Chapter 77, Little Villain

Sister Ying is playing with Sister Ting and Sister Jiao in the backyard of the Wu family.

 Their children came with the wedding procession, no one would restrain them, they just played freely.

Sister Ting was quite surprised when she came to Sister Ying’s grandmother’s house for the first time. “Your grandmother’s house is quite big.”

“But it’s a little worse than my grandmother’s house.”

She said this with such guilt that Sister Ying almost believed it.

Jiao Jie'er poured cold water on her, "Sister, our grandmother's family is not as big as the Wu family at all. You are lying."

Sister Ting:…

 “What a stupid girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Obviously my grandmother’s family is also very big.”

Jiao Jie'er still shook her head and said matter-of-factly, "No, grandma's house is small and very crowded. Every time we go back during the Chinese New Year, we don't have anywhere to sleep."

You dare to say that you are older than the Wu family, my sister is really good at talking.

Sister Ting:…

 What's the use of having a sister, it will only cause trouble at the critical moment.

Sister Ying saw that she was so angry that she wanted to beat Sister Jiao, so she quickly pulled them away and took them out to play.

Today, almost everyone in the village came to Wu’s house for a wedding banquet.

At this time, not only the inner and outer courtyards, but also the neighbors' houses at the door borrowed space and filled them with banquets.

 Now there are guests inside and outside, there are voices everywhere, and it is very lively.

Sister Ying took Sister Ting and the others out to see the mountains and rivers with ease.

It’s summer, it’s not too hot yet, so it’s a good time to go out and walk around.

Sister Ting looked at the green fields at the door and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful and neat."

Unlike her grandmother’s house, the fields were wild and green, uneven, and full of cow dung and the like.

 Unlike Wujia Village, everything is clean and a trail looks very clean.

Although Sister Ting has always felt that her own home is always better than Sister Ying's home, she has to admit in her heart that Sister Ying's grandmother's home is indeed much better than hers.

 But she wouldn’t admit it on her face.

At this moment, the relatives and children of the Wu family also came out to play. The boys gathered together to climb trees and look at bird eggs.

 The girls were watching under the tree.

Seeing how happily they climbed, Sister Ying was quite eager to try.

 After all, children at this age like to climb up and down.

 She is affected by her body and wants to climb up and down.

So she looked around and saw no adults, so she wanted to climb up the tree trunk.

Sister Ting saw her motive from the side and understood immediately. She frowned and said, "Isn't it right? You want to climb a tree?"

Although she has crawled before, it was only when she was a child. Now that she is six years old, she naturally no longer crawls.

Sister Ying chuckled, "I'm just going to climb up, don't tell my mother."

Sister Ting said "I'll go" and quickly stopped her, "No, the tree is so tall, what if it falls?"

 She was promised to be the eldest sister, but if Sister Ying was injured, where would she put her face?

 Sister Ying was not allowed to go up no matter what she said.

She was tugging at the hem of Sister Ying's clothes, so she had no choice but to get off.

 “That’s good~”

 She thought her climbing skills were quite good, but it was a pity that she had no use for them.

 Wu’s mother had been busy for a long time, and now that she had some free time, she suddenly remembered Sister Ying and hurriedly came out to call her.

 “Sister Ying, come back for dinner.”

Sister Ying immediately ran over happily when she saw Wu Mu's figure.

Mother Wu led her and called Sister Ting and the others to come over, "You eat on the small table. I'll serve the food for you. Go back when you're full."

Sister Ying said sweetly, "Thank you, grandma~"

Mother Wu touched her head lovingly and said, "You're welcome, go over and eat."

Sister Ting saw that Wu's mother was so kind, much gentler than her grandmother, and she suddenly felt that she was just a little bit inferior to Sister Ying.

 The three of them went to eat together at a small table in the room, so as not to crowd with the adults.

At this time, the wedding banquet started, and everyone started eating and drinking. The men were punching each other, while the women were gossiping.

 The remaining young people are having a wedding ceremony.

Liang Qing is shy at first, so she will be watched by everyone. Even though she is wearing a red hijab, she is still very shy.

 Wu Laosi protected the calf and immediately drove all the brothers away.

The remaining female family members were also driven away by him.

When there were only two people left in the room, he walked over, picked up the red hijab with a wedding scale, and said heartily, "Madam~"

Liang Qing blushed, looked at him shyly, and whispered, "Mr.

 The two looked at each other affectionately, then continued to blush.

Sister Ying, Sister Ting, and Sister Jiao had been peeking in for a long time. Seeing that they were both shy in the room, they immediately covered their mouths and laughed.

 It wasn't until the adults came that they were driven away, "Go, go, you little girl is watching a movie."

  They immediately ran away laughing after being scolded.

When it got dark, the wedding banquet was still going on, and another group of guests came to the courtyard.

At this moment, all the red lanterns in the Wu family's courtyard were hung up, which looked particularly festive.

The women of the Liang family went back together after finishing the banquet.

Sister Ying and Sister Ting originally wanted to stay for one night, but they were taken away by adults.

 When I got home, it was already dark.

The red lanterns in the Liang family courtyard are also hung brightly today.

As soon as Sister Ying came back, Mrs. Wu came out to pick her up.

 “Mom~~I’m fat~”

  Wu ran over with a smile and picked her up, "Why are you back so late?"

The Liang family’s female family members smiled and joked, “She didn’t want to come back. She was playing crazy with other children in the backyard. I found her and took her back.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu immediately glared at Sister Ying, turned to thank her, "I'm sorry for bothering you today, sister-in-law."

The female family member smiled and said no, "It's getting dark too, you should go to bed early." After that, she went home.

After Mrs. Wu saw her off, she carried Sister Ying into the house, pinched her little fleshy face, and asked her, "What did you do today?"

Sister Ying's eyes rolled around, "Well, it depends on the bride. There's nothing else to do, so she just sits there obediently."

Wu has raised her for so long, how can he still not understand her?

As soon as the girl rolled her eyes, she knew that this little thing had lied.

Mrs. Wu snorted coldly and pinched Sister Ying's ears, "Tell me, what bad things have you done today?"

Sister Ying's ear was pulled, "Mom, it hurts." She quickly begged for mercy, "I didn't do anything, I didn't even climb a tree."


 “Very good, don’t bring it upon yourself.”

Sister Ying:…

You suffer the disadvantage of not being able to lie.

She stuck out her tongue at Mrs. Wu and hugged her coquettishly, "I just want to show off my martial arts skills."

  Wu glared at her, "I think you deserve a beating!"

 After saying that, he was about to beat her.

Sister Ying screamed in surprise, slipped to the ground, and ran away quickly with her short legs.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu put her hands on her hips and cursed, "You little rascal!"

Mrs. Liang heard the sound and came out to see the situation. Seeing Sister Ying running away, she laughed at Mrs. Wu, "You are so slow. If you wanted me, I would have chased you and beaten you."

Mrs. Wu was amused and said, "Okay, you can help me beat her next time."

Old Mrs. Liang doesn’t think so, “I don’t want to be a bad person, you will fight your own children.”

  She wants to maintain the good image of her loving grandmother anyway, so she doesn’t want to be the bad person. snort!


 One or two, they are both little villains.

 (End of this chapter)

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