Chapter 681: It’s my heartbeat

Sister Ying was very happy, "Okay, since you are so obedient, then I won't let you like this Nuer, will you listen?"

 Xiao Zi... "Why are you like this!"

Sister Ying smiled, "You said you were obedient. Why didn't you listen again?"

I was still swearing by it just now, look at it now.

Xiao Zi pouted and started to act coquettishly.

 “Miss~~Can you help me or not~~”

Sister Ying was shaken by her, like a parent, and asked her, "What do you like about him?"

 Xiao Zi stopped and thought for a moment, "Well, I just feel that he is very nice and treats me well."

 Then I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a heartbeat.

I especially want to get close to him and talk to him more.

Even if she didn't speak, she would feel full after just being with him quietly for a while.

When I'm with him, it's like something has grown in my heart, it's sweet, I pretend to be full, and I'm particularly happy.

Sister Ying didn’t expect this little girl to be so artistic, so she seems to be really tempted.

She took this matter at ease and asked her to go back first, "It's been a tiring day, you go back to sleep first, and I will help you observe tomorrow."

Xiao Zi happily hugged her when she agreed. "Thank you, miss, okay~ I love you~"

 After saying that, he kissed Sister Ying and ran away happily.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She wiped her face and prepared to go to the princess's mansion tomorrow to inquire about the situation.

 On the second day.

 Before she got up, Mr. Zhong came first.

 He came here with the child in his arms.

 Xiao Zi got up before dawn and sat in front of the dressing table to dress up for the first time.

However, she struggled for a long time and couldn't figure out the reason. Instead, she made her unattractive little face look like a monkey's butt, which was really annoying to the eyes.

 “Oh my god, I’m so ugly.”

She looked in the mirror and looked at the two monkey-butt-like blushes on her face, and she really had a headache.

 “Forget it, let’s not paint it anymore.”

 Then wash off the rouge and turn around to pick out some nice clothes.

But after picking and choosing, I found that the clothes in the wardrobe were all of the same style, and they were all mainly comfortable. The colors were either blue or green, and there were no bright ones at all.

 She took the clothes to the mirror and compared them, but there was no one that looked good at all.

  “Hey, why don’t I have a pretty face?”

 Not only does he not have a beautiful face, he doesn’t even have a slender figure.

 Her arms are so thick, her thighs are so thick, and her belly is still a little fleshy. Compared with the beautiful girls nowadays, she is simply too ugly to look at.

Xiao Zi sighed, never thought that she would be frustrated.

 She never cared about appearance before, nor did she think she was ugly.

  But after meeting someone I like, my mood changes.

 Start to care about one’s appearance, body shape, and even grooming.

 But after dressing up, she found that she didn't look as good as the other girls no matter how much she dressed up. She sat in front of the mirror in frustration and had no energy to work.

When Mr. Zhong came over, he saw that only Xiao Guli was cleaning the courtyard. He was still surprised, "Where is Xiao Zi?"

Xiao Guli pointed to the house, "I'm in the house, but I haven't come out yet."

Mr. Zhong nodded and asked, "What about your wife? She's not up yet?"

Xiao Guli nodded, "Madam sleeps very late every day. She won't get up until the sun rises. Do you want your servant to wake you up?"

 Master Zhong shook his head, "No, you go and ask Xiao Zi to come out and ask her to come over and help me."


Little Liti went to knock on Xiao Zi’s door, “Sister Xiao Zi, the Prince Consort is here and wants you to come over.”

As soon as Xiao Zi heard that Young Master Zhong was coming, she put down her clothes and came out, "The Prince Consort is here?" Xiao Guli nodded, "In the courtyard, sister, please go quickly."

Xiao Zi sighed and hurriedly went to find Mr. Zhong.

 “Prince-in-law? Are you looking for me?”

When Young Master Zhong saw her, he looked at her like a savior, "Quick, help me hug this brat, my hands are almost broken."

I don’t know what’s going on with this kid lately, he’s particularly clingy to him.

 In the past, I was willing to let the wet nurse give me a hug, but now I don’t want to.

 Once he stops hugging him, he starts to cry and has such a bad temper.

Sometimes the third princess’s head hurt from his crying, so she went to the military camp early in the morning to hide. Young Master Zhong was so angry that she cursed him for a long time.

  What, "If you run away when the child cries, are you still not his mother?"

 The third princess was also afraid of quarreling with him, so she ran faster.

The angry Young Master Zhong chased him and scolded him, "Stop! Does that child belong to me alone? Are you just going to let me go?"

 But the third princess has run away long ago, and there is no trace of her. The angry Young Master Zhong was not in the mood all day.

He came here today mainly because he was bored at home and because he had an argument with the third princess, he didn't want to stay at home and wanted to talk to someone.

He didn’t have many close friends here. After much deliberation, Sister Ying was the most suitable one, so he came over early.

Hearing his casual thoughts, Xiao Zi chuckled, held back, and stretched out her hand to help him take the child.

 “I’ll help you hold me for a while.”

 Young Master Zhong didn’t want her, so she quickly gave her the child.

   Little Piggy was hugged by someone else at first, and she curled her lips and wanted to cry, but when she saw Xiao Zi, she stopped crying, as if she knew her.

 Zhong Da was relieved to see him not crying.

 “This boy is really here to punish me.”

 There were so many people in the house, but he wouldn’t let anyone hug him. He has to hold it! I can't even walk for a while, I'm so angry.

  One time he also lost his temper. I just didn’t hug him and let him cry.

But this kid has a bad temper. He cries whenever he wants. He can howl from day to night until his voice is hoarse.

 Master Zhong was so convinced by him that he could only hold him by himself.

 He was almost furious.

“I don’t know if there are thorns on the bed or on someone else’s body. I cry when I let go. I have the same moral character as his mother. I have a bad temper and a hard temper!”

 When it came to the third princess, he became even more angry.

 Xiao Zi laughed when she saw that he was complaining so much like a harem.

“Then you didn’t communicate with the third princess?”

After all, she is the mother of the child, so she shouldn’t just let it go, right?

Mr. Zhong said angrily, "Why not? You don't understand her. She is like a stinky man with no conscience. She doesn't care about her after she is born. I have to eat, drink, and defecate the child all day long, so I haven't seen her." Worried about it!”

If he had known earlier, he would not have allowed her to give birth. She was just here to torture him!

 Hmph, you scumbag!

Xiao Zi was very happy to hear this, "Then you are **** with children every day. Is it difficult to get out?"

Mr. Zhong sighed, "You can come out, but you have to hold him."

The key point is that this kid is still eating, and he has to take his wet nurse with him when he goes out, so he has to be fed on time.

 Xiao Zi saw that his eyes were all green, obviously he was tired.

I couldn’t help but sigh, “I didn’t expect that raising children would be so tiring?”

  Even if there are a lot of servants and the child does not want servants, he is still the father who will suffer.

Xiao Zi sighed, suddenly she didn’t want Sister Ying to give birth anymore.

 Mr. Zhong, a grown man, has been tortured half to death by his children. Her young lady is so delicate, don’t be exhausted when the time comes.

But when I looked down at the little guy eating my little hand, I felt that it was worth the effort. At least this little thing was quite cute.

 (End of this chapter)

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