The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 80: , ready to return to Sun’s house

 Chapter 80, preparing to return to the Sun family

Old Mrs. Liang became more and more proud the more she thought about it. She informed her family early the next morning, "Tomorrow you pack up and follow me back to Sun's house."

  Wu Shi and Liang Jin looked at each other and heard the word Sun family for the first time.

Mrs. Liang was not close to Mr. Wu before, but now that she has grandchildren, she has gradually let go of her wariness towards Mrs. Wu and gradually regards her as a member of the family.

When I met Mrs. Wu, she didn’t know about the Sun family, so I sat down to learn more about it with her.

"The Sun family is my mother's family. They live in the next town over. Tomorrow is my mother's sixtieth birthday. Then our whole family will go there together. You can take out the two silk outfits you made for the New Year and wear them for me. Some."

Ordinary people can only wear cloth, and only those with high status can wear silk.

Old Mrs. Liang made silk clothes for everyone in the family after Liang Jin passed the scholar examination, waiting to wear them when going out to attend some important banquets.

She rarely shows it when visiting relatives or anything else, for fear that people will say they are showing off.

This time when I want to go back to my natal family, which values ​​boys over girls, of course I have to take out the silk and wear it, which is to save myself some face.

Liang Jin knew his mother’s previous story, so of course he wanted to earn face for Mrs. Liang, so he agreed.

Mrs. Wu didn't know the reason, so Liang Jin took her back to the house and told her everything about Mrs. Liang's past.

 Wu was quite speechless after hearing this.

But most of the older generation favor boys over girls.

Her grandmother also favored sons over daughters, but her parents did not, which is why the four siblings love each other so much.

 Old Mrs. Liang doesn’t have any contact with her natal family, it must be because her family has done too much, and she doesn’t want to go back.

Now that my old mother is celebrating her sixtieth birthday, when people come to invite her, she just goes there as often as she wants. If there is nothing important at home, just go.

Liang Jin studied every day and wanted to go out for a walk, so he and Wu went to bed early to rest at night.

 The couple were talking in bed.

“On the other side of the Sun family, my mother and I may not have been back for a long time, but don’t worry, my grandfather and grandmother should not be too bad for us.”

 They are all blood relatives. They have not disturbed each other for so many years, and their conduct should not be too bad.

 If there were difficult relatives, they would have come to fight the autumn wind, but the Sun family obviously did not have them. They should also know that their daughter should not embarrass other people when she gets married, otherwise it will be difficult for the daughter to live in her husband's family.

 Mrs. Liang also admitted this.

Although her parents also favored sons over daughters, they were not that excessive.

 Knowing that it was not easy for them to be other people's daughters-in-law, she did not bother them, so Mrs. Liang was willing to go back.

If her parents were too much, she would definitely not want to go back.

 In addition, her parents are old and it is difficult to see how many years they can go back, so Mrs. Liang wants to go back.

Mrs. Wu remembered all this, and then she hugged the child and fell asleep together.

Sister Ying is sleeping at Mrs. Liang's place.

In the evening, the grandfather and grandson were lying on the bed and chatting, "When I go to Sun's house tomorrow, you should be more polite and eat less food. Don't be like at home, with one bowl of rice and one bowl of meat. I don't know, you think there is no food at home." ”

Sister Ying was ashamed and said, "Then my mother told me to eat well so that I won't get sick."

Mrs. Liang nodded, "That's true."

This girl has always been in good health because she eats all kinds of meat, vegetables and fruits. She rarely gets fever or chills. Because she eats a comprehensive diet, her physical condition is also better.

  But that was at home. "If you go to someone's house and eat like this, you will be laughed at."

 I don’t know, but I thought there was no meat at home. Otherwise, why would a child eat so much meat?

Sister Ying snorted, "Then how long will we go?"

 If she goes there for a day, she can still pretend.

 If she goes there for a few days without eating meat every day, she will starve to death.

Old Mrs. Liang simply couldn't stand her, "Are you born in the year of wolf? You know how to eat meat every day." When Mrs. Wu was pregnant with her sister Ying, she liked eating meat very much, which made Mrs. Liang think that the Wu family would not give it to her. My daughter eats meat, otherwise why would Mrs. Wu be so greedy for meat not long after she got married?

Later I found out that it wasn’t that I couldn’t eat meat at home, it was just because the little kid in my belly liked it.

  For example, when Wu was a child, Mrs. Wu stopped eating meat, not even a bite, and her appetite was gone. It was as if the child in her belly was choosing the taste that suited her.

 Hearing what Mrs. Liang said, Sister Ying also found it interesting.

 She has never given birth to a child herself, and she doesn’t know how to harm her mouth, but it is true that she likes to eat meat.

Especially beef jerky and pork jerky, I really like to eat them, I will eat two of them as snacks no matter what.

 If the family had not been rich, they would not be able to support her.

Sister Ying laughed when she heard this and said that her life was good.

 “How about we have a fate? He came all the way to be reborn in our family, so why not just come and enjoy the blessings?”

Mrs. Liang laughed because of her shamelessness and pinched her nose, "If you are a shameless person, you will come to my house and eat and drink. Be careful of making me poor."

Sister Ying said coquettishly, "Then there is my mother. My mother is a rich person."

Mrs. Liang snorted at her and said, "You know your mother, your mother, didn't I give you something to eat? I didn't buy any of the snacks, fruits, and those strange snacks at home that I bought for you?"

Sister Ying nodded and thought, "It's true, you are so kind to me. I will make a lot of money to spend with my grandmother in the future."

Mrs. Liang snorted, "Who believes you?"

  She has a sweet mouth and a little girl.

Sister Ying also laughed, and the grandfather and grandson went to bed together and prepared to get up early the next day.

 The next day, the whole family got up early.

Sister Ying was still asleep, and Mrs. Liang got up first and put on new silk clothes.

This silk is made of azure blue embroidery material, which looks very high-end.

Mammy Xu helped her put on her clothes and combed her hair into a nice bun. An old lady who was originally an ordinary woman now wore silk clothes and suddenly became noble.

Mrs. Liang said modestly, "It's still early."

The son is a talented scholar, but he is still far away from being promoted to a scholar.

 But in small towns and villages, scholars are respectable enough, especially if their sons and daughters-in-law are good, which makes people envious.

 Old Mrs. Liang was also very beautiful in her heart, with a smile always on her face.

 Wait until she finished cleaning up, then went to pull Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was half asleep when she pulled her up. She was not angry about getting up. She closed her eyes and let them dress up as they pleased.

  She is over three years old and her hair has grown a lot and can be put into nice braids.

Old Mrs. Liang usually pricked her casually, but today she pricked her in a particularly fancy way.

Use colorful flower ropes on the twist braid to braid it together with the hair, and a beautiful twist braid is completed.

 Then he put her in clothes that Mrs. Wu had just bought. They were pink, tender and beautiful.

Mrs. Liang was very satisfied with her work. She woke up Sister Ying, washed her face and mouth, and then took her out.

Mrs. Wu also got up early in the morning and dressed up. This time she was wearing a bright yellow silk skirt. She was young and beautiful. She looked like a beautiful woman from a wealthy family.

For the first time, Mrs. Liang felt that Wu's beauty was of some use, at least other people's daughters-in-law were not as good-looking as hers.

 (End of this chapter)

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