The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 85: , mother-in-law and daughter-in-law become better

Chapter 85: Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get better

Mrs. Liang snorted, "How do you know it's what I like? You don't even know what I like to eat. Humph~"

Mrs. Sun was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "I really don't know what you like to eat, but I know all the clothes and jewelry you like. You have forgotten that I bought you all your clothes when you were a child."

The Sun family was not poor, so they could still afford clothes.

But there are many children in the family, so the younger ones basically wear the clothes that the older ones have taken off.

 In other words, you can only buy a piece of clothing you like when your child celebrates his birthday.

However, there are many girls in the family, and it is too expensive to buy ready-made clothes, so Mrs. Sun bought some pieces of brightly colored fabrics and let them choose the fabrics they like for their children's birthdays, and then make them for the children.

It’s not enough for her to handle so many people on her own, so she sometimes asks her eldest daughters to help.

Mrs. Liang is the sixth child. Every time she comes to her place, she gets tired of birthday celebrations and skips them directly.

 In other words, Lao Qi is the younger brother, so he can have a lively birthday.

Since everyone has a birthday but she doesn’t, of course she will lose her temper.

Old Mrs. Sun sometimes felt a little sorry for her youngest daughter, so she would buy her clothes that she liked afterwards.

Although the effect is not good, it can make up for it a little bit.

 When Mrs. Liang heard her talk about the past, she also felt that she was really unlucky when she was a child.

If she had no younger brother, she would be the last child in the family and would be favored a little more.

 She happens to have a younger brother. Compared to the film about her as a girl, of course the younger brother is more important.

 So she will always become the ignored one.

But the older generation was patriarchal, so she let it go after she got angry.

 Now that my parents are old, they can still remember her, which is much better than many parents.

  The previous grievances and resentments are just regarded as the past.

Old Mrs. Liang took Old Mrs. Sun’s things and held Old Mrs. Sun’s hand instead, which was a signal of reconciliation to Old Mrs. Sun.

 “Let’s go to the theater.”

Old Mrs. Sun was really happy to see that she was willing to be nice to her.

  "Okay, okay, today I'll order the plays you like to watch, and order whatever you like to listen to."

Old Mrs. Liang snorted and raised her chin, "Okay, then I'll do the hard part."

 Old Mrs. Liang finally ordered a play that Mrs. Sun liked to watch, and sat with her in the courtyard to watch the play.

After watching for a while, she thought of Sister Ying again, so she went into the room to see what Sister Ying was doing.

Sister Ying is playing with several children from the Sun family.

The children of the Sun family are also studying, and they are currently taking a test on Sister Ying's poetry.

 Because they knew that Liang Jin was a scholar, they all wanted to take the test on Sister Ying.

“Sister, I heard that you studied in the clan, is it true?”

The Sun family also has family education, but the children are all girls and they don't go to school until they are five or six years old. None of them go to school as early as Sister Ying.

 Only boys have this privilege and can start studying at the age of three.

When asked by them, Sister Ying did not hide anything and admitted openly, "Yes, I have already studied in the upper clan, but clan studies are very difficult. I am definitely not as good as my sisters."

 She knew that these older children must be curious about her literature, but she didn't want to make enemies, so of course she had to be modest.

The other little girls saw her saying that studying was difficult, and they all nodded in agreement, "Yes, what the teacher said is difficult, but we can still understand it."

 Afraid that I am inferior to a child over three years old, of course I have to say that I understand.

Sister Ying also came to trouble and praised them with a smile, "Then you are pretty awesome."

 The other little girls were immediately delighted when she praised them.

“No, your father is still very powerful. He became a scholar at a young age and is much better than our father.”

 To follow officials nowadays is like chasing stars in modern times.

Whoever has a scholar or an official in his family will be proud of his reputation.

 So everyone is very interested in the fact that Liang Jin is a scholar. When Mrs. Liang came over, she saw that Sister Ying was already chatting with the children.

 She came over with a smile and asked them, "What are we talking about?"

 When the little girls saw her coming, they hurriedly saluted.

 “Hello, cousin, grandma~”

Mrs. Liang touched their heads and said, "Do you want to go to the theater? There are candied haws on a stick over there."

 After hearing this, the other children ran out to see the candied haws.

Mrs. Liang asked Sister Ying, "Do you want to eat candied haws on a stick?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, that's too sour."

She is afraid of acidity. Every time she eats acidity, the expression on her face is as if she is singing a big show, which makes the whole family very happy.

Old Mrs. Liang laughed at her, "I can't bear the slightest bit of pain with this little success. Do you still expect you to be filial to me in the future?"

Sister Ying. "This has nothing to do with honoring you, right?"

Mrs. Liang loved to tease her, "Why doesn't it matter? If you can't bear the sourness, you can't bear the bitterness. If you can't bear the bitterness, how can you make a lot of money to build a golden house for me?"

Sister Ying opened her mouth wide and said, "Grandma, you have watched too many dramas, and you want to build a golden house?"

Even the emperor may not dare to build it, otherwise he will be blamed for death.

Mrs. Liang laughed loudly when she heard this, "Idiot, if you say something nice to me, I will die."

Sister Ying also laughed when she heard this.

Hold Mrs. Liang’s legs to go up.

 Old Mrs. Liang leaned down to hug her and asked her, "Where is your mother?"

Sister Ying pointed her short finger to the side, "In the guest room, Kang Ge'er is awake and is eating Nai."

Mrs. Liang nodded and carried her over to see Mrs. Wu.

When Mrs. Wu saw them coming, she smiled and asked them if they had eaten.

 She had eaten several meals in the house.

 After a while, relatives would come over to chat with her and bring snacks to eat together.

 After a while, the young daughter-in-law came in with her child to chat with her, and also brought snacks to eat.

 Wu didn’t need to go out because he was full.

 Old Mrs. Liang heard that she was full, nodded and looked at Brother Kang.

Seeing Brother Kang eating so much that he was sweating, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "This boy eats more than Sister Ying. It's like someone is trying to rob him. He eats his little fat hand while eating." Protect."

  Wu also laughed, "He's like this, he's afraid of being robbed every time."

 When Kang Ge'er is full, Mrs. Wu will burp him, then put him on the bed and let him crawl on it as he pleases.

Mrs. Liang smiled and hugged him, "Let's go and have fun outside. I'll watch it for you for a while, and you can go to the theater."

Mrs. Wu felt warm in her heart when she saw Mrs. Liang taking care of her children and letting her play by herself.

I still remember that when she entered the house, her mother-in-law looked particularly displeased with her.

 Unexpectedly, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are becoming more harmonious now.

 It is also thanks to Sister Ying and Brother Kang that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have become closer.

Mrs. Wu smiled, holding Sister Ying's hand, and went out with Mrs. Liang.

They came out to watch a play, and the young daughter-in-law of the Sun family hurriedly invited them to come and sit.

Old Mrs. Liang carried Kang Geer and went to sit with the old sisters.

Kang Geer is small, but he is white and cute. When the old ladies saw him, they hugged each other out of curiosity.

    Kang Ge’er doesn’t recognize life, so anyone can hold him.

He was being hugged back and forth and smiling, which made all the old ladies laugh. The scene was filled with laughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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