Chapter 594: Want to be a concubine

Sister Ying smiled and shook her head, "I haven't lost much weight. We will move back tomorrow. Will Mom make up for me then?"

Jing was looking forward to them moving back, and said happily, "It's good to move back. When you move back, the small kitchen will be open for you every day."

“Whatever you want to eat, my mother will cook it for you.”

Sister Ying saw that Jing still loved her so much, so she was moved and hugged her.

 “Mom~~you are so kind.”

Jingshi touched her bun with loving eyes and said, "Hello to you too."

“Okay, I’ll go to the palace first. Let the butler get what you want to eat. I’ll talk to you in detail when I get back.”

Sister Ying hummed and watched her go out.

Sister Yang clicked her tongue when she saw it, and said with envy, "Sister, I am not praising you, but you are such a good mother-in-law."

 It can be seen that this kind of mother-in-law treats her sister sincerely and is not pretending to act.

Sister Ying gave her a cute look and said, "My mother-in-law is always good."

If you can raise a son as good as Jing Shirong, where can your mother-in-law be sent?

Sister Yang seemed to understand, "I understand. When looking for a husband-in-law from now on, he should look for someone with a very good character, so that his mother-in-law can be the same."

Sister Ying nodded, "It's good to know."

 “Let’s go and see my brothers and sisters.”

The two of them went to Wang Fangning's yard together. It just so happened that the Wang family also came to see Wang Fangning today.

Sister Ying was holding some supplements that were good for pregnant women. Before she entered the house, she heard the chirping sounds of the Wang sisters outside.

These sisters originally liked Jing Yu. When they heard that Wang Fangning was pregnant this time, they felt that they had another chance, so they came over with their mother and planned to persuade Wang Fangning to marry him together.

Mrs. Wang didn’t agree with this at first.

They are both biological daughters and legitimate daughters. What is it like to be a concubine?

  But these girls can’t hold their tongues.

 What to say, Wang Fangning has an unpleasant personality. Especially if she is pregnant and cannot serve Jingyu, it will be bad if someone else gets there first.

 That's why they wanted to marry in and serve Jing Yu together with Wang Fangning.

 When the time comes for the sisters to have children together, no one will be able to hinder the other, and it will also be beneficial to the Wang family, right?

Although Mrs. Wang thought it was absurd, she thought about Wang Fangning's unpleasant character and thought that by marrying a lovable daughter, she could live with her son-in-law for a long time.

 When the time comes, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for the two sisters to help each other.

 Otherwise, if other women come in as concubines, they will also have to compete with Wang Fangning for favor.

And it is not certain whether Wang Fangning is his opponent.

 That's why Mrs. Wang brought several of her daughters to the Wang family today to hear Wang Fangning's opinion.

Wang Fangning didn't think about it at all, thinking that they were just coming to see her, and she was quite happy.

 After all, a woman is pregnant and her mood goes up and down. This is when she needs her family to accompany her.

 She was quite happy that the Wang family could come.

But not long after she was happy, the Wang family told her sisters that they wanted to marry in, and Wang Fangning couldn't be happy anymore.

Her face tightened and she was speechless.

"What do you mean, mother? You want your sister to marry in? Are you crazy?"

She was moved for a while, but these people immediately caused trouble for her, hoping to make her angry to death.

Seeing that she was angry, Mrs. Wang clicked her tongue and said to her, "It's not that you are pregnant now. I'm afraid that your mother-in-law will find a younger one for your husband-in-law to compete with you for favor, so I want to help you."

Wang Fangning snorted angrily, "Who said my mother-in-law wanted to find a concubine for Jing Yu? Don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Fangning knew a little about Jing's personality.

 In her heart, Jing was a very reasonable person and would never give Jing Yu a concubine without saying hello.

Mrs. Wang didn’t believe it.

"When I was just pregnant, your grandmother immediately gave your father concubines, one after another, which almost made me angry to death." So in Wang's mind, her mother-in-law was so insidious, so she also thought that Jing would give her concubines. Jing Yu carries his concubine.

Wang Fangning was speechless and told her directly, "My mother-in-law would not do this. She is not a grandmother and will not cause trouble for me like this. You should take your sisters back."

 Don't love her eyes so much. You'll get angry just by looking at her.

The ladies of the Wang family were unhappy after hearing this.

"Sister, what you said is wrong. We are doing this for your own good."

“Think about it, your figure will change after giving birth? My brother-in-law will be disgusted when he sees you.”

"When you lose your appetite, why don't you go out and look for it? No one will help you then, and you won't even have time to cry."

Wang Fangning was so angry that she took a deep breath, "So you want to marry your brother-in-law? You don't want to be a concubine?"

Miss Wang Wu looked unconcerned, "What's wrong with being a concubine? You are the mistress anyway, so you will protect me, right?"

We are all a family, how dare she not protect her biological sister?

Wang Fangning was so angry with them that she threw a tea cup to pieces with a wave of her hand.

“Okay, don’t think about this anymore. You’ve given up on this idea. You don’t have to come to see me in the future, just treat me as a non-person!”

 At first I thought they were here to care about her.

  Unexpectedly, she came here to miss her man.

 She has just been pregnant with the child, and if she is so angry, she will get angry again in the future.

 “Leave without sending.”

 Several ladies from the Wang family saw her losing her temper and complained to Mrs. Wang, "Mom, look at her."

Mrs. Wang also felt that this was too impulsive and advised her, "Don't be angry yet. You are still pregnant. Nothing will happen soon."

 It was hard to conceive a child. It would be a pity if she lost it.

Wang Fangning almost fainted from anger.

Just when he was about to get angry, Sister Ying came in.

 “Fang Ning, I’m here to see you.”

Sister Ying didn't want to eavesdrop, but she heard everything because the door was open.

 She was afraid that Wang Fangning would be angered to death, so she hurried in to relieve the siege.

“Hey, Mrs. Wang is here too.”

This was the first time Mrs. Wang saw Sister Ying in person.

She had asked Wang Fangning before how she got along with Sister Ying. Wang Fangning said that Sister Ying was a very nice person, a person who was easy to get along with and never had any trouble with her.

 Plus she and Jing Shirong were outside, it would be difficult to have a conflict.

As soon as Mrs. Wang heard that Sister Ying and her son were not at home, she encouraged Wang Fangning to please the Jing family and compete for favor.

After all, Jingyu is the second son, and his treatment is definitely not as good as that of the eldest son. Several times she asked Wang Fangning to go to the Jing family to show off.

Wang Fangning said to Mrs. Wang, "My eldest brother and sister-in-law are very good, and my parents-in-law are also fair. They won't be like my grandmother, so don't worry about it."

 But Mrs. Wang thought she was naive, and said that Sister Ying did not compete for favor because it was inconvenient to be away from home.

 If they are at home, what business do you have?

Wang Fangning simply couldn't talk to her, so he didn't bother to talk to her.

At this moment, seeing Sister Ying coming, Wang Fangning felt embarrassed and sat up, wanting to entertain Sister Ying.

Mrs. Wang held her down and told her not to move.

 “You are still pregnant, why are you getting up? You should lie down well when you are pregnant.”

Wang Fangning said, "I'm fine. I've been lying down all day."

After saying that, he quickly asked Sister Ying, "Sister-in-law, please sit down."

 (End of this chapter)

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