The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 592: , as long as the vegetables are cooked

Chapter 592: As long as the food is cooked

 The next day.

 When the sun was shining three poles high, the couple in the house had not yet gotten up.

Sister Yang and Qi Yuanming got up early because they were hungry.

She looked at the door of the main house which was tightly closed and muttered, "Those two are sleeping in again."

Qi Yuanming yawned and asked her, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

Sister Yang was not very good at cooking, so she said, "Do you want to eat the food from the inn?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "I think there are still ingredients in the kitchen, otherwise we can cook by ourselves."

How much does it cost to eat inn food every day?

 Let’s learn to do it ourselves.

Sister Yang saw that he was quite frugal and said, "Okay. What do you want to eat?"

Qi Yuanming said, "Go to the kitchen first and see what other dishes there are."

 The two of them came to the kitchen together.

There are a few cabbage, a piece of frozen meat, and a few bamboo shoots in the cabinet.

 Qi Yuanming, “Otherwise, let’s eat fried pork with bamboo shoots and white rice.”

 It’s best to eat hot meals in cool weather.

Sister Yang hummed and asked him, "Then you cut the frozen meat, and I'll cut the bamboo shoots."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay."

 The two of them divided the work and started to light the fire after cutting the vegetables.

Sister Yang was holding the spoon. She originally wanted to show off her hands, but because the oil was too hot, she was suddenly hit by the hot oil when she was putting in the meat. She said "ouch" and hurriedly blew on the area burned by the oil.

Qi Yuanming heard the movement and got busy to take a look.

 “Did you get hit by the oil? Let me take a look.”

As he said that, he took the back of her hand and took a look. Sure enough, it was red.

“Forget it, you go and light the fire, and I’ll fry it.”

Sister Yang was curious, "Can you cook?"

Qi Yuanming raised his chin and said proudly, "Of course."

 In recent years, he and Jing Shirong have been away from home, and their life skills have been very good.

Sister Yang looked at his stinky behavior and asked him, "Then what kind of dishes do you know how to cook?"

Qi Yuanming said while frying pork, "That's a lot."

 As long as it is non-toxic and harmless, he can stir-fry it.

But whether it tastes good or not is no longer within his control.

 Sister Yang.

 “So, you can cook, but it’s not delicious??”

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "As long as you are familiar with it, don't be too particular about it."

Men travel all over the country, as long as they can eat enough. It doesn’t matter whether it tastes good or not, as long as it can fill their stomachs.

Sister Yang. “That’s right.” But I always felt that something was wrong.

 Qi Yuanming smiled, skillfully fried the meat and vegetables, and then cooked the rice. "

Sister Yang saw that he was skillful in turning vegetables, but the vegetables in the pot were basically overcooked and might not taste very good.

When the dishes were served, Sister Yang finally understood what he meant by frying them until they were done.

It turns out that every dish was overcooked and mushy, with no texture at all.

Qi Yuanming was already serving rice. Seeing that she was still stunned, he called her, "Let's go and eat."

Sister Yang. “Suddenly I’m not hungry anymore.”

Qi Yuanming was puzzled, "Why? Didn't you say you were hungry just now? Why aren't you hungry again?"

Sister Yang’s eyes wandered wildly, “Well, I suddenly want to eat roast duck.”

Qi Yuanming said oh, and the straight man said, "There is half a frozen duck in the cabinet, let me roast it for you."

Sister Yang quickly said, "No need, me."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Yuanming went to get the half-frozen duck and dispose of it.

Sister Yang couldn't bear to watch him simply handle the frozen duck and start roasting it, so she could only run away.

 It wasn’t until the roast duck was ready that Qi Yuanming came to call her.

“Sister Yang, the roast duck is ready, come out and eat.”

Sister Yang didn’t want to come out at first, but she was really hungry, so she had to come out to take a look. "

As soon as I came out, I smelled the fragrant aroma of roast duck. She sniffed and asked, "Why is this roast duck so fragrant?"

And the quality of the roast duck seems to be very crispy and fragrant, so it looks good.

Qi Yuanming smiled proudly, "That's right, I'm not good at cooking, but my roast duck skills are pretty good."

  After all, I have been baking since I was a child, so practice makes perfect.

Sister Yang smiled and sat down to eat with him.

Sister Ying could smell the aroma of roast duck in the room.

 She stretched and yawned, "Ha~~" Finally she was full of sleep.

 Last night was really rough.

I wanted to be a great king, but I was eaten up by the enemy because of lack of physical strength.

 In the end, I had to rely on sleep to replenish my physical strength.

Jing Shirong is also lazy today and is still sleeping until now.

Sister Ying rarely saw him beside her when she got up, so she went over and gave him a hug.

Seeing that he was not awake, he secretly looked at his face again.

“Why are these eyelashes so long?”

Not only is it dense, it is also very dark, which makes many girls envious.

And the bridge of his nose is so straight, just like that good-looking guy from the Western Regions, his facial features are simply exquisite.

Especially with this figure, although he is brave, he does not deny that he is greedy.

 “I’m not sure if I can bear it if I touch it again.”

Sister Ying coughed, and when she heard his threat, she was afraid to retract her hand.

 “Then what, you’re not busy today?”

Jing Shirong took her into his arms and blew his warm breath on her face.

 “I’ll be out soon.”

 When Jing enters the palace later, he will follow him to take a look.

Even though there are secret guards following her, she is still worried about her mother.

Sister Ying saw him frowning and asked him, "What happened?"

 “Why are you frowning so deeply?”

Jing Shirong hugged her, touched her cheek with his big hand, and told her, "The queen will let my mother into the palace today. I'm afraid of any accidents, so I'll go over and take a look later."

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Will the queen deal with mother?"

Jing Shirong was busy with giving birth last night, and Jing Shirong didn't have time to tell Sister Ying about the queen's harm to him.

He touched her chin and told her, "The person who poisoned me is the queen. She is already planning to break up with me. If you are called into the palace in the future, you must be careful."

Sister Ying frowned, reacted, and was shocked and angry, "Did the Queen give you poison?"

are you crazy!

Her brother Rong didn't recruit her, nor did he join the ranks of the princes. The queen must be mentally ill.

Jing Shirong saw how angry she was and rubbed her hair to calm her down.

“In the court, whether you stand in line or not, you will be implicated.”

 They are the emperor's people, so naturally they cannot help the queen.

 Since he can't help, he is the queen's enemy.

 There is no right or wrong in court disputes, only conflicts of interests.

 As the princes grow up, the methods of the queen and other concubines will become more and more ruthless.

 Even if they are subordinates of the emperor, they are inevitably assassinated.

 Perhaps even regarded as the number one enemy.

Although Sister Ying has never understood the imperial struggle, she has gained a general understanding of the dangers involved during this period.

  Not only do officials fight against officials, but also between kings and ministers.

Even the women in the harem will reach out to deal with these people outside.

It can be seen that there are many dangers and it is impossible to guard against them.

Sister Ying sighed deeply, "Now I finally understand why you want to leave here with your parents."

 (End of this chapter)

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