Chapter 654, the child is missing

Sister Ying felt uneasy, "You said you were at home just now? But the wet nurse didn't come back?"

Is it possible that the wet nurse took the child to the third princess's courtyard?

 Otherwise, why didn’t she come back with the child?

 Xiao Zi nodded, "I should have taken him back."

That's the third princess's child. How dare the nanny kidnap it?

Sister Ying took a deep breath and paused, "W-what did you just say? Abduct a child?"

No way?

Her breathing slowed down for a beat, and she felt a little uneasy.

 “No, I have to go and have a look.”

 Hurry to rush to the third princess’s house.

Jing Shirong came out and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying told him with an uneasy look on her face, "My mother-in-law didn't bring the baby back just now. I'm worried. I want to go over and have a look."

Jing Shirong frowned, as if thinking about something.

"I will go with you."


The couple rushed to the third princess's house together. When they opened the door and walked in, they did not see the third princess or Mr. Zhong.

Sister Ying grabbed a servant and asked hurriedly, "Where is the third princess?"

The servant replied, "It's upstairs."

Sister Ying asked again, "What about the wet nurse? Did the wet nurse bring the child back to the third princess?"

 The servant shook his head, "I don't know, I was not in the courtyard just now."

Sister Ying couldn't help it and ran upstairs quickly.

Since the door to the room was closed, Sister Ying hurriedly knocked on the door, "Third Princess?"

 “Third Princess, are you there?”

 The two people in the room were hugging each other. When they heard the sound, they hurriedly got dressed.

 “Ahem, what’s the matter?”

Sister Ying heard something was wrong in the voice inside and asked quickly, "Third princess, did the wet nurse bring the child back just now?"

As soon as she heard about the child, the third princess came out quickly.

 “What happened? The child is not here with me.”

Sister Ying felt a chill in her heart, "How could that happen?"

Oh my God, I didn’t even get the child back.

 “Brother Rong, what should I do?”

Sister Ying was so frightened that she suddenly lost her mind.

Jing Shirong patted her shoulder to calm her down.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to look for you." After that, he went downstairs to look for him.

 The third princess did not expect that things would turn out like this.

 Taking a deep breath, "You said the baby was taken away by the wet nurse?"

Sister Ying felt extremely guilty, "It's my problem, me."

 The third princess waved her hand to ask her to stop.

She closed her eyes, not angry, stabilized her mind, and let the spy in the dark say, "Search the whole city to find the young master."


 The eyeliner passed quickly. The third princess was worried, put on her cloak, and quickly chased him out.

Mr. Zhong was changing clothes inside. When he heard the noise, he ran out quickly and asked, "What happened?"

Sister Ying thought for a while and then told him, "The young master is gone and was taken away by the wet nurse."

Mr. Zhong was startled, "What do you mean?"

 “My son is missing??”

 He was really frightened now and stammered when speaking.

 “How, how, how could it be.”

 “Where is the child? Where has it been carried?”

Sister Ying asked him to calm down, "She was taken away by the wet nurse you found. Please recall, has the wet nurse done anything unusual recently?"

Mr. Zhong held his head and tried to calm down.

 He recalled carefully and found nothing unusual.

Sister Ying pulled him and said, "Let's go to that grandma's house first."

"Okay." Mr. Zhong led the way and went downstairs to ride a horse. Sister Ying also rode a horse, and they rushed to the nanny's house together.

 As soon as I arrived at the nanny’s house, I found that it was extremely empty. There was no one there.

Mr. Zhong was puzzled, “How come there is no one?”

Mingmingly, when he went out to investigate that day, there were six or seven people in their family.

 Why is it missing?

Sister Ying was also panicked, but she still calmed herself down.

“Let’s search carefully in the yard, maybe we can find some clues.”

Mr. Zhong calmed down, hummed, and separated from her to search carefully in the courtyard.

They went to the kitchen and found that the food was still there and there was plenty of firewood.

 If it was premeditated, so much firewood should not be prepared.

Especially there was leftover rice in the rice pot, indicating that they had eaten together at noon.

Since we had eaten, why did everyone suddenly disappear?

 Is there any misunderstanding here?

Or, they just went out to work?

Sister Ying asked, "How many people are there in their family?"

Mr. Zhong recalled, “There are seven people in their family, two old people, a paralyzed husband, and the rest are half-grown children.”

 Normally, the children play at home and the old people go to work in the fields.

 But it was not easy for the paralyzed husband to go out.

 But no one is here at this moment, which is really weird.

They searched around the house and found that there were a few pieces of clothing missing. They must have taken them away temporarily.

 It would not be easy for a big family to leave if there is no one to help.

Sister Ying recalled, "Is there a cellar here? Go to the cellar first and have a look?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "I remembered, everyone here has a cellar, maybe they are in the cellar."

Sister Ying thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute. You go to the cellar and stay guard while I call for someone."

If there is an ambush below, it would be better to have someone help.

She went out and called the secret guard, "One of you goes to tell the husband about the situation here, and the rest follow me."

 The secret guard hesitated, but went anyway.

 Master Zhong had already found the entrance to the cellar.

Sister Ying shushed him and told him in a low voice, "I'll go down and take a look first, while you stay here to guard."

Mr. Zhong refused, "No, I'll go down. You stay on top."

 Otherwise, it would be bad if there is danger.

Sister Ying shook her head, "I know Qinggong and can run fast. You can guard outside. If anything happens, go to the third princess immediately for rescue."

Mr. Zhong refused, so Sister Ying added, "I have some drug on me. Don't worry. I'm not weak in qinggong and can run very fast."

Mr. Zhong was worried, but he also knew that hesitation would only delay things, so he agreed.

 “Then be careful.”

Sister Ying hummed and asked him to open the cellar door.

Mr. Zhong tried his best several times, but found that the cellar door was bolted.

 The two of them looked at each other and knew that someone must be hiding in the cellar.

 Since you are really hiding someone, you must be more careful.

Sister Ying pulled out the silver hairpin from her head, found the latch of the cellar door, and pulled open the switch.

Master Zhong lifted the door handle, and sure enough, he lifted the square cellar door.

Sister Ying gestured to the secret guard, and the three of them went down together.

 The cellar was dark and shady.

Sister Ying did not dare to be careless. She closed her eyes for a while and then gestured to the secret guards to outflank her.

 The three of them carefully searched for the figure in the cellar.

  They all had poison in their hands.

Sister Ying listened with her ears and carefully distinguished the sound of breathing.

The secret guard went to the corner to check to see if there was any ambush.

Only when I walked halfway did I realize that there was actually a cellar door under the cellar.

 It seems to be a double-storey basement.

Because of the big climate difference here, people sometimes dig two layers of cellars to preserve food.

 Since people are not on the first level, they should be on the second level.

The temperature has dropped, please keep warm ()



 (End of this chapter)

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