The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 88: , Brother Kang likes pretty girls

Chapter 88, Kang Geer likes a pretty girl

Sister Ying now pushed Brother Kang towards a beautiful actress.

As soon as Kang Geer saw the beautiful young lady, he immediately started babbling with joy and kept wanting to go over and touch her hair.

Sister Ying refused, so she just pushed the cart to the opposite side of the house and did not get close so as not to disturb them.

When Brother Kang saw that his sister didn't push him over, he turned around and said angrily to Sister Ying, "Ah da da da! Da da da!"

The little fat hand pointed angrily at Sister Ying and cursed.

Sister Ying was laughed to death by his angry expression and pretended to be mean to him.

 “Don’t point your fingers at your sister, or I’ll beat you up.”

Brother Xiaokang didn't understand, so he still held his chubby hand to grab Sister Ying's hair in protest.

Seeing that he still wanted to grab someone's hair, Sister Ying took his chubby hand, slapped his palm twice, and taught him, "Don't grab someone's hair, it will hurt."

Kang Geer didn’t understand. He thought Sister Ying was playing with him, so he grinned with his little mouth.

Sister Ying was helpless, shook her head and sighed, "Forget it, let mom teach you."

She can’t teach a ten-month-old cub.

I can only push him to continue playing among the children.

The Sun family has many young guests coming today. They are all children from relatives, all about the same age.

At this moment, the girls are gathering together, chatting, and cracking melon seeds. They are obviously imitating the behavior of adults.

Sister Ying pushed Kang Geer to join them and asked them, "What are you talking about?"

The little granddaughters of the Sun family replied, "We are talking about what new clothes we should wear during the New Year."

  The Chinese New Year will be here in two to three months, and what girls care most about is of course wearing beautiful new clothes.

Sister Ying looked at Kang Geer and listened to them talk about what style of clothes looked best.

Kang Geer also raised his little fleshy face, looking curiously at this and then that.

After taking a final look around, I found that none of these young ladies were good-looking, so I patted the trolley and motioned to Sister Ying to push him away. There is no young lady he likes here.

Sister Ying looked around and saw no particularly beautiful girl. She immediately understood what Kang Geer meant.

 Hey, this little thing is already losing his appearance after only ten months?

 Since I’m so young, I’m just choosing like this. I may choose more beautiful ones in the future.

 “Ah da da da~”

Kang Geer asked Sister Ying to push him away.

Sister Ying had no choice but to push him to the next place.

 When he arrived at the little wife's area, Kang Geer looked around and didn't see anyone he liked. He suddenly shook his head stupidly and expressed his dislike again.

 “Ah da da da~” I want to leave.

Sister Ying was really convinced by him and could only push the wooden cart to the next stop.

 But everyone in the courtyard had seen it, and Kang Geer had no intention of stopping.

Sister Ying wanted to go shopping herself, so she took him for a long walk. Finally, she saw many children playing with crickets outside the door, so she pushed Kang Geer out to watch.

 Kang Ge'er is a big kid and can't walk steadily, so he wants to climb out of the cart to watch his brothers fight with crickets.

Sister Ying, of course, couldn't let him come down, otherwise he would be covered in dust later.

But he was babbling and wanted to go down. Sister Ying could only coax him, "If you don't go down yet, I will take you back to find your mother."

 Kang Geer didn't listen, "Ah da da da!" The little short leg kept struggling to go down.

Sister Ying hurriedly put his short legs back into the stroller and pushed him towards the house.

Mrs. Wu chatted for a while and then came out to look for them. When she saw them coming back, she came back with a smile.

“What were you doing just now?” Sister Ying pointed outside and said, “You were watching crickets outside.”

Kang Geer felt aggrieved. He pointed at Sister Ying with his little chubby hand and complained to Mrs. Wu, "Da da da da!" My sister didn't take me to see the crickets.

Mrs. Wu couldn't laugh or cry. Although she couldn't understand, she knew that her son was accusing her sister.

She asked him with a smile, "Didn't your sister push you to play around? Aren't you satisfied?"

 Some young ladies don’t have this patience and just leave their brothers and run away. You little thing is not satisfied yet.

Kang Geer didn't understand and stretched out his hand for Wu to hug him.

Mrs. Wu picked him up, pulled off the clothes that were leaking out of him, and took him back to sit and watch the show.

Sister Ying ran to play with other little girls.

Even though little girls may be young, they have a lot of gossip news.

  Sometimes you can hear a lot of interesting news by listening to their stories about the parents in the East and the parents in the West.

No, several granddaughters of the Sun family gathered in a small circle and gossiped, "I said, second cousin, is your mother pregnant again? I saw the doctor came last night."

 The other little girl replied, "No, my sister is missing. My mother asked the doctor to come and take a look."

 But the truth is that her mother didn't have her period this month, so she wanted to secretly call the doctor to take a look.

However, her mother was afraid that her family would ask questions if they found out the doctor was here, and her joy would be in vain if she was not pregnant, so she used her sister to sneak around and called the doctor over to watch secretly.

After hearing this, the other little sisters didn’t believe it in their hearts, but they didn’t ask any more questions on their faces.

Sister Ying heard this very interestingly and thought to herself that the little girls have started to act. They are really clever little girls.

 Other sisters noticed that Sister Ying was also in the crowd and looked at her.

“Sister Ying, do you want to stay at home tonight?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know. It depends on what my great-grandmother means."

But it’s so late, I guess I’ll have to rest all night before going back, otherwise it won’t be safe to travel in the middle of the night.

 After hearing this, the other little girls enthusiastically asked her to sleep with them.

“Sister, please sleep in the same room with me tonight. My room is beautifully decorated. Come and sleep with me.”

Seeing her openly robbing people, the other little girls followed suit, "Sister Ying, you'd better sleep with me. The incense in my house was bought by my father and a Persian businessman. It's very fragrant. You can sleep with me." I’ll send you some incense tomorrow.”

 Because they knew that Liang Jin was a scholar, and the adults in the family also told them to have a good relationship with Sister Ying, the children all wanted to sleep in the same room with Sister Ying.

Seeing how enthusiastic they were, Sister Ying was in a dilemma as to who to choose.

 Finally, after thinking about it, she declined politely, "My grandma will probably take me to bed tonight, how about you come over and sleep with me?"

 In this way, there is no need to offend any young lady.

 After hearing this, the other little girls all wanted to sleep with Sister Ying.

 But later I heard that Mrs. Sun also wanted to sleep with Sister Ying, so she gave up on her own initiative.

Their great-grandmother was a serious person, so forget it and let them sleep alone.

After hearing this, Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, and secretly said to Mrs. Liang, "Just now, when my sisters heard that great-grandmother was going to sleep with us at night, they all ran away in fear. Is great-grandmother so cruel?"

Mrs. Liang chuckled and said proudly, "That's not true. The bad thing about your great-grandmother is that she has a cold face." She looked like she was not easy to get close to.

Mrs. Liang smiled and asked Sister Ying, "Other children are afraid of your great-grandmother. Why aren't you afraid?"

Sister Ying looked innocent, "What am I afraid of? I wasn't born by my great-grandmother, so what am I afraid of?"

  I didn’t grow up eating from their family. I’m just a guest, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Old Mrs. Liang glanced at her and said, "You are the only one who can do it." Little clever guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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