Chapter 637: Disdainful of mother-in-law

Sister Ying also thought this was the reason, so she taught her which gestures would make it more comfortable to hold the child.

The third princess said she was disgusted, but she was serious in her heart. She studied it carefully for a while before saying, "Let me try it."

Sister Ying put the child in her hands, and the third princess held it carefully, trying to use as much strength as possible in her arms.

 The baby did not cry at first, and she was quite happy, thinking that she had finally learned how to hold the baby.

But as her face came closer and she was about to kiss her son, when the brat saw her serious face, he immediately curled up his red mouth and cried, "Wow wow wow~".

 Three princesses.

 So it wasn’t the way she held her that was uncomfortable, it was her face that made this kid uncomfortable?

The third princess was angry and asked Sister Ying, "Come over and try."

Sister Ying coughed and didn’t believe it, “No way, he might be sleepy.”

 Such a small baby, you can’t see the face, right? Even the eyes may not be able to see clearly.

The third princess was very sure and asked Sister Ying to come closer and give it a try.

Sister Ying had no choice but to lower her head and move closer to look at the little guy.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but when the little guy saw Sister Ying’s face coming closer, he really stopped crying and waved his little hand as if he wanted to scratch her.

Then it was the third princess who put her face in front of him and immediately started crying "Wow wow wow".

   Third Princess. “You’re cruel!”

 Smelly boy.

 Turns out I really dislike her face.

"Humph, your father doesn't even dislike me, how dare you dislike me? You are still my son."

 You eat her food and use hers, but you have the nerve to despise her?

 If I had known earlier, I should have given birth to a daughter.

 Men are all the same thing.

Just as he was talking, Mr. Zhong came back.

 “Madam, I’m back.”

 He came in with a lot of things in big and small bags, and was in a good mood.

 “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

 The third princess shook her head, "What did you buy?"

Young Master Zhong put down the things and took out a piece of soft cloth for her as if it were a treasure. "This piece of cloth is very soft. I'll have someone make some underwear for you tomorrow."

 “The remaining scraps are used to make diapers for my son.”

 Speaking of my son, I rushed over to check on him and asked, "Why isn't he asleep yet?"

Usually you would fall asleep after eating so much at this time, why are you so energetic today?

The third princess snorted angrily, "Ask him."

The tone sounded like he was angry. Mr. Zhong looked at Sister Ying and asked, "What just happened?"

Sister Ying shrugged and smiled helplessly, "The young master seems to have some objections to the third princess. You can take care of it."

 Having said that, I’ll take my leave first.

Mr. Zhong looked confused, "What do you mean?"

He looked at the third princess and asked, "Why don't I understand what Sister Ying just said?"

The third princess snorted angrily, "She said your son bullied me."

Mr. Zhong said, "Huh?", "No way?" Obviously he didn't believe it.

“He is so cute, why would he bully you?”

As soon as the third princess heard that he was protecting the calf, she was immediately taken aback.

 “Why won’t you bully me? He just bullies me!”

As he spoke, he felt aggrieved and his eyes were red.

Young Master Zhong immediately felt distressed and came over to comfort him, "If you don't cry, why did he bully you? I'll beat him for you."

The third princess didn't know why her emotions came on so suddenly, but she still obeyed her heart and held Young Master Zhong in her arms to complain.

“He thinks I’m not beautiful. He only smiles when Sister Ying looks at him. He cries when I get closer. He’s too bullying.”

It was rare for her to be so wronged, and Mr. Zhong felt very distressed. He hugged her and coaxed her, "That's what's wrong with that brat. How can you judge a book by its appearance at such a young age?" "Don't worry, when he grows up, I will help you beat him up." He is so disrespectful to you."

He could say this, and the third princess was naturally happy, but she still had a motherly heart, "There's no need to beat him, let him sleep by himself at night."

 Usually the three members of the family sleep together.

 However, Mr. Zhong was taking care of the children at night, so the third princess was basically not tired.

 So the child wanted to be hugged by his father every day, Mr. Zhong.

Mr. Zhong only wanted to teach his son a lesson, and soon he picked him up and put him to sleep.

He has a good temper, and he always coaxes his wife and son.

 “Oh oh oh~ good son, go to sleep.”

 The third princess felt quite warm when she saw him speaking softly and coaxing his son in a soft voice.

It seems that my father did something right for once.

Before, she thought he was sick and useless.

Now it seems that he is indeed good.

 The couple looked at each other and smiled.

 This head.

After Sister Ying came out from the third princess's place, she didn't want to go back to her empty home, so she went up to the city wall to see where Jing Shirong was from a high place.

 Master Zhong said that he was in the military camp and was training new soldiers these days. He should be able to see it from the tower.

Sister Ying couldn't find it at the location he said. She stood on the wall and looked down, and sure enough she saw the figures of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

 The two men stood under the scorching sun with serious faces, leading a group of recruits to train on the playground, with heroic postures.

 At first, the new recruits didn’t think they were very powerful, but after getting along with them for a few days, they started to see the strong demeanor in them.

 The weak admire the strong. When the recruits saw how capable they were, they were naturally convinced.

 The only ones who are dissatisfied are those veterans who have been in the military camp for many years.

The group of veteran soldiers observed Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming for a few days and found that these two boys did have two skills, but they did not think that they were better than themselves.

They have been very calm these days, just watching from the sidelines and not coming out to stir up trouble.

But as the new soldiers came to admire Jing Shi, Rong, Qi and Yuan Ming more and more, the veteran soldiers could not sit still.

After all, the new soldiers have just arrived, and being able to conquer them will have a great impact on the future situation.

At this time, the new soldiers were attracted by them, and the veteran soldiers were naturally panicked.

 But they cannot provoke openly, lest the third princess knows that they will be served by military regulations.

 But seeing this, they felt uncomfortable, so they wanted to start with the new recruits.

 “Go, bring the new recruits over and train with the veterans.”

The subordinate received the order, but hesitated, "But isn't this an obvious robbery?"

 The third princess's command was to let Jing Shirong lead the new soldiers.

If they cut off the new recruits on the way, will they be reprimanded?

But the veteran general said, "What are you afraid of? Why don't we help bring up the new soldiers?"

“Besides, the third princess helps take care of the children, so she doesn’t have time to take care of us.”

 It means that I am still confident.

Seeing that the soldier was not afraid of him, he naturally wasn't afraid either. He went over to Jing Shirong's side and asked for the recruits in front of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

“General Wang has ordered that you and the veterans go to the racecourse for training in the afternoon.”

  The recruits were very happy when they heard that they could go to the racecourse.

Qi Yuanming frowned, "What do you mean? We haven't finished training yet. What racecourse are we going to?"

Their training has just begun and everything is going on in an orderly manner. What does General Wang mean? What's the point of taking someone away halfway?


The new soldier saw the displeasure on their faces and hesitated, wondering if he could follow the veteran.

Seeing that they refused to leave, the veteran shouted coldly, "Why don't you leave quickly?"

Please subscribe ~ Good night (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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