Chapter 691: Confession in public

Xiao Zi refused to sit obediently.

He lost his temper like a lost love, "Let me go down."

  If you just don’t want to ride the same horse with her, then she won’t ride either.

Nour didn't expect her to lose her temper, so she patiently persuaded her, "Be obedient and you'll be in the center of the crowd in a moment. Don't fall down."

 “If someone touches the knee, it will only aggravate the injury.” It’s really not easy to worry about.

Xiao Zi saw the accusatory look on his face and felt even worse, "If it gets worse, it will get worse. You won't feel bad anyway."

Nur was puzzled, "Why are you losing your temper?" Weren't you happy just now? How do you say that if you change your face, you will change your face?

 Xiao Zi held back her anger and said, "I"

It wasn't that she wanted to lose her temper, but seeing him being so cold to her, her temper grew for no apparent reason.

 Muttered, "Who told you to dislike me?"

  Nur scratched his head, confused, "When did I dislike you?" He didn't.

Xiao Zi snorted, "You still say no? Then why don't you ride the same horse with me? Are you so afraid that people will misunderstand our relationship?"

 “You don’t like me that much?”

 Noor became more and more outrageous as he listened, explaining, "How could you think that? I didn't mean that."

 It is naturally for her own good not to ride the same horse with her.

 The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. If she meets someone from the family, she might be in a hurry, so it is better to hold the horse to be safer.

 Unexpectedly, she got misunderstood.

 He explained patiently, "I'm afraid that you will be criticized. If you are not afraid, then just ride."

 After saying that, he got on the horse and rode with Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi was stunned. She didn’t expect that he really came up, and she was a little happy.

 “Then, let’s go~~”

 So this is how it feels to ride a horse with your sweetheart.

 She sat in the front and he sat in the back, like a strong backing, full of security.

It was also the first time for Noor to ride a horse with a girl, and he felt a little strange in his heart. He couldn't put his finger on what was weird about it.

They were riding horses together. Along the street, you could see many men and women riding the same horse.

The men and women all had shy faces, and they looked like they were not married.

The remaining men who have no partners are envious and jealous when they see them in a couple.

Someone even took the initiative to give flowers to Xiao Zi, "Girl, you can't handle that person on your back. My horse is bigger. You can ride on the same horse with me. Come and try?"

As if he felt that the cards were not enough, he added, "I am the third eldest child in the family, but my parents love me the most, and the wedding house has been built. When you marry into our family, you will enjoy the blessings."

Xiao Zi said "Huh?" It was the first time in her life that she received a confession from a man, and she was still a little confused.

The man thought she looked different from the girls here, with a bit of exotic charm, so he kept trying.

“Girl, our family is really good. As long as you are willing to marry, there will be many good days in the future. Just give me a chance.”

 After saying that, he took out the gift from his arms.

 Xiao Zi was stunned for a while, "Are you proposing to me?"

 Oh my god, I didn’t expect that one day she would also be proposed to. It was such a surprise.

 She was smiling, her face was very happy, and she thought to herself, it feels so good to be pursued, hahaha~

Nur could almost see her molar teeth when she smiled. He frowned in displeasure and pulled the horse rope to show that he was in a bad mood.

 Xiao Zi looked back at him and saw that he had a pulled face. She thought he might be jealous, but she felt quite happy.

He asked in a low voice, "Brother Nuer, are you jealous?"

Nuer snorted coldly, "Why should I be jealous? I don't know him." Xiao Zi covered her mouth and snickered, "Really? You're not jealous? Then put me down and let me play with him for a while."

Nuer was stunned and immediately refused, "No! Your knee is not healed yet. Going down will only make things worse. Just sit on the horse and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Xiao Zi felt that he was just jealous, but refused to admit it, so she said deliberately.

“However, I heard from my neighbor’s sister-in-law that many girls come out to look for partners during the Bonfire Festival. It’s rare to meet someone who likes me. Isn’t it good for me to get in touch with him?”

For a girl with a strong body like her, this was the first time someone confessed her love. If she didn't experience the feeling of being pursued, wouldn't it be a waste?

Nur did not want to agree, nor was he happy.

 “Do you really think he is good?”

 It’s just an average or above-average family, nothing special about it.

Xiao Zi said, "But he likes me. He wants to marry me and even proposed to me."

Nur was stunned for a moment, and looked at the man holding the flowers, and then at the men and women around him. It seemed that everyone was proposing.

He was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing and asked Xiao Zi, "You"

 Does she also want him to propose to her?

 Xiao Zi nodded shyly, "Yes, I also want you to propose to me. Brother Nuer, I want to marry you."

  Nur’s eyes widened in surprise, “Marry me?”


 This was the first time he heard a girl say she wanted to marry him, and he didn't know how to answer the question.

 Xiao Zi poked his arm, "Do you like me?"

 Nur raised his head and met her eyes, "I"

 Actually, he doesn’t know if this counts as liking it, at least it doesn’t mean he dislikes it.

Xiao Zi also knew that this development might be too fast, so she said, "Otherwise, let's get along first. If we still like each other after a month, let's get married."

 A month is neither long nor short. It can cultivate feelings without having to wait too long. It is perfect.

Nur opened his mouth, wondering if it was too fast, and thought this was fine.

His family had ignored him for a long time, but when they heard that he was working in the Third Princess's residence, they would come to fawn over him from time to time.

Especially the elders of his grandfather’s generation would urge him to go back and get married every now and then.

Although he didn't take their words seriously, his aunt was right. It would not be a bad thing to find a woman to get married with and live together in the future. As a family of three or five, it would be a good thing to live in peace and harmony.

 He nodded, "Okay, let's get along and see."

 At least he doesn’t hate Xiao Zi, and he also admires her.

Especially when he sees other men trying to pursue her, he feels angry inside and doesn't like other men pursuing her.

Perhaps this is what she meant by jealousy, but he just didn't quite understand.

When Xiao Zi heard that he agreed, she was very happy. She lowered her head and kissed him, "Yeah~ Brother Nuer, I like you~" Hahaha~

 After the secret kiss, she was not embarrassed at all and was very happy.

Nur touched the lip marks on his face and raised the corners of his mouth.


It's so bold, even bolder than their local girls.

 Still outside, I dare to kiss you.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "That person just likes you. If he likes you, he can't help himself."

Nur touched his face, coughed, looked at the man next to him who looked unhappy when he failed to propose, and felt happy. He said "drive~" and rode another way.

 While along the way, I also met people from their family.

 “Nur? Are you coming out too?”

 (End of this chapter)

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