The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 600: , choose a concubine for the fifth prince

Chapter 600: Choosing a concubine for the fifth prince

Sister Ying went to take a bath and came back to sit on a chair and read a book.

 When it was midnight, Xiao Zi asked her to go to bed.

 “It’s very late, please go to bed and get some rest.”

Sister Ying shook her head and looked out the window, wondering when Jing Shirong would come back.

 Not only did he not come back in the evening, but neither did Jing.

 Jingshi went to the palace during the day, so it was reasonable to leave the palace in the evening.

Even if the queen stayed her for dinner, she should be back by now.

 But it was already so late, and there was no sign of Jing's return.

Sister Ying was worried and couldn't sleep.

 Not only Jing's family, but also Jing's father is not here.

 He seemed to have been asked by the emperor to go on some errands, and could not come back because of something unexpected.

As for the Jing family, with Jing Shirong protecting them, there should be no big problem.

"Miss, you go to bed first. I will tell you if my wife comes back."

Sister Ying hummed, and just when she was about to go to bed, the secret guard outside the window came back with a message.

"Madam, I asked my subordinates to tell you that my wife and the Queen went to Lingxiu Villa and said they would stay for a few days before coming back. He will be watching, so you don't have to worry too much."

Sister Ying frowned, "Lingxiu Villa?"

 She doesn’t know much about the capital and doesn’t know where Lingxiu Villa is.

But Xiao Zi was already familiar with it in the capital, so I told her immediately.

"Miss, I know about Lingxiu Villa. The Queen will stay at Lingxiu Villa for a few days every year, saying she goes to enjoy the flowers, the moon, and her mood."

But normally I go there when spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

It’s only the end of January, and it’s still far from spring.

 The weather was quite cold at this time, so there was not much to see in Lingxiu Villa.

“But I heard that the Queen summoned several officials’ wives in the morning and asked them to bring their daughters, saying they wanted to get together.”

Since the official’s wife was asked to bring her own daughter, she probably wanted to choose a concubine for the fifth prince.

Since we are choosing a concubine, it makes sense to take those wealthy ladies to stay at Lingxiu Villa for a few days and get to know them better.

But the Jing family only has one daughter, and they are married and have children.

The queen came to find her, obviously specifically wanting to attack her at Lingxiu Villa.

It’s no surprise that Jing Shirong wanted to chase after him, it turned out that he was on guard against this.

At this time, Lingxiu Villa.

Jing didn’t want to come with the queen and others.

 Although the wives of other officials are also there.

 But people came with their daughters, and there were also one or two who didn’t have daughters, but they also brought their nieces.

Jing originally wanted to use an excuse to leave.

 But the queen invited several nieces and cousins ​​​​from Duke Jing's family, and now she had no reason to leave.

After all, her relatives are here, so it’s unreasonable for her to leave at this time.

 There was no other way, Jing could only come to Lingxiu Villa with several cousins ​​​​and nieces.

Those nieces were also naive, thinking that if they were called by the queen, they would be elected as the fifth prince and concubine.

At this moment, they were in the room, chattering happily, "Mom, what do you think of the fifth prince?"

Although the second prince is more favored and has good abilities.

 But their father's official position is not high, and he is probably not qualified to be the second prince's concubine.

But it’s not bad to be the fifth prince’s concubine.

Although the fifth prince has no abilities, he is at least the biological son of the queen.

With their status as the prince's concubine, they have to burn high incense.

 The cousins ​​of the Jing family also have their own plans.

 Although it may not necessarily be the second prince who will take over in the future, as long as the queen is here, the second prince will not fall.

 The second prince will not fall, let alone the fifth prince. Their family has a lot of money, and their daughter doesn’t have to do anything when she gets married. She can still be a prince’s concubine, and she will be decent in public speaking.

 So they also want to get involved in this marriage.

 I just don’t know what the odds are, after all, there are quite a few ladies coming today.

Seeing how enthusiastic they were about this marriage, Mrs. Jing opened her mouth and didn't know where to start.

 These cousins ​​​​sisters usually seem to get along well with each other, but if they talk about the marriage of their children, they will probably think that she is jealous of them.

 Thought about it for a while, but finally said nothing.

 The Queen's target is her, so she shouldn't touch this group of people. She can just sit back and wait for the Queen to call.

 But after waiting for a whole day, the queen did not ask her to go out alone.

 In the evening, when the moon rose, the queen asked the palace maid to call everyone, saying that she wanted to enjoy the moon and drink wine.

 The girls all dressed up and went to the garden to wait in a grand manner.

Jing also went over with several cousins-in-law. The palace maid took them to sit in the designated seats, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

 When the queen saw that everyone had arrived, she said a few words.

“The wind will calm down at night, ladies and gentlemen, are you feeling cold?”

 “If it’s cold, drink a glass of wine to warm yourself up.”

 The girls were all dressed up and did not wear cloaks to look good. It was indeed a bit cold in the open-air back garden.

When the queen saw this, she said, "Let's drink wine first to warm our stomach. If it doesn't work, we won't admire the moon. It's better to go inside and chat for a while."

Hearing this, everyone had no objections and drank the wine.

Jing looked at the wine glass, raised it, and pretended to take a sip, but actually did not drink it.

The queen's eyes were staring at her. Seeing that she hadn't drank, she sneered and asked, "Why doesn't Mrs. Jing drink? Isn't she cold?"

Jingshi replied respectfully, "I drank **** tea when I came out. It's really not that cold."

 When she said this, the Queen did not make things difficult, and the corners of her mouth raised mysteriously.

He said to the crowd, "I think the girls are still trembling, so we might as well go inside."

 After saying that, he got up first and took the lead to go into the house.

No one felt anything was wrong and went in together.

 After all, the moon is indeed very round at night, and it is normal to enjoy the moon.

 But girls don’t wear much to look good, so it’s normal to feel cold.

At this time, the Queen felt sympathy for them and took them into the house, which made her look kind.

 After everyone finished drinking, they went into the house to keep warm.

 When we got inside, the charcoal fire was very bright, and it was indeed very warm.

 The queen sat on top and asked the girls to eat some fruit.

“I don’t know what you like to eat, so I’ll prepare some fruits. The children can eat whatever they want, and there’s a backup in the kitchen.”

 The other little girls saw how considerate she was, and when they looked at each other, they all wanted to be the Queen's daughter-in-law.

Even Jing’s cousins ​​were very excited and eager to get married.

The Queen Mother said to everyone while drinking tea, "I have never given birth to a daughter in my life. It is very rare to see how graceful your daughters are."

“I don’t know if we, the fifth prince, are so lucky to be able to marry one of you.”

The meaning of this statement is that he wants to choose a wife.

The rich ladies were all very excited, with shy faces.

The ladies also had small calculations in mind and did not agree so much.

 After all, the fifth prince is not the second prince, and he will definitely not be very promising in the future.

However, if the second prince becomes emperor, things will naturally rise for the fifth prince.

 So this marriage is not impossible.

  But as the woman’s family is more reserved, these ladies did not move for the time being.

Jing was also secretly observing the queen's every move, not knowing what she wanted to do.

 (End of this chapter)

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