The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 614: , the story of the Qi family couple

Chapter 614, The story of the Qi family

Sister Ying finished packing their clothes and went to get ointment.

She went to see Sister Yang and planned to bring more ointment to avoid having no place to buy it.

Sister Yang was excitedly studying the antidote for water lily. When she saw her coming, she pointed her finger and said, "Now, that box is what I prepared for you. You can just take it over."

Sister Ying walked over and took a look, "Is it a whole box?"


She opened the wooden box, which was filled with bottles of medicine. The usage and dosage were marked on them very carefully.

Sister Ying was very moved and went over to hug Sister Yang’s neck, “Are these specially prepared for me?”

Sister Yang nodded coolly, "Well, take them all."

Sister Ying smiled and touched Sister Yang's head, "You have a conscience."

Sister Yang didn't have time to be pretentious with her, so she shrugged her shoulders and told her not to hug her, "Oh, go away, I'm busy."

Seeing her intoxication, Sister Ying clicked her tongue and said, "I know, I'll go out first. Remember to drink the mung bean soup."

Sister Yang didn’t even raise her head, “I know.”

As soon as Sister Ying went out with the medicine box, Qi Yuanming came over.

He asked, "Where's Sister Yang? I'm going to take her to find my mother."

Sister Ying nudged the pharmacy with her mouth, "It's inside. But she's busy now, so you'd better go in later to avoid making her angry."

Qi Yuanming didn't believe it, "We are good buddies, how could she be angry with me?"

 Having said that, I walked in confidently.

“Sister Yang, I’m here to pick you up.”

Sister Yang had no intention of paying attention to him. She lowered her head and analyzed the herbs seriously.

Qi Yuanming came over to take a look and asked her, "Are you done? Do you want to go back with me?"

Sister Yang clicked her tongue, feeling that he was really noisy, and said angrily, "I won't go, I'm busy."

She is like this. Whenever she sees a strange medicinal material, she can't move. She must study it thoroughly before letting it go.

Qi Yuanming knew a little bit about her urine properties, so he could only talk to her and go out.

I went to Sister Ying for help, "Yesterday she said she wanted to go home with me for dinner, but now she won't go. I already told my mother what to do now."

Sister Ying came up with a plan for him, "Otherwise, you can ask your parents to come over and have dinner with us."

Since we have to leave anyway, it would be nice for the two families to have a meal together and get together.

Qi Yuanming patted his head and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

Since they are leaving and won’t see each other for a long time, let’s get together and have fun.

“Okay, then I’ll go back and call my parents over.”

 After saying that, he walked away excitedly.

Sister Ying went to the kitchen and told the kitchen, "Prepare vegetables and meat for the copper pot tonight. Prepare more. The Qi family will also come."

"Yes." The maid heard the sound and went to get ready.

Jing was also very happy when he heard that the Qi family was coming.

“I haven’t had dinner with your Aunt Qi for a long time. We just want to have a drink together tonight.”

Sister Ying also laughed, "I haven't met Aunt Qi yet."

She has not spent much time in the capital, and is not very familiar with these sisters-in-law and relatives in the capital.

Jing Shi smiled and said, "Actually, you two have met before, but I was in a hurry and didn't have time to introduce you."

 When Jing Shirong got married, Mrs. Qi also came over.

But at that time, she was busy introducing relatives of the Jing family to Sister Ying, and did not have time to get together with Mrs. Qi.

 It’s good that we can get together in the evening and get to know each other.

“Mrs. Qi is humorous and interesting, you will definitely like her.”

Sister Ying nodded, "I think so."

If you can give birth to such an interesting son as Qi Yuanming, your parents will definitely be good. “What about Uncle Qi?”

Is Mr. Qi as interesting as Mrs. Qi?

Jing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Speaking of the Qi family, they are actually very interesting."

Mr. Qi is the kind of person who gets married late.

 When he was young, he had an aggressive personality and had a short temper.

With his powerful figure and sloppy beard, he looks like a barbarian and is very capable of bluffing people.

 The family wanted to introduce girls to him, but the girls were so frightened that they cried when they saw him. They dared to marry him.

Some bold girls took the initiative to chase him, but he was impatient and unwilling to have tea and chat with the girls, so he rode away directly.

He happened to meet Mrs. Qi, who also married late, and the two fell in love with each other as soon as they met.

“Originally I shouldn’t have told you this, but you are a strict person, so I told you quietly.”

"Actually, your Aunt Qi was engaged to someone when she was young. But that man later ran away with him. Your Aunt Qi was so angry that she wanted to chase him and catch him."

 Unfortunately, the man died before she set out.

 It is said that he encountered robbers on the road and was hacked to death.

This engagement was run away from, and her fiancé died, making Mrs. Qi suddenly the source of gossip among the neighbors.

At that time, the elderly at home were very depressed and in a bad mood, and wanted to move.

Mrs. Qi, on the other hand, is strong-willed and lets the word out that the heartless man will keep his filial piety for three years to gamble on everyone's reputation.

Everyone didn't expect that she would actually stay filial piety for three years for the man who ran away from marriage, and then they all shut up.

  After all, it was the man’s fault for escaping from the marriage, and it stands to reason that he could remarry directly.

 But Mrs. Qi did not, and she really stayed there for three years.

 She did have some affection for the man at first.

 After all, we have known each other since we were children.

 But ever since he escaped from marriage and betrayed her, she has given up on him.

 The reason why we keep filial piety to each other is just for the sake of the family.

I also want to be more pure and don't want to get married again.

Because of the three years of observing filial piety, it will be difficult to find someone later.

But Mrs. Qi is open-minded and is happy not to marry.

Later, she met Qi’s father who was returning to Beijing. The two met in an alley. Qi’s father was riding a horse and almost hit her.

 Hurry and get off your horse to see if she is okay.

 At that time, Mrs. Qi fell to the ground, but she waved her hand magnanimously, "It's okay, my knee just hurts a little. You can take me to the back door of my house."

Qi’s father saw that she was not afraid of him at all, so he still wanted him to send her home? Feeling a little incredible, she asked her, "Aren't you afraid of me?" Mrs. Qi didn't know why, "Why should I be afraid of you?" "

 A very energetic young man, why are you afraid of him?

It was the first time that Qi's father was admired so openly, and his ears were slightly red.

 “I’ll take you back.”

 After saying that, he directly picked up Mrs. Qi and walked forward.

Mrs. Qi didn't expect him to hug her directly. She coughed and reminded him, "You'd better let me down. The boundaries of the capital will be visible to others. You should marry me later."

Qi’s father was puzzled, “Why?”

 He was just helping her, why did he want to marry her?

Seeing his clumsiness, Mrs. Qi asked, "You just came back from outside, right?"

Father Qi nodded, "Yes."

Mrs. Qi pursed her lips at him and asked him to see if there was anyone around.

 When there was no one around, he whispered, "I just finished my filial piety to my ex-fiancé. Now if others see you hugging me, there will definitely be gossip."

“At that time, my family is under pressure and may go to your house to find you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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