Chapter 640: Find something to do

Jing Shirong glared at him, "You're the only one who talks a lot, go about your business."

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Just go."

 Since he is alone, he doesn’t have to worry about this or that.

After Sister Ying returned home.

Mr. Zhong came to find him.

 She was curious, "Why is Brother Zhong here?"

 “Come in and sit down.”

Mr. Zhong told her, "That's it. The imperial court sent two agricultural officials to experiment for several days at the water pool and finally planted the seedlings."

“However, they are good at growing food, but raising chickens and ducks is a bit difficult.”

It’s not that they don’t know how to do it. The main court brought chickens, ducks and geese here, and they were obviously not accustomed to the local environment.

 Some of them were already wilted and about to die.

Sister Ying asked, "Can't we just let the chickens, ducks and geese here breed?"

Local chickens and ducks born and raised here are definitely more adaptable to the local environment than chickens and ducks from the capital.

Mr. Zhong said, “I don’t know if it’s due to the environment. There are few chickens and ducks here, but there are more cattle, sheep, and horses.”

“It may be that the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, so it is difficult for chickens and ducks to survive, but it is easier for cattle, sheep and horses to survive.”

 After all, there is a big temperature difference between morning and evening. If the chicken coop is not kept warm, the chickens will easily die of cold at night.

 The newly laid eggs are cold before they are hatched. It is not easy to raise chickens and ducks.

Sister Ying suggested, “Otherwise, let’s do some research on the chicken coop first?”

 The chicken coop may be covered and kept warm.

Furthermore, you can also mix chickens and ducks to breed them, improve their genes, and maybe you can continue to breed.

Mr. Zhong thought this was a good idea and went to do it immediately.

Before leaving, he also said, "You can go and sit with the third princess when you have time. She tends to have random thoughts at home alone, so you should help me and talk to her more."

Sister Ying asked, "What about you?"

Mr. Zhong said, "I have to get those chickens, ducks and geese."

 When he came, the emperor gave him a task, which was to be responsible for the food production here.

There is also herbal medicine production.

He was busy taking care of the third princess this year and delayed all these things. Now that the child was born and the emperor wrote to ask, he had to seize the time to get up with these things.

 For no other reason than that, he liked it very much and wanted to make it better so that he could live comfortably.

The key is that the third princess doesn’t really want him to go out.

 At first, his son only recognized him.

Secondly, she is emotionally unstable now. If he is not at home, she will easily have random thoughts and want him to accompany her.

Mr. Zhong reasoned with her several times, and she seemed to be doing well. When he went out, she immediately regretted it and asked him to go back.

Sister Ying snorted, never expecting that the ruthless third princess would have such a day.

I didn’t expect that she would still be clingy. It’s incredible.

Young Master Zhong blushed and coughed, "She used to be a strong person, but now that she is so weak, it is normal for her to be scared."

 When she recovers one day, she will definitely not need him anymore.

Sister Ying didn't believe it and deliberately teased him, "What will you do if the third princess doesn't need you anymore?"

Mr. Zhong hesitated for a moment, "I really haven't thought about this."

He is busy in and out every day, either busy outside, busy with his son, or spending time with the third princess. He has no extra time to think about these things.

If one day the third princess no longer needs him, he really doesn't know what to do.

Sister Ying patted his shoulder and comforted him. "No, no matter whether the third princess is strong or not, she still needs you."

 “Young Master needs you too, don’t be discouraged.”

Mr. Zhong felt that what he said was reasonable, and immediately lost his temper.

“You are right, whether she is strong or not, she still needs me.”

 After that, I asked Sister Ying to join me, "Let's go to the chicken coop and have a look." See what needs to be improved.

Sister Ying sighed and followed him holding an umbrella.

The two of them went to the street together. People on the street recognized Mr. Zhong and greeted him warmly. Sister Ying was curious, "How did they recognize you when you were covered like this?"

 The people here are all covered in veils, with only their two eyes exposed. How on earth do they recognize them?

Mr. Zhong laughed and said, "Then you don't understand. They all know the eyes."

 As long as you stay here for a long time, you will be able to recognize people with your eyes.


Sister Ying found it interesting and followed them to look at those people’s eyes.

I looked around but was confused, "Their eyes are so big, it's hard to recognize them."

Mr. Zhong laughed and said, "I was also face-blind in the beginning, and I looked at everyone the same. After waiting for a long time, I will be able to recognize them."

Sister Ying thought so and went with him to the chicken coop.

Mr. Zhong introduced to her, "The black chickens over there are local, and the yellow ones are brought from the capital."

“The black duck is also from the local area, and the white duck is from the capital city.”

Two different kinds of chickens and ducks look quite different.

 The local chickens, ducks and geese are vigorous, but the production is very small.

 Those in the capital are a little smaller and have no strength.

Sister Ying went to see the chicken coop. There was a little draft and it seemed to be cold at night.

 The food that chickens, ducks and geese eat is not abundant, just some rotten vegetable leaves.

 She discussed some plans with Mr. Zhong and planned to thicken the chicken coop first.

 Reinforce the nutrition of food.

In addition to eating vegetables, you can also let chickens, ducks and geese eat insects or grains.

The two of them discussed it with the farm owner for a long time, and the chicken coop was completed in the evening.

 Because they were busy for a long time, both of them forgot the time to go home.

 It was the farm owner who asked them to stay home for dinner, and Young Master Zhong woke up in surprise, "It's already so late?"

 No, he has to go back.

The son must have woken up at this point to take night feeds. He had to go back before he went to bed, otherwise he would have to cry for a long time.

Seeing how anxious he was, Sister Ying didn't laugh at him and followed him back.

Mr. Zhong walked her to the door of her house, quickly picked up her clothes and ran back quickly.

 As soon as I got home, my son was crying.

 He was busy coaxing.

 The third princess saw that he was covered in dirt, shook her head, and said nothing.

As soon as Sister Ying arrived home, Xiao Zi ran out to pick her up.

"You actually go away for a day? Don't leave your slaves behind next time, otherwise I won't worry."

Sister Ying hummed and asked her, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

 Xiao Zi, "Eat mutton buns."

She brought the supper, poured a cup of hot milk tea for Sister Ying, and told her, "Miss, I heard that there will be some kind of bonfire festival on the street here in a few days. It seems to be quite lively."

 “Let’s go to the streets together and have a lot of fun.”

Sister Ying took a sip of hot milk tea. She took another sip in surprise and asked her, "Where did this milk tea come from?"

Xiao Zi smiled proudly and said, "I learned it from the neighbor's sister-in-law across the street."

 The street across the street is filled with family members of the military camp. They have been here for a long time and already know how to cook local food.

This pot of milk tea in the evening is what Xiaozi learned from her neighbor's sister-in-law.

Sister Ying drank a large glass and said, "Not bad, my craftsmanship has improved. I will go back tomorrow to learn more dishes."

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I have dealt with those neighbors now, and they are all very good."

“However, there are a few bad ones.”

 “Forget it, let’s not mention her.” Thinking about it makes me angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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