Chapter 61: Self-recommendation

The more Wu thought about it, the more satisfied she became, so she said, "How about I go back and ask my mother about this?"

 After all, my mother’s side didn’t know whether Wu Laosi was engaged to be married.

If you want to make this happen, you have to go back and ask quickly, otherwise if Wu Laosi is ordered to leave in advance, it will be over.

Old Mrs. Liang frowned, but she forgot about this.

Now that Wu Laosi has been selected as a scholar and his family is wealthy, there must be many people asking, so they must hurry up.

So she said to Mrs. Wu, "In this case, you can go back after dinner. You can come back tomorrow."

He thought for a while and then said, "Forget it, just bring Sister Qing over and let her meet your mother to see if your mother is satisfied."

Since Wu Laosi is not at home, it is okay to take Liang Qing there.

  Wu’s jaw dropped in shock.

 “Bring your sister-in-law there?”

Her mother-in-law has always been self-respecting and noble, so she actually let her daughter take the initiative to go to her husband's house? Aren't you afraid of what people say?

Mrs. Liang snorted, "What's the matter? There are all relatives on the left and right. Go over and see what's going on with the in-laws. Anyway, the farmers are all eating right now. You can sneak in and no one will see you."

 Besides, Wu Laosi is not at home, Wu Laosi also goes to the mountains to raise pigs, and there are no men in the family, so what is there to be afraid of?

Wu thought about it and thought it would work.

 Let mother see her sister-in-law. If she likes it, maybe it can be done.

So the three ladies finished their meal and hurriedly called the carriage to go back.

Before they went out, Mrs. Liang handed them three packages of expensive snacks from Shuxiangzhai and asked Liang Qing to give them to Wu’s mother.

“These are for the in-laws to eat, so you must not be greedy.”

Shuxiangzhai dim sum is very expensive, and Mrs. Liang’s willingness to go out of her way to buy three packs shows her sincerity.

Mrs. Wu took it with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't eat it secretly. We must tell my mother that you bought it specially for her."

Mrs. Liang glanced at Sister Ying and said, "You are not allowed to feed this little thing. She should stop eating if she eats too many snacks."

Sister Ying’s eyes widened and she made a milky voice, “I don’t know how to eat secretly.”

Mrs. Liang didn’t believe it, “Then take your hands off the snacks first.”

 Sister Ying…

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but laugh, put away her daughter's chubby hands, got into the carriage when she was home, and went back with Liang Qing.

 The weather is nice today, and people are going home to cook now.

Liang Qing's heart was pounding while she was on the road.

This is the first time she has expressed what she wants.

 In the past, her mother said whatever she said, and she had no way to refute it, nor could she refute it.

This time I finally chose one I like.

Mrs. Wu saw her face was red and asked her, "When did you fall in love with my fourth brother?"

Liang Qing shyly recalled, "The last time we had full moon wine."

That day, after she and Wu Laosi looked at each other, Wu Laosi asked her gently, "Are you lost?"

Of course, Liang Qing responded in a strange way, shyly, "Can you show me the way?"

Wu Laosi's ears also turned red. He lowered his head and said, "Just go forward and enter the side door. My mother and the others are over there."

Liang Qing blushed and thanked her, and then said, "My name is Liang Qing." After that, she ran away shyly.

 Wu Laosi looked at her leaving back, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Wu didn’t expect that her sister-in-law would also fall in love at first sight.

I just don’t know what my brother thinks.

 After returning to Wu's house, Mrs. Wu first opened the car curtain to see if there was anyone nearby.

 Seeing no one, quickly let Liang Qing go down.

Wu, who was familiar with the house, opened the door and took Liang Qing and carried Sister Ying into the house.

   Wu Mu was also drying pork at home. She saw the dog barking in the yard, so she came out to see, "Who is it?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Mom, it's me."

Wu Mu was overjoyed, "Why are you back?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and whispered to her, "Well, I have something to tell you. Let's go back to the house and talk." Mother Wu smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk in the house."

 She went and closed the door and led them into the house.

 After being in the room, Mrs. Wu confirmed that no one was there, then she took Liang Qing and introduced her to Mrs. Liang, "Mom, this is my sister-in-law, do you remember?"

Mother Wu said lovingly, "Remember, she came to the full moon wine last time. She is a very nice girl."

Liang Qing smiled shyly and handed over three packs of snacks, "Auntie, my mother bought these specially for you, do you want to try them?"

 Wu’s mother was very happy to see that her in-laws had this intention.

 “Okay, okay, my in-laws are interested.”

Mrs. Wu opened the snacks and said to Mrs. Wu.

“Mom, is my fourth brother engaged?”

Wu Mu took the snacks and gave one to Sister Ying and one to Liang Qing. She asked strangely, "Why do you ask this so suddenly?"

 Wu Shi, "That's not caring about your younger brother."

Wu Mu smiled, "Not yet, but in the next few days, the threshold will be crossed."

The Wu family was originally in good condition, and there were many people who wanted to propose marriage to their family.

In addition, Wu Laosi is now a scholar and may become an official in the future, so everyone wants to marry him.

 Wu Mu has met many matchmakers in the past few days.

Mrs. Wu knew that her brother was doing well. She glanced at Liang Qing and saw that she was jealous with her little mouth curled up.

 She handed Sister Ying to Liang Qing and asked her to take Sister Ying to the back room for a nap.

Liang Qing went away obediently, acting shyly and appropriately.

Mother Wu didn’t understand what her daughter meant, so she asked, “What on earth are you doing when you come back?”

Wu Shi smiled and said in her ear, "Have you chosen any girl from that family?"

Mother Wu shook her head and said distressedly, "There are so many people introduced, I don't even know which one to choose. Your father said there is no rush. If you wait a little longer, if you win the election, you may be able to marry a lady from everyone."

Mrs. Wu said, "But as a lady, I'm afraid I can't talk to you, right? In the future, when my brother goes out to study, you and your sister will have nothing to talk to at home, right?"

“Besides, big families have many rules, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to your in-laws.”

 Wu Mu nodded, feeling that it made sense.

 “Then who do you think is better?”

Wu Shi smiled and said, "What do you think of my sister-in-law?"

Mother Wu was surprised, "You mean Sister Qing?"

Without mentioning this, Wu Mu would not have thought of going up there.

 She thought about it carefully and found that Liang Qing had a good temperament, was gentle and gentle, and was a good girl.

 In addition, the son-in-law is pretty good, and his sister should be pretty good too.

Moreover, the Liang family knows everything about her. If the girl is good, she will be a good match in the future.

 It's much better than those who don't know the roots and the details.

Mother Wu thought this was a good thing, so she said, "Did you come back specifically to talk about this?"

Wu Shi nodded.

"Let me tell you, my sister-in-law has a very good temper. If she becomes your wife, you two will definitely have something to say. Moreover, she has a good temper, will not quarrel with you, and will be filial to you. I like this very much. "

Wu’s mother also doesn’t like her daughter-in-law to be too strong, which will bring harm to the family.

This Sister Qing is indeed quite good. They all know the key to her family background, and they are not afraid of meeting someone like the Wang family who is not stingy again. This is good.

 She thought about it carefully and said, "Otherwise, should I ask your brother about this?"

Although Wu Laosi is quiet, he has big ideas. Wu's mother didn't dare to make the decision for him casually, so she still had to ask him.

 Wu Shi nodded, thinking it was okay.

"Okay, then I'll go back and write to my fourth brother. If he wants to do this, I can let him meet Sister Qing."

If he doesn't mean this, just pretend that the two families have never mentioned it.

 (End of this chapter)

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