Chapter 693: The couple went dancing

“No wonder, so many girls are chasing after him to dance with him.”

Jing Shirong smiled, "Do you want to dance?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know how to dance here."

Jing Shirong put her down and took her to the bonfire.

The couple holds hands, and their excellent appearances look particularly matched.

 Because the eyes of the women and girls were all on Kawuli's side, the location they came to was very clean.

Sister Ying looked at the long round table and asked, "Can you eat everything on the table?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Take a small toothpick or a small plate and taste a little bit of each."

Sister Ying smiled, went to get two plates, and put a little of each food in to taste.

 She took a bite, and also gave Jing Shirong a bite.

The two of them just ate for a while.

 It wasn’t until we got to the Kawuli side that I felt it was crowded, so I was ready to turn back.

Kawuli has an excellent memory. He can tell by looking at Sister Ying's back that she is the one from last time.

He looked at Jing Shirong next to Sister Ying, thinking that this was the new general in the military camp.

 The woman next to him should be his wife.

 He was out for the first half of the year and just came back now. He only heard about the military camp last night.

 It is said that spies sneaked in, but they were all solved by the third princess.

However, this matter was not leaked out and was well hidden. The people in the city did not know about it at all.

He also has some friendship with the people under the third princess, and he can know some subtle information from doing business in neighboring countries. If he thinks about it for a moment, he can think of things here.

But the third princess handled these matters very well, so there was no need for him to worry about it.

What he is worried about now is the matter of choosing a wife for him at home.

His grandfather asked him to choose three or five cousins ​​​​to be wives or concubines.

I want him to settle the marriage this year and spread the seeds next year so that the wives and concubines can start having children.

Kawuli is a person who goes out to do business. Traveling around has given him a wide range of experiences and a strong sense of self, so he doesn't like to be held down while doing things.

Even if he gets married, he just wants to choose the girl he likes, not the cousins ​​forced on him by the elders in the family.

 The group of cousins ​​also came out in the evening, all trying to please him.

 He has no feelings for men or women towards his cousins ​​at home, so he naturally doesn't like them.

He had dumped people on the road just now, but when he got here, there were still a steady stream of girls coming, which was really a headache.

Sister Ying looked at him surrounded by girls and smiled.

This was the first time she had seen such a famous scene, it was like chasing a star.

Jing Shirong shrugged and told her, "The girls here are more bold in courting, even bolder than the girls from Jiangnan, and it's normal to be lively."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, let's ignore them and go dance. You dance with me."

Jing Shirong hummed, took her hand, and went to dance with the dancing crowd.

 Music started playing at this time, there were people playing and drumming, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Girls and teenagers who like to dance have joined in and dance very beautifully.

They shake their shoulders and spin, and the combination of men and women is particularly beautiful.

Sister Ying imitated their shaking of shoulders and even twisted her neck.

Jing Shirong didn’t jump, just watched from the side.

Sister Ying pulled him over and asked him, "You can dance too, see how others dance, and learn from it."

Jing Shirong looked at the men dancing beside him, imitated their movements, knelt down on one knee, and shook his shoulders to Sister Ying, trying to please her.

Sister Ying was very happy when she saw this. She rushed towards him and asked him to hug him and spin around in circles. Jing Shirong doted on her and started to spin her in circles.


Sister Ying is very happy. She likes her unconditional love when she plays wildly and he accompanies her unconditionally.

It seems that no matter what she does, he cooperates unconditionally. No matter who is in front or behind, he only cares about her feelings.

 As for the opinions of others, he never seemed to care.

Kawuli also wanted to come to their side.

 After all, Jing Shirong’s appearance is quite eye-catching.

Especially the woman next to him, with graceful posture and fair skin, is indeed more eye-catching compared to the local girls.

 He walked over and found a place to sit down.

  The cousins ​​and suitors came after him one after another, making him drunk even if he was drunk.

But it was Bonfire Day today and he didn’t want to cause any trouble, so he let them go.

 He didn't move until the girls came to invite him to dance.

Sister Ying and the others danced for a while and then came out.

 “Sir, I’m hungry.”

Jing Shirong couldn’t laugh or cry, “You just ate a lot and are you hungry again?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Dancing uses up your energy."

Jing Shirong couldn't help laughing, "Okay, let's go eat again."

Sister Ying smiled and pulled him to continue eating.

One of the girls with a bad temper saw her eating so much. He snorted angrily and stopped her, "Hey, whose family are you from? Do you know the rules? You didn't even bring any food. How dare you eat so much?"

Sister Ying was stunned and forgot about this, "I"

She was negligent. She quickly took out the money and apologized, "I didn't know how to bring food. How about I go buy some dishes now?"

The woman didn't appreciate it, "You eat so much, how can you buy a few dishes to make up for it? What are you thinking about?"

Sister Ying was puzzled, "I think everyone else brought three dishes, so what's wrong with me buying five?"

No one else had any objections, and some of them didn't bring any food. Why didn't you tell this woman and why did you get angry at her?

The woman was in a bad mood because she was unable to chase Kawu, and when she saw Sister Ying dancing so happily with Jing Shirong, she immediately turned full of resentment toward her.

 She thinks she is rich, powerful, young and outstanding, so why does Kawuli look down on her?

 Seeing this woman in front of her was skinny and not good-looking at all. She could find such a good-looking man as her husband, which made her feel very unbalanced.

This imbalance will make Sister Ying angry, right?

Sister Ying also realized that she was venting her anger on her, so she simply ignored her and turned around to leave.

 But the woman refused to let her go.


Today, everyone in the Kawuli family is laughing at her. This foreign woman dares to make her angry. Let’s see how she deals with her!

Jing Shirong looked down coldly, pulled Sister Ying onto him with an unhappy expression, and said to the woman in a cold voice, "What do you want to do?"

The woman did not expect that this man would dare to be so cruel to her, and said angrily, "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this?"

Her family is about the same strength as the Kawuli family. The Kawuli family has more money, while their family has more power.

 She is almost at the level of a princess in this area, and no one dares to look down on her.

Jing Shirong glanced at her coldly, looked at the accessories around her waist, and guessed that she might be a young lady from the Aisha family.

The Aisha family and the Kawuli family are relatively famous in this area, but from the perspective of military power, they are not a threat to themselves, so they are naturally not afraid.

 (End of this chapter)

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