Chapter 94, Mrs. Jing

 “What? Fifty Wen?”

Sister Ting has always known that Shumei's embroidery can be sold for five hundred copper plates.

 Sometimes if you embroider something difficult, you can sell it for one or two taels of silver.

 Most of what she embroidered was handkerchiefs or jacket cuffs. She didn't earn much, but her long-term income was quite considerable.

However, Shumei used to give all the copper she earned to Mrs. Zhou, but this time the world is sober.

Shumei looked around and saw no one, then she smiled.

“Last time you said that my grandmother would not save me a dowry, so I secretly started saving money for myself.”

Sister Ying nodded with great appreciation.

“You’re doing well. Our girl’s family still needs to be rich, otherwise we won’t have the confidence to get married in the future.”

Shumei nodded, "Yes, now that I have money, I feel more confident. I am not afraid of being kicked out of the house and having no food to eat."

  Anyway, as long as she has money, she can live anywhere.

Sister Ying nodded and asked her, "Then where do you hide your money? You have to hide it well so as not to be discovered."

Shumei nodded, chuckled, and said mysteriously, "Don't worry, I've hidden all the money, and my grandmother will never find it."

Sister Ying and Sister Ting looked at each other, smiled, and nodded happily.

The three of them played for a long time before going home.

Mrs. Wu came over and asked Sister Ying to practice calligraphy for a while. She was not allowed to come out until dinner.

Sister Ying went obediently and practiced calligraphy for a while. Later, Mrs. Wu came to call her and she came out to eat.

The family came to the dinner table together. Mrs. Wu looked at the door and said, "There was movement outside the door just now. I went out to take a look. It seems that the Jing family is back again?"

Liang Jin nodded, "I also took a look. The red lanterns in that house were all hung up. I thought I was going to come back and live there permanently."

 Old lady Liang asked, "What's their family's background? Did they move around?"

Liang Jin shook his head, "I don't know, but he must be from far away. Judging from the accent, he must be from far away."

 Because they have never traveled far away, they naturally don’t know where the Jing family’s accent comes from.

The capital is so far away from here. It takes four or five months to get there by carriage. They won't even think of going to the capital for a while.

Some people go to the capital to take the exam, and it takes them more than half a year to get there, which is not even a short distance away.

Mrs. Liang didn't care about that. She just said, "Since we are all neighbors, we can get along well with each other. There is no need to be hostile to others."

  Wu Shi fed Kang Geer rice paste and said, "I know."

Mrs. Liang took a bite of meat and said, "I remember that their family has three children, right? Two boys and one girl."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, we just saw two men and a woman outside, their parents, and an old lady."

Old Mrs. Liang took a bite of the food and said, "Well, the whole family should have come together."

 “How does the old lady look?”

Sister Ying thought about it, "Well, judging from her face, she seems a bit serious~"

Old Mrs. Liang, “Could it be that he is the fierce kind?”

Her old man doesn't like a fierce mother-in-law who seems uneducated.

Sister Ying took a bite of noodles and joked, "It doesn't matter to us whether they are fierce or not, and we don't eat their rice."

Mrs. Liang was amused and said, "You are the only one who can say it."

The other end.

 The Jing family is also having dinner this time.

Since we didn’t bring a cook, Jing and the two girls could only help with the cooking.

 There are many people in the family, so there must be a lot of food to cook.

Jing's family is also a lady, so she doesn't know how to cook and can only rely on feeling. The two maids can cook, but they don't know how to make a fire.

After all, they are maids from a wealthy family, and their usual job is to serve tea and pour water. Usually, cooking and lighting fires are done by the people in the kitchen, so they are also slowly exploring.

Jing Shirong waited for a long time and saw that his mother was still in the kitchen, so he knew that they didn't know how to cook.

So he went to the kitchen, took the flint, and said, "Let me make a fire."

Jing didn’t expect her son to be able to make a fire. She was quite surprised. “Son, can you make a fire?”

Jing Shirong nodded with a clear face, "I know a little bit."

  When the three brothers and sisters came to live in Ningxi Town by themselves, they learned how to make fires.

 Although my technique is a bit rusty, I will get it after trying it a few times.

Jing was very happy when she saw that the flames really lit up.

 “My son is still awesome. Haha~”

Jing also has a cheerful temperament, which is somewhat similar to the lively temperament of the twins.

She and her two maids were washing rice and cooking, and then cooking, which wasted a lot of effort.

 In the end, the rice was a little mushy and the stir-fried vegetables were not very tasty, just barely edible.

 The three children in the family are all optimistic. They said it tasted bad and stuffed it into their mouths, but they all finished eating.

Jing Shirong has a calm temperament, eats gracefully, and does not eat everything like his younger brothers and sisters.

But looking at his frown, you can tell that the food is not delicious.

Jing himself was embarrassed. Just as he was about to say something, Mrs. Jing became disgusted.

“Why is this dish so unpalatable? And this rice is so hard that my tooth hurts from eating it.”

Jingshi explained, "I just arrived today and haven't had time to find a cook yet. I will find a good cook tomorrow. You can make do with it tonight."

 She has resigned and is no longer an official wife. Of course, she can no longer pay attention to those things.

Mrs. Jing said dissatisfiedly, "I already told you that I would leave with your brother, but you insist on stopping me and bringing me to this place where birds don't shit, and you still ask me to endure it?"

Jing's father saw his mother showing off her power and explained, "Second brother, he is going to his father-in-law's house. What's going on with you going there?"

When someone's daughter and son-in-law go back, the mother-in-law's family reluctantly accepts it.

 An old lady passed by and she was still holding such a high profile, who would be willing to serve her?

 In the end, if you don’t say anything, your life will not be easy, so you might as well follow him.

 At least he is the eldest son and can live freely in Ningxi Town. What's wrong with that?

Mrs. Jing was particularly unhappy when her eldest son contradicted her.

Angry and aggrieved, "I have given birth to you and raised you for so many years. Is this why you are so angry with me?"

Jing's father was also angry, "We are no longer officials. It's good to be here. What else do you want?"

His best efforts to bring a family of six here safely, is his mother still not satisfied?

 To put it bluntly, he prefers his younger son.

 The younger son is good at everything, but he has to endure hardships.

Jing’s father became angrier as he thought about it, so he just threw up his sleeves and walked away.

Jingshi hurriedly chased after him.

Mrs. Jing felt a little regretful when she saw her son running away in anger. She stretched her neck and looked outside the door, but in the end she did not chase him.

 She is a mother, how can she pursue him? It seems that she has no status with her son.

So she snorted and sat down at the dinner table, waiting for someone to coax her.

Jing Shirong looked back at her and felt that her grandmother was still so stubborn.

While eating gracefully, he reasoned with Mrs. Jing.

"If you don't want to stay here, I'll ask Butler Sun to get a carriage for you tomorrow and take you to your second uncle's place. As for us, we won't go. It's quite tiring to go back and forth."

 (End of this chapter)

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