this time A huge vortex is rapidly forming.

This whirlpool directly penetrates the entire North Sea, forming a barrier that is unique to the deep sea, and within the whirlpool barrier, the last hidden totem on Ye Yi’s face slowly emerged, and then he raised his right hand. Without hesitation, he slapped the totem on the cheek.

   After a muffled hum, the Totem Avenue blood on Ye Yi's face was directly taken out!

   As soon as this drop of Dao blood came out, the extremely rich Dao breath emerged, and even the entire whirlpool barrier that isolated the outside world was dyed cinnabar.

   "Ya Si Cheng as soon as possible, this barrier will not be isolated for too long!"

Xue Dao, who was struggling to mobilize the power of the entire deep sea, let out a roar, and then nodded in the night with a very fast aura, closed his eyes, and began to quickly compress all the intelligence thoughts in his mind about the entire Taixuan Land before him. In the suspended drop of blood.

Thoughts about the complex information of all the great forces in the Taixuan Land are extremely complex, and it is even more difficult to imprint information on the blood of the Dao. Therefore, Ye Yi’s face is even paler, her lips tightly pressed, and countless thoughts are mobilized to attack the Dao. Blood, and carved runes after runes on it.

The elapsed time of the entire ocean floor seems to have become extremely slow at this moment, which can almost be called an eternal thought. Finally, after the deep breath of Yu Ye, all the runes composed of the dark night on this drop of blood The characterization is complete.

   Then Ye Yi coughed up a mouthful of blood, raised his hand and patted forward, and the blood directly sank into the rucksack of the little pony waving its wings.

   At the next breath, the flying messenger shook his wings violently, and the entire deep sea space began to fluctuate violently. With the continuous sinking of the former and the torn apart of countless spaces, a huge and incomparable world city slowly appeared at the bottom of the deep sea.

   Then, under the gaze of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, the little pony waving its wings slammed into the ghost of the city deep in the North Sea.

After    two breaths, the teleportation rune outlined above the city gradually lights up under the action of the blood of the avenue.


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