The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 588: , it’s hard to guess the emperor’s thoughts

Chapter 588: It’s hard to guess the emperor’s thoughts


The personal maid saw that they dared to crawl to the Queen's feet and kicked them away.

This palace maid knows martial arts and kicked Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen two meters away in one go. The force was so strong that Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen vomited a mouthful of blood.

Before the palace maid could take action, the queen waved her hand in disgust, "Okay, let's take them to see." Don't let these two people die easily.

The emperor is still using them now. If they died suddenly, the emperor would definitely investigate.

 It won’t be good if the investigation is done on her.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen were happy to see her willing to help, and kowtowed in thanks.

 “Thank you, empress, thank you, empress.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted.

There was no way, the medicine Jing Shirong gave them was too strong, especially after they drank the wine, they had an attack immediately.

They thought they were about to die just now, and their eyelids could no longer be opened, so they cried so miserably that they even lost their dignity.

 Fortunately, the queen was willing to take action, otherwise they would have died young.

The queen sat in the palace and let out an unlucky breath.

 “Two useless things!”

Let them poison Jing Shirong. It was a good thing for them. The poison failed and they themselves were poisoned. How stupid!

Seeing how angry she was, the personal maid came over to comfort her.

  "Don't be angry, please be careful."

 The queen looked towards the direction of the emperor's palace and asked, "Where did your majesty stay at night?"

The personal maid said, "Let's go to the newly arrived Lin Meiren."

The queen snorted coldly, "Old man, he is very young and specializes in picking beauties."

 “Have you been informed by the imperial kitchen?”

The personal maid nodded and whispered back, "I've already told you that I won't let Beauty Lin get pregnant."

The queen was ruthless and would not allow other women in the harem to give birth to dragon heirs.

  Previously, a young talented man gave birth to a princess to the emperor. The emperor was very happy and rewarded him repeatedly. He also promoted the talented man to four ranks in a row. The women in the harem were in an uproar, and everyone wanted to give birth to a dragon son for the prince.

Even if you can't give birth to a prince, a princess is still good.

 After all, the emperor is now old and cares about children.

It is so rare to have a newborn princess. If they give birth to a prince, they will definitely be indispensable for their future glory and wealth.

During that time, every woman in the harem was trying their best to seduce the emperor.

 How could the Queen let this happen?

 Just being a prince has troubled her for so many years.

  If there were more princes and grandsons, her son would be more competitive, and naturally she could not let the women in the harem give birth to princes.

So she bribed the imperial kitchen and asked them to give concubines who had favored her a concubine a drug to avoid having children.

 Including the favored one last night, it is impossible to give her a chance to give birth to a dragon heir.

 As for the prince.

 “Is there anything unusual about the prince recently?”

The personal palace maid came over and said, "According to the **** in the imperial study, your majesty seems to have given the prince full authority to handle this year's sacrifices."

The queen frowned, "Full authority?"

 Sacrifice is held every year, which is a big event.

 Generally, matters related to sacrificial rituals are handled by experienced senior officials, but this year, all the power was given to the prince?

Is it possible that the emperor is starting to train a prince?

This idea made the queen uneasy.

“Didn’t he not want to see the prince the year before last? Why did he suddenly start to train the prince this year?”

 Because the first empress died young and the emperor remarried, the third princess and the prince both felt resentment towards the emperor.

The emperor wanted to save face from many people, so he was naturally unhappy if his children resented him, so he never got close to the prince.

He hasn't seen him over the years, and has been cold.

  Why did you suddenly start to be nice to the prince this year?

 Is it possible that the person is getting old? Starting to get confused?

The personal maid didn’t know what the emperor was thinking, so she could only remain silent. The queen thought about it and felt that something was still wrong. She immediately asked the palace maid, "Go and call the second prince. I have to tell him about this matter."


 Soon, the second prince came over overnight.

 “Mother, are you looking for me?”

 As soon as the queen saw her son, her mood improved.

 “Have you had midnight snack?”

 The second prince nodded, "After eating, the queen called her son and ministers in a hurry. Why?"

The Queen sighed and said to him, "There is news from the Royal Study that your father has handed over all the sacrifices for this year to the prince. What do you think your father thinks?"

 Based on her understanding of the emperor, the emperor was not a person willing to give up the throne.

 Over the years, he has been relatively indifferent to each of his sons, and has not shown which one he loves the most.

Even things are distributed evenly, giving each prince the illusion that his father is not partial. It just depends on which prince has the ability.

As long as they do their errands well, they will be praised.

As for the prince, because of the incident involving the third princess, the emperor and the prince did not like it, and they did not give the prince any tasks for a long time.

This time the three princesses got married successfully, and the emperor's attitude became better.

I don’t know if he suddenly remembered the relationship between father and son and wanted to start training the prince.

Hearing this, the second prince frowned.

 “Is this credible?”

 Queen, "It's trustworthy. There are people of ours over there in the royal study."

“I just don’t know what your father means. All the sacrifices this time have been left to the prince.”

 In previous years, other princes might also be asked to serve as assistants.

 It is thought-provoking that this year all the money was given to the prince.

“Could it be that he wants to build momentum for the prince?”

 After all, the crown prince is too weak, and he even married a crown princess this year.

The emperor wanted to build momentum for him, so he naturally wanted him to complete an outstanding thing, so that the prince could be dignified in front of the officials.

When the second prince heard this, he felt unhappy.

 “If this is the case, what should we do?”

 In the past, the prince was not favored and he was like a transparent person, so the second prince did not take him seriously.

Now that the emperor is determined to build momentum for him, the result will be different.

The queen also felt the crisis, and after much thought, she said, "Well, tomorrow I will go find out what your father has to say and see if I can let you go with him to carry out the sacrifice."

As long as the emperor gives the second prince this chance, don’t you believe that the prince can still win against his son?

The second prince was worried, "What if the father refuses?"

You must know that his father's thoughts have always been difficult to guess, and it is hard to say whether he is willing or not.

The queen snorted coldly and comforted him, "It's okay. Even if he refuses, we can still act secretly."

If the emperor refuses to let the second prince perform in the ceremony, at worst they will secretly undermine the prince's achievements.

 When the sacrifices are in chaos, let’s see how the prince still manages to gain a foothold among the officials.

When the second prince heard this, his eyes lit up with joy.

 “That’s a good idea.”

 As long as the prince's performance is not allowed and he is not embarrassed before the ministerial year, the prince's position will definitely have to be replaced in the future.

The queen thought so too.

“Don’t worry, your position must be yours.”

 Other princes should not compete with his son for the crown prince position.

“What about the fifth brother? Do you want to inform him?”

The queen waved her hand, "Don't tell him yet, that kid can't hide anything."

Just as he was saying this, the rightful owner arrived.

 “What can’t you tell me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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