Chapter 609, Mrs. Jing’s imagination

Just as Jing was about to ask other questions, Mrs. Jing came in.

"are you feeling better?"

Seeing her frowning and looking worried, Mrs. Jing waved her servants away, "You go out first and make some white fungus soup for the young master and young lady. Let them get up and drink it when they wake up."

The maid bent her knees and said, "Yes."

Mrs. Jing waited for the maids to leave before she walked over anxiously and said worriedly, "Ms. Jing, do you feel that Brother Rong's health has not been very good in the past few years?"

Jingshi looked confused, "Brother Rong is not in good health? Is he okay?"

 Why does she feel that her son's muscles have become stronger and stronger in recent years, and he looks very strong overall, and his body looks very healthy at first glance.

Why would my mother-in-law think that he is not in good health?

Mrs. Jing looked around and whispered, "If he is in good health, why can't Sister Ying get pregnant?"

They have been married for two years and should have been pregnant a long time ago.

 There must be something wrong with not being able to conceive for so long.

Jingshi felt ashamed and explained to her, "In the beginning, Brother Rong didn't want to give birth so early. After all, they were on the road, and if she got pregnant, it would be a disaster for Sister Ying, so she wanted to give birth later."

 Jing Shirong had communicated this with her.

 It’s not that I can’t give birth, it’s that I don’t want to give birth so early.

Mrs. Jing didn’t believe it.

"Stop making excuses for them. What kind of misfortune can you suffer if you are pregnant with a baby on the road? The worst thing is that Sister Ying will find a place to raise the baby as soon as she is pregnant, and she will be fine when she comes back after giving birth."

She hasn’t traveled far for a long time, and even when she did, she was picked up and dropped off by a luxurious carriage, and she was served fruits and meats, so she naturally didn’t feel that it was hard to have a baby on the road.

Bian also thinks that pregnancy on the road is not a big problem.

Jing doesn’t think so.

She knew that wherever Jing Shirong went and the things he did were relatively difficult.

In any mountainous area or in a remote area, the birds don’t poop, not to mention the place where they live is leaky and leaky, and they don’t even have enough food to eat.

 In some places, the wells have dried up and they cannot even drink water.

 Being pregnant under such circumstances is simply irresponsible to the mother.

 Hence, the Jing family also supports them to go to a place where the environment is better before conceiving a child.

 At least I have no problem with food and accommodation, so I can rest assured.

Mrs. Jing, however, felt that what she said was too exaggerated.

“How can there be such a remote place as you mentioned without well water?”

Jing Shi sighed, "What my husband told me personally, can it be false?"

Although these poor places have become much better under the emperor's rule, in the early years there were still many places where well water was not available and people drank dirty water from rivers.

Mrs. Jing frowned and retorted, "But I see that Sister Ying's face is always rosy. She doesn't look like she has endured hardship."

Jing agrees with this point.

“That child probably followed Sister Wu and knew how to take care of himself.”

Jing Shirong used to go out alone to run errands. Every time he came back, he lost a lot of weight. This showed that he was not very good at taking care of himself, and he was not particular about food and clothing.

 But since he went out with Sister Ying, he seems to be not as thin as before, and his lips have always been red, which shows that Sister Ying has raised him well.

Mrs. Jing agreed with this point, "Otherwise, life would be easier if I married a wife, but that's it."

But then again, "While they are still at home, how about we buy some medicine to replenish them?"

"I think they were tired from traveling long distances and lacked energy, so they couldn't get pregnant." Just drinking some tonic should be enough to cheer them up.

Jingshi felt ashamed and said to her, "The two of them are in good health, so don't worry about it."

Mrs. Jing thought she was too careless.

“They don’t understand how young couples get married, why don’t you know how to serve snacks?” Or are you not your biological mother?

"Or do you think that if Fang Ning is pregnant and the Jing family has an heir, you don't have to worry about Brother Rong?" Didn't you love Brother Rong when you were a child? Why does it stop hurting as I grow older?

“Is it because Brother Rong is not at home all the time that you are alienated from him?”

How could this be like this? Children work hard outside for the sake of the family. How can a mother only love the child in front of her? How unfair to Brother Rong.


 “I didn’t, so stop thinking about it.”

Jing Shirong is her biological child, so she naturally feels pain, and her mother-in-law can really understand.

Mrs. Jing didn't believe it and snorted, "I don't care. I'll go find the doctor to get some medicine."

While the children are at home, give them more supplements. Once the body is well, the pregnancy will go smoothly.

Jingshi hurriedly grabbed her, "Don't go."

There was nothing wrong with the two children. If she went to get medicine, people would definitely smell gossip.

 At that time, the neighbors will definitely start to speculate that Brother Rong and Sister Ying cannot have a child, and it will be a lot of gossip.

Mrs. Jing slowly pulled back her foot, "Then, what should we do?"

 You can’t help but take medicine if you are sick? How else could it be better?

But if I were caught, people would laugh at me, but what should I do?

Jing Shi sighed and asked her, "Let's not worry about it for now. Doesn't Sister Yang know how to treat a doctor? Just ask her to see Sister Ying."

Mrs. Jing, however, didn’t quite believe in Sister Yang’s skills, “Just that little girl? Can it be done?”

 Why does she feel that it's like playing house? It's not reliable at all.

Jingshi said, "No, I think Sister Yang's medical skills are indeed pretty good."

Just like the medicine she prescribed to Fang Ning, Wang Fang Ning's complexion was indeed much rosier after taking it.

 Before, I would experience redness and abdominal pain, but now I'm basically relieved.

However, Mrs. Jing did not tell Mrs. Jing about Wang Fangning, so Mrs. Jing did not know that Sister Yang would still see a doctor.

Jingshi grabbed her and said, "Anyway, don't go. When Sister Ying gets up later, I will tell her about this in detail and you can leave her alone."

Mr. Jing muttered when she saw that she wouldn't let her intervene, but the boss was not happy.

 “You just dislike me because I’m old and you don’t like me anymore.”

 After saying that, he threw away his sleeves and went back aggrievedly.

 “Oh, no, mother?”

Mrs. Jing didn't listen. She thought about it and went back to Wang Fangning to complain.

Jingshi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't care.

 After a while, Sister Ying woke up, stretched her body, glanced at Jing Shirong coquettishly, and complained to him, "Don't be so impulsive next time."

 Don’t you know, please be gentle, my waist is almost bruised.

Jing Shirong glanced at her with his dark eyes, vaguely intending to come again.

Sister Ying quickly put on her clothes and ran out as if running away.

Jing Shirong looked at her back as if she was running for her life, and sneered, feeling very good.

Jing saw Sister Ying coming over and touched her hand lovingly, "Are you awake?"

Sister Ying nodded, held Jing's hand, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better today?"

She felt very sorry for Mr. Jing after hearing what happened last night.

Jing touched her face and reassured her, "It's okay. Everything is fine. I woke up feeling refreshed today."

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay. Next time my husband is not at home, you can't go to the Queen's appointment by yourself."

This time, Jing Shirong was watching. If he hadn't been there, it would have been quite thrilling.

Jing didn’t expect the queen to be so nasty and capable of pushing people into the river.

   It’s not so hot at night. Has the temperature cooled down in your area?



 (End of this chapter)

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