The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 597: , what happened when Jing was young

Chapter 597: What happened when Jing was young

After hearing this, Sister Ying secretly thought that Jing Yu was worthy of being Jing Shi Rong’s biological brother, and his methods were ruthless.

These two brothers look calm and composed on the surface, but behind their backs they are so bad that people are afraid of them.

 They do not take the initiative to kill people, but their methods are more torturing than killing people.

Wang Fangning also sighed after hearing this.

“I’ve seen enough of our family’s affairs. I don’t want to go back even if nothing happens.”

My grandmother was extremely patriarchal, as were my father and mother.

 In order to give birth to a son, the concubine did not know how much the family had to carry.

 The more women there are, the more right and wrong there will be.

 The house has never been clean.

Wang Fangning took a breath and said with emotion, "Anyway, I won't let Jing Yu take a concubine in the future."

 The couple had a good relationship, and without an extra woman, their life was very peaceful.

If there is one more woman, fight with her every day, and add a few more sister -in -law, think about her upset.

“Sister-in-law, do you think my stepmother will help Jing Yu take concubines in the future?”

At any rate, the Jing family is also a well-known family, and the elders in the family would definitely like to have more concubines and more children.

 Otherwise, she might not be able to have many children on her own.

Sister Ying felt ashamed and told her, "My parents wouldn't have such thoughts. Look at our family, there are only two old aunts, and they have both moved out."

  When Jing’s father was young, the old man in his family really planned to give him a few more concubines.

  But Jing’s father was in love with the Jing family, and he didn’t want other women to cause trouble for the Jing family, so he declined.

But the old man is like this. The more you refuse, the more they think it is Mr. Jing who is instigating Jing's father, and the more they want to give Jing's father a concubine to show their severity.

Jing's family is also a tough one.

She knew that the old man at home wanted to put her down, but she refused to bow her head.

 After getting pregnant, I went back to my parents’ home with a big belly.

Jing's father was worried that she would go back alone, so he immediately chased her and rested at Jingwai's house that night.

Jing’s father’s grandmother and mother almost died of anger when they saw it.

Hong Kong's father is of no use, but he is led by a woman.

On the one hand, Qi Jingshi was so disrespectful to the elderly and wanted to go against them, which made them very angry.

But Jing’s father didn’t come back and stayed with his parents’ family. They were embarrassed and couldn’t call him back, so they had to pretend to be sick to call him back.

Jing's father was young at that time. When he heard that they were sick, he was so worried that he had to rush back overnight.

 The two old ladies pretended to be similar. They were coughing and worried about their great-grandson, and looked like they were dying.

Jing’s father had no choice but to go and bring Jing back.

Jing was also kind-hearted. When he saw that the two old ladies were sick, he stopped being stubborn with them and obediently raised their babies at home.

 But these two old ladies couldn’t do it.

Especially since Jing is so stubborn, they just want to set rules for her to show their majesty.

 That night, he gave Jing's father a concubine with two rooms.

                                        because Jing was sick and could not serve him, please ask him to be considerate of [ ] and not go to Jing [ ].

Jing’s father was speechless. Just as he was about to refuse, the two old ladies started coughing.

 In addition, Old Mrs. Jing was told by the old lady that she wanted to establish rules for the Jing family to prevent the Jing family from climbing on top of them, so he and Mrs. Jing agreed.

Jing Jing's father said, "Since your grandmother has brought people in, you can go."

 Meaning that he agreed to this matter, Jing’s father had no right to refuse.

Jing's father had a headache and wanted to send him away, but he was not the head of the family at that time. He was just a grandson with not yet full wings, so he could only accept his fate.

Jing knew that such a day would come, but being forced to carry someone in like this made her very unhappy.

 She took several deep breaths. After all, she was brought up by the No. 1 imperial merchant in the world, and quickly adjusted her mentality. I changed into my pajamas that night, blew out the candles and went to bed early.

Jing's father was very upset after hearing her reaction.

If she loses her temper, it will be easier for him.

 But just like everyone else, they eat and drink as they should, without any hesitation.

Even when the concubine came, she didn't have any temper at all. She made people sit down when she was supposed to, and rewarded things when she was supposed to. She didn't seem to be angry at all.

Even when Jing's father came to see her, she looked indifferent and had an attitude of "I am a Buddha, whatever you want".

Jing's father explained to her several times, but she said, "It's okay. They are elders and can't see us sticking together, so we can separate."

 After saying that, he turned around and went to sleep.

Jing's father didn't know what she meant. She made him feel uneasy and confused.

Since I'm still in the mood to find a concubine, I'll just sleep in the study.

Until Jing Shirong was born, the three old ladies at home were so happy that they held Jing Shirong in their arms for a long time.

Even wanted to take Jing Shirong back and educate him personally.

Jingshi didn’t speak at first, neither responded nor talked back. She closed her eyes and slept without paying any attention to anyone.

 When the two old ladies saw her like this, they couldn't figure out what she meant, and they were at a loss for a while.

Until Jing's father went out to run errands, Jing took her son home directly to celebrate his father's birthday, and never came back again.

The two old ladies saw her running away with the child in her arms, and hurriedly went to Mr. Jingwai's house to ask for someone.

 But when they went there, the servants said that Mrs. Jing had gone down to the south of the Yangtze River with Grandpa Jing with her child in her arms.

 The two old ladies almost fainted after hearing this.

"This Jing family is so bold! What a treasonous daughter-in-law!"

Sister Yang and Wang Fangning covered their mouths and laughed, "What happened next?"

Sister Ying also smiled and said, "Later, after our father learned about this, he chased him to Jiangnan himself."

It is said that Jing's father apologized for a month before coaxing Mr. Jing to get better.

Jing was not used to him either. He went on errands during the day and asked him to take care of Jing Shirong at night.

 When Jing Shirong was a child, he was clingy and would not sleep until he was held in his arms.

He started crying as soon as you put him down. If you ignored him, he would continue to cry and wouldn't stop. He tortured Jing's father to the point where he lost ten pounds in a month.

Jing saw how tired he was and felt relieved.

Hold Jing Shirong in his arms and tell him to go back to sleep.

Jing's father breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was relieved.

 Later they returned to the capital together, and the relationship between the couple became even better. Naturally, the two concubines could not fall into Jing's father's eyes.

However, the two old ladies of the Jing family have had this problem in their hearts for more than half a year. If the Jing family is not treated well, they will not be relieved.

So when Jing’s father returned to Beijing, the two old ladies immediately asked the two beautiful concubines to serve Jing’s father.

Jing's father saw this situation and ran away overnight, saying he was on errands.

All the men ran away, and the concubine had no choice but to go to the two old ladies to cry.

The two old ladies were also very angry. After discussing it with each other, they asked their concubine to create trouble for Jing.

He also said that he would help Jing to raise her son so that she could get pregnant with her second child as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Mrs. Jing smiled confidently, "Do you want to help me take care of my son? It's a good relationship. Brother Rong is very naughty. If you don't mind, you can help me take care of my son for a few days."

 After saying that, he took Jing Shirong, who was like a dough ball, and put it directly into the hands of Mrs. Jing.

Mrs. Jing was extremely surprised when she saw how cute her grandson was.

“My great-grandmother’s dear grandson, my great-great-grandmother misses you so much. My dear grandson is so handsome~”

 Having said that, the old man, who was puffing out a slightly smelly breath, wanted to kiss Jing Shi Rong.

 (End of this chapter)

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