Chapter 611, Which me do you like?

While the two sisters were having a conversation, Jing Shirong placed the antidote for Nymphaea in front of Sister Yang’s rice bowl.

"have a look."

Sister Yang was confused, "What is this?"

Jing Shirong, "Take some of the antidote for water lily and see what the ingredients are."

Sister Yang was overjoyed, opened the medicine bottle, took a deep breath, and smelled the pills inside, "Oh my god, brother-in-law, how did you get this?"

Just smelling the strong medicinal smell, there are actually several kinds of medicines in it that are different from the current medicinal materials. They look a bit old at first glance.

Jing Shirong took a sip of tea and told her, "It's coming from the emperor."

Sister Yang clicked her tongue and secretly said that her brother-in-law is also a talented person.

 Such a rare antidote was obtained as soon as it was said to be available.

“No, I’m going to take it to the pharmacy to study it.”

 After saying that, I didn’t eat any food and left in a rush of excitement.

Sister Ying called her, "Come back for dinner first."

Sister Yang didn’t even look back, “I’ll eat later.”

Sister Ying saw that she was studying this with such enthusiasm, she shook her head and asked Jing Shirong, "Why don't you take the antidote first?"

 After taking the antidote, all memories should be restored.

Jing Shirong raised his dark eyes and locked them with her, fixedly, making Sister Ying's scalp tingle. "What, what's wrong? Did I say the wrong thing?"

Jing Shirong looked at her for a long time before asking, "Do you really want me to regain my memory?"

Sister Ying didn’t know why, “Isn’t it bad to restore memory?”

His memory was empty before, wasn't it uncomfortable?

Now that the antidote is right in front of you, if you take it, you can think of everything clearly, wouldn't it?

 That was not what Jing Shirong was thinking about.

 His tone turned cold, "You don't like me now?"

He didn’t know what he was jealous of, but he was actually jealous of himself before he lost his memory.

Sister Ying seemed to understand what he meant, and hurriedly explained, "It's not that I don't like you now, I just want to help you remember."

 But Jing Shirong was obviously not satisfied with this explanation.

He put down his chopsticks and stopped eating, "You really don't like me now."

 After saying that, he stood up angrily and went back to the room angrily.

 Leave Sister Ying behind? ? ?

 She asked Xiao Zi, "What's wrong with your uncle?"

 What is his current self and his former self, aren’t they all him?

Xiao Zi didn’t understand either, “I can only say that my uncle is still so jealous and even gets jealous.”

Sister Ying does not deny this, "His jealousy has definitely not changed."

 No matter before or after the amnesia, the vinegar essence function has never been offline.

Sister Ying sighed, "What can we do?"

Is it possible to trick him and say that she didn’t like him before? Do you only like him as he is now?

 But after saying this, he took the antidote to restore his memory, wouldn't he have to trouble her again?

 “Oh, it’s difficult to handle, it’s too difficult to handle.”

 Is it said that women and villains are difficult to raise? Why is it so difficult to guess a man’s thoughts?

Xiao Zi didn't understand either, so she suggested, "How about you go and coax her? My uncle has always been soft-spoken rather than tough-minded."

Just follow the donkey, just coax it for a while.

Sister Ying nodded but did not move.

 “Let’s go after I’m full. I’ve been hungry all morning.”

 After saying that, he continued to pick up the spoon and drink the white fungus soup.

 Xiao Zi

It seems that my uncle is jealous for a reason.

Compared to my uncle, her young lady seems to have a bigger heart.

These two people are basically the opposite.

After Jing Shirong returned to the room, he sat at the table angrily. He looked outside the door, but did not see the woman coming, and became even more angry.

Jing collected a bunch of supplements for them and brought them to their room, only to see that Jing Shirong was the only one in the room.

"Why are you here? Where is Sister Ying?" Jing Shirong snorted, "I don't know!"

Jing Shi laughed when she saw his childish attitude, "Are you arguing again?"

“Why do you two love to quarrel so much? Can’t we talk about something properly?”

Jing Shirong took a sip of tea and said, "There is nothing to say to her."

Jing couldn't help but laugh, and sat down, "Okay, I have nothing to say to her. Then tell me, what's the reason for such a quarrel?"

Jing Shirong didn't answer, his black eyes looked outside coldly, wishing he could take the woman who was eating delicious food in the dining hall and beat her up.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Mrs. Jing could only put down her things and go to the dining hall to ask Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was quite happy when she saw her coming, "Mom? Have you eaten? Let's eat some together?"

Jing Shi shook his head, "I've eaten it, you can eat it."

 She sat down, peeled an orange for Sister Ying, and asked her, "Did you quarrel with Brother Rong just now?"

Sister Ying shrugged and said innocently, "He got angry with me first."

 Obviously we had a good conversation just now, but he was the one who was angry first.

Jing asked, "What's the reason for the noise?"

Sister Ying had no choice but to take a sip of the white fungus soup and replied, "He asked me whether I like him now or before he lost his memory."

 “What difference does it make if I say it?” Amnesia or not, isn’t it him?

 Is it possible that she changed her mind after losing her memory?

 She didn’t.

 So whether he lost his memory or not, she was always by his side. Why are you still angry?

Jing was happy to see her angry and indignant look.

 “You two.”

It’s true that a boy has a woman’s heart, and a girl has a man’s heart.

It’s funny to think about women being so carefree and men being so delicate and jealous.

Sister Ying was happy when she said this.

 “Am I really that straight?”

 She feels she is doing okay.

Although she is not a little woman, she is still a woman who can act coquettishly. How come she is a straight man?

Xiao Zi knew what the straight man meant and nodded in agreement with Jing’s words.

“Miss, you are indeed more manly than my uncle sometimes.”

It's not surprising that Jing Shirong was angry. Their young lady didn't understand a man's heart at all, nor did she know how to coax him. Wouldn't that make my uncle angry?

Sister Ying. “I feel that I was wronged and you all bullied me.”

Jingshi all laughed.

  "Don't be angry. Mom won't bully you. Mom secretly told you that Brother Rong is actually a weirdo."

“He was very scheming when he was little. Every time he saw Jing Yu Jing Xin trying to hug me, he would immediately hang on me and wouldn’t come down even if he said anything. He just wouldn’t let me hug my brothers and sisters.”

You want to say something to him, but he still looks at you pitifully.

  Looking at Jingshi with a look like "Don't you want me anymore?" He thought that Jingshi was soft-hearted, so he naturally hugged him and coaxed him for a long time.

 It’s much better when I grow up.

Jingshi thought he would no longer be as jealous as he was when he was a child.

 Unexpectedly, instead of growing up and getting better, he has changed his jealous position.

Sister Ying did not expect that Jing Shirong would be such a jealous and petty child when she was a child, so she laughed.

“Tell me more about his childhood.”

Jingshi happily shared it with her.

“Mom, let me tell you, there is actually a big difference between Brother Rong when he was a child and now.”

“When he was a child, he would not only wear his daughter’s skirts, but he would also imitate how I put on powder and put rouge on his face. It was so pretty.”

"At that time, he didn't know much about the difference between men and women. He was very proud when people praised him for his good looks. He looked like a little peacock, with his little chin raised, which was very funny."

 (End of this chapter)

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