Chapter 602, Jing’s coma

With the palace maid's strength, Jing's dizzy body was suddenly thrown out.

Just when she thought she was about to be thrown into the cold lake, a figure flew over and rescued her.

Qi Yuanming then kicked the palace maid into the cold lake water. "Go to hell!"

How dare you harm his aunt? You are looking for death.

Jing Shirong rescued Mrs. Jing and saw that her eyes were closed and she looked like she had fallen asleep, so he quickly checked her pulse.

 “The pulse is normal.”

That should be just drinking a simple sweat medicine.

 Before entering the palace, he gave Jing a detoxifying pill.

 Unexpectedly, the queen was also a thief. Instead of poisoning her, she administered Mongolian sweat medicine.

Qi Yuanming looked around and asked, "What should we do now? Do we want to take my aunt back?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Send her back to the room where she originally rested first."

Since the queen dared to push Jing into the lake, she should have expected him to appear.

He, a minister, broke into the Queen's villa secretly and said that the crime could be serious or minor.

Moreover, taking Jing back now will make the queen’s next plan useless, and she will definitely do it again in the future.

It's better to catch her this time, so that the queen can be more at ease in the future.

Qi Yuanming thought it was feasible and helped him keep an eye on him.

Jing Shirong sent Jing Shi back to the room where she originally rested, gave her some sobriety medicine, and called her, "Mom? Wake up?"


Jing took the antidote and became more awake, but she still felt uncomfortable.

 She opened her eyes, saw Jing Shirong, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Son? Are you here?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "Are you still dizzy?"

Jing took a breath and said, "I'm not dizzy, but I'm very sleepy. My eyes are so sleepy that I can't open them. I want to sleep all the time."

Jing Shirong's heart skipped a beat when he heard her symptoms. He was not sure if the queen had given her water lily.

But it has been said in ancient times that there is no more water lily left than the one he ate.

But what if the queen still hides a little bit?

Jing Shirong was worried and asked the secret guard to invite Gu Gu.

Gu Gu came over quickly to check Jing's pulse.

  After searching for a while, he said, "It's okay. I just got some mixed sweat medicine. I just need to sleep for a while."

 It was the same sleeping pill he gave Jing Shirong to the queen before.

 It's just that the effect of his medicine is relatively realistic. It doesn't make the queen feel sleepy immediately at the beginning, but gradually makes the queen feel tired over time.

 Jing's type is obviously much lower level.

 She was so sleepy all at once that it was difficult for people to believe that she had been poisoned by water lilies.

What’s more, half of the Nymphaea lily tablets were left thirty years ago. It was very difficult to make one pill, and naturally there was no way to make a second one.

Jing Shirong was worried, "Are you sure you don't have a second pill for Nymphaea lily?"

ˆ Gu nodded affirmatively.

"there is none left."

Because when Nymphaea lily came out, he went to check it out, and later stole some for experiments.

However, the experiment was not completed and was stolen by the old medicine king.

The water lily will wither and die within half a day if it leaves the place where it grows. The stolen petals will naturally die. It is simply impossible to make medicine.

 So there cannot be a second water lily pill in the world.

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

 “As long as it’s not water lily.”

But the Queen is really vicious. She thought that giving his mother this kind of sweat-inducing medicine would scare him and make him fear that her mother had been poisoned by water lilies? To threaten him is enough!

Qi Yuanming also said, “Then what should we do next?”

 “Do you want to take my aunt back?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Let's make a plan first and see what the queen wants to do."

If she thought she believed that her mother was poisoned, she would definitely make demands on him. When the time comes, he will pretend to do it, and then secretly mess up everything she told her to do, to see if she can still laugh.

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's a good idea. But do I need to tell His Majesty about this?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes."

 Don’t the queen think she is very smart?

With her low-level serial strategy, do you really think you can be invincible?

The emperor is also smart, but he doesn’t know if he knows everything the queen has done?

If he knew everything, would he also know about his addiction to water lilies?

If he knew about it but let it go, then his hard work in the past few years would have really been wasted.

Qi Yuanming exclaimed, "You said that your Majesty might know about your poisoning?"

Jing Shirong sneered, "Is there something he doesn't know about the boundaries of the capital?"

Qi Yuanming frowned, "But, if your Majesty knows, you shouldn't ignore it."

 After all, Jing Shirong was the emperor's right-hand man back then. If something happened to him, what good would it do to the emperor?

 If the emperor knew about it but did not care about it, it would really be unjustifiable.

Jing Shirong said coldly, "Forget it, whatever."

 Now that the poison has been cured, there is no point in talking about it.

Qi Yuanming was very angry.

 “How can that be done?”

 “The things we did for the emperor were all done with great effort.”

 The slightest mistake could cost them their lives.

With their all-out spirit, the emperor didn't care if he didn't praise them, but he actually allowed the queen to poison Jing Shirong?

Qi Yuanming simply couldn't bear this.

“If Your Majesty really wants to watch you being poisoned, I will resign immediately!”

Groomers all know that in order to make their horses work, they must not only eat well, but also wash and bathe them from time to time, pet their heads, and cultivate their affection.

The emperor can actually **** their blood and not care about their lives, which is simply too much.

Jing Shirong felt warm in his heart when he saw how angry he was, and patted him on the shoulder to calm him down.

"Don't be angry. Just look at my mother here while I go to the palace."

Qi Yuanming frowned, "Don't you want me to come with you?"

 He was also preparing to quarrel with the emperor.

Jing Shirong knew that he was doing it for his own good and was afraid of patting him on the shoulder, so he thought to himself, "Now is not the time to quarrel. I'll come as soon as I can."

 Having said that, he went up to the roof and went to the palace in the dark.

 It’s ancient and very old.

Jing Shirong was puzzled, "What are you doing in the palace?"

  Gu Gu stroked his goatee and told him, "Go to the pharmacy of Tai Hospital to see if there are any good things from back then."

 “Then remember to be careful.”

 Gu Gu waved his hand, "Don't worry, my sword is not old yet."

 He usually doesn't like to move, but his kung fu has not deteriorated.

 The two of them acted separately when they arrived at the palace.

Jing Shirong went to the Imperial Study Room with ease and asked Fei Ying to deliver the letter.

The flying eagle went over with the letter in its mouth. After the little **** received the letter, he took it back to the chief eunuch.

 The **** in charge got the letter and went to the imperial study room to show it to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, this is a letter from Lord Jing.”

 The emperor didn't even raise his head, he was reading the book.


The **** in charge glanced at the letter and said respectfully, "Mr. Jing's letter said that the Queen gave Mrs. Jing a poisonous water lily, and asked Your Majesty if there is an antidote?"

 The emperor's hand paused as he looked at the folded piece of paper.

 “The queen gave water lily to Jing’s family?”

Is that woman crazy?

 Why do you offend the Jing family if you have nothing to do?


 (End of this chapter)

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