Chapter 686, Husband-Chasing Plan

“I won’t bother you about the things in the back room anymore. Let Little Litty take over.”

Had she not said the word "replacement", Xiao Zi would have felt nothing.

   However, when you say these two words, it feels like someone is trying to usurp the throne, and it makes you uncomfortable.

  “Huh, you’re bullying me!”

This time she quit, and she didn’t help with her clothes. She sat down and sulked.

Sister Ying was so angry that she laughed.

"Didn't you say that you would leave after you got married? Since you are leaving, wouldn't it be better to let someone else replace you? It would save you time with your brother Nuer."

Even though Xiao Zi thought so, she felt like she was being driven away when she heard it from Sister Ying's mouth, and she felt sad.

"Who said that slave is going to leave? I just said that you are so old and you don't know how to wear clothes. If you tell me, people will laugh at you."

“Besides, I can serve you even if I’m married.”

Sister Ying snorted, "That's not what you just said."

This little girl looked like she was about to leave just now. Before leaving, I told her to learn to take care of herself. I don’t know, I thought she was leaving the next day.

 This meeting is really pretentious.

Xiao Zi was exposed by her and refused to admit it. She said shamelessly, "Anyway, the young lady can only have me as her personal maid, and no one else can."

Sister Ying laughed.

"Why are you so domineering? You treat me like this. If your brother Nuer looks at other women in the future, will you be mad to death?"

Xiao Zi imagined that scene, and she was really angry.

 “That’s not okay! He is not allowed to look at other women.”

Sister Ying asked, "If he sees it, what will you do?"

Xiao Zi said angrily, "He dares!"

 “If he dares to provoke other girls, I will...”

 “Just what?”

At once.

Well, she actually didn’t know what to do.

Sister Ying tapped her forehead with her finger and said, "You haven't even written your horoscope yet."

Just now, I thought about getting married.

 Xiao Zi is very serious, "If you like him, of course you have to get married to him, otherwise he will be someone else's."

Sister Ying looked at her, "Then does he like you?"

The liking is mutual. If Noor has no interest in this girl, it will not be easy to handle.

 Xiao Zi melancholy said, "I don't know either. But my aunt said that as long as I have more contact with Brother Nuer, he will definitely like me."

Sister Ying was startled, "Aunt? Are you calling me now?"

Xiao Zi chuckled, "That's right, our aunt likes me and encourages me to chase Brother Nuer."

Sister Ying was very happy, "Not bad, you know how to infiltrate your husband's family."

 Xiao Zi smiled proudly, "That's right, she is also very smart, right?"

 “However, in chasing Brother Nuer, I still need Miss’s help.”

Sister Ying touched her chin with her hand, "I don't have much experience with this."

She and Jing Shirong have been in love for a long time. They have never chased other men, so they don’t have much useful experience to impart.

"Otherwise, how about you follow the cook's approach and have more contact with him? Wait until he is also interested in you, and then confess your feelings?"

 Xiao Zi thought about it and thought it was okay.

“Then I will stay in contact with him for a few more days. If he is also interested in me, I will confess to him.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you can concentrate on chasing him these days and don't worry about me."

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "You are so kind~"

 Speaking, he wanted to kiss me again.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and said, "No, go ahead, I want to eat."

Xiao Zijiao gave her a look, "Why are you so shy~"

But he also walked away laughing. After finishing her meal, Sister Ying put on her bamboo hat and went out to the kitchen to ask the cook about it.

 The cook saw her asking and answered truthfully.

“Nur’s kid is indeed pretty good, but he doesn’t seem to have any thoughts about getting married, and I don’t know how to persuade him.”

"But that kid has a cold face and a warm heart. As long as we get in touch with him more, there might be hope."

 She sincerely hopes that Nuer can get married, and she also likes Xiaozi, so she naturally hopes that the couple will get married.

After hearing this, Sister Ying felt that this man was very strong and motivated, and it would be great for Xiaozi to marry him.

 As for whether they are destined to be together, let’s create more opportunities for them.

 On the second day.

Nur brought people here as usual, and today he is going to buy materials for the chicken coop.

Sister Ying went with them, and so did Xiao Zi.

Nur has experience in building houses and chicken coops. He took Sister Ying and the others to several stores along the way. The materials were all of high quality and low price.

Sister Ying gave him full authority to choose, and gave Xiao Zi the money bag to pay.

Xiao Zi is not good at other things, but she is very quick in calculating accounts. She is very accurate in every dollar and tael, and she never makes any mistakes.

Sister Ying taught these things herself, and she studied them very seriously, so when she paid, she calculated quickly, even faster than the boss.

 Sometimes the boss made a mistake in calculating and overpaying, and she would take the initiative to point it out and try to make up for it.

Nur also noticed this. Seeing that she had an upright attitude and was not a petty gainer, she nodded appreciatively.

Sister Ying watched from the sidelines and felt that Nuer also admired Xiao Zi, so there should be fun.

Xiao Zi chattered all the way, happily following Nuer, helping this and that.

 The weather was so hot, and she didn't wear a hat. She was sweating all over because of the heat, but she still smiled silly.

Nour saw that her forehead was busy and her little face was red from the sun. He sighed and went to the hat stall on the street to buy her a straw hat.

 “Wear it with sun protection.”

 Look at her face, it's all red from the sun.

 Xiao Zi was surprised and happy, "Brother Nuer, did you buy it specially for me?"

This is the first time a man bought her a hat.

Moreover, he put it on her thoughtfully. It was so heart-warming.

 “Brother Nuer, I like you so much~~”

She couldn't help but express her love, so she spoke out naturally.

Nur was stunned for a moment as he put the hat on her hand. It was the first time that a girl confessed to her so straightforwardly, and she felt quite embarrassed.

“Ahem, what’s that? It’s too hot. I’m going to buy a watermelon to eat together.”

 After saying that, her wheat-colored face turned red and she hurried away.

Xiao Zi saw that he was shy and laughed too.

He came over and said to Sister Ying, "Miss, did you see that Brother Nuer was shy just now?"

Sister Ying nodded, "I saw it. The timing is good. Keep up the good work."

 Xiao Zi chuckled, "Then I'll go."

 Continue to follow.

Nur went to the watermelon stall to buy some watermelon, picked one that was rustling and sweet, and asked the boss to help cut it, and then invited them to eat.

Xiao Zipidianpidian ran over, took the watermelon from his hand with a sweet smile, and took a bite, "Hmm~ It's so sweet~"

The pain she felt right now was so sweet.

Seeing that she liked it, Nuer gave her another piece and said, "If you like it, eat more."

Xiao Zi hummed coquettishly, "Brother Nuer picked it, I want to eat it all!"

Nuer looked at her childish look and smiled, "You will feel full easily if you eat this, so don't overeat."

Xiao Zi laughed and said, "No, I can eat a whole one by myself."

 It’s not her fault, her appetite is as big as that of Brother Qi.

 (End of this chapter)

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