Chapter 58: Business blowback

 Today's full moon banquet was very lively.

Since the only scholar in the Wu family was a scholar, Mr. Wu was very happy and made the banquet lively.

Because I was afraid of being accused of being a scholar because I passed the exam, I simply used the full moon banquet to liven up the family and make everyone happy.

Mr. Wu is in the best mood.

 He has always been a rough man, but he also longs for a scholar in his family.

Now that the fourth child is making a career, of course he is happy.

 From the day I smiled until now, my mouth has always been raised.

Especially because his son-in-law was also selected as a scholar, he felt even more blessed.

 Both my son and son-in-law have passed the exam, so they are really lucky.

So he didn't stop smiling all day long.

After seeing her little cousin, Sister Ying ran out to play.

At this moment, the children of the neighbors also ran in to play.

Several of the little girls saw the beautiful clothes she was wearing and came over to touch her creamy yellow skirt with envy.

“Sister, your clothes look great. Where did you buy them?”

Sister Ying huffed and said, "Mother, do it~"

The other party understood it and was immediately envious.

“Your mother’s craftsmanship is so good, but my mother can’t make such beautiful little skirts, and I can’t even wear them.”

Sister Ying saw that the red and green pieces she was wearing were obviously patchworked together because there was not enough fabric.

However, farmers don’t mind wearing clothes as long as they don’t have any holes, especially children who grow up quickly, so they don’t care much about these things.

 In other words, little girls love beauty and will compare themselves to small skirts.

Sister Ying’s clothes were all made by Mrs. Wu herself.

   The Wu family does not favor sons over daughters, but is more careful about raising daughters.

Xu Shiwu's mother has loved her children at home since she was a child. They feel the warmth of the family from their parents, and they will love their children in every possible way when they get married.

Sister Ying’s clothes and skirts are all made by her.

 I also have to bathe and wash her hair every day to keep her clean and refreshed.

Like children of the same age, their noses are all over their faces, but Sister Ying is always clean.

 First of all, Sister Ying has a young and old heart, and secondly, she also loves to be clean.

 Plus Wu bathes her every day, so she has always been a clean and beautiful baby.

 This meeting is in the countryside, and many girls like to see her.

 Because the little skirt she wears looks good, and the little comb she wears is also good-looking.

 In addition, Sister Ying is naturally fair-skinned and beautiful, with big grape-black eyes and long, curly eyelashes. The girls who see her like her very much.

Even the women praised her, "Hey, Sister Ying is getting more and more beautiful as she grows. She is even more handsome than Aning when she was a child."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said modestly, "It's okay, all children are the same." But this one in her house is really beautiful.

 After the banquet started, everyone came to the table to eat.

Mrs. Wu sat at the same table as Mrs. Liang, and Sister Ying also sat obediently in Mr. Wu's arms.

 Because there is no high chair at home, she can only sit on an adult's lap.

Mrs. Wu gave her some fish soup, and she drank it obediently.

After seeing this, other relatives praised her, "Oh, Sister Ying is so good. She is so obedient even when she eats. It's not like our family. If you want to feed her, you'll have to run away."

 In the countryside, children chase after each other when eating.

Parents hold bowls and spoons in their hands, follow their children to feed them, and occasionally stop to chat with their neighbors.

Mrs. Wu didn't like her daughter to be so naughty when eating, so she made her sit and eat obediently since she was a child.

Sister Ying is not a real baby, so she naturally eats obediently.

However, sometimes she will be assimilated by the baby's constitution and her behavior will become childish and cute, but for the most part she is still very well-behaved.

 She eats by herself at home, and there is no chair to sit on here. Mrs. Wu fed her with a spoon, and she opened her mouth and ate obediently.

 The other women liked it very much and asked Mrs. Wu, "Don't you want to eat Nai?"

 Children in the countryside die late and eat until they are more than two years old.

Mrs. Wu originally wanted to feed her, but after Sister Ying could eat, she no longer liked it.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was eating well and thought it was okay to eat, so she had her weaned when she was almost one year old.

 At first, Sister Ying was very pleased with herself, secretly thinking that she no longer had to drink milk.

Who would have thought that on the day of her death, she always felt out of sorts.

First he scratched his head and cheeks and took notes, then Xiao Dundun sat in front of Mrs. Wu and stared at her straightly.

 Wu couldn’t help laughing when she saw it, and asked her, “Do you want to eat?”

Sister Ying’s round little face was firm, “No, no, no.”

 She said in her heart that she didn't want to eat, but her face kept staring at Mr. Wu. Mrs. Wu and Liang Jin could hardly hold it in any longer and wanted to see how long she could endure it.

Finally, Liang Jin couldn't stand it anymore, so he hugged her, patted her back, and said lovingly, "Go to sleep. You won't think about it when you fall asleep."

Sister Ying still scratched her little ears and looked back to find Mrs. Wu.

Wu Shi was about to lose his strength, but Liang Jin reluctantly said, "Why don't you eat mine?" After saying that, he took off his sweaty middle coat.

Sister Ying made a sound of vomiting and immediately crawled away in disgust.

The little baby looked at her father with big eyes and looked at her father with disdain, then threw herself directly into Mrs. Wu's arms, without even mentioning the milk.

Wu Shi couldn't stop laughing and said to Liang Jin, "You are so disgusting, hahaha."

Liang Jin even laughed, "Then I want to help you, I'm so embarrassed, hahaha."

Sister Ying saw her father and mother laughing and laughed too.

Speaking of this matter, Mrs. Wu still found it funny and couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, the young women also laughed for a long time after hearing this.

 Old Mrs. Liang saw that they were chatting happily and joined in.

As soon as she came over, the women immediately gave up their seats to her and praised her for her good fortune and the success of her children.

Mrs. Liang was so impressed by their sincere and envious looks that she suddenly became ecstatic.

“Not at all. It is said that one can become a great person only by enduring hardships. I have survived it. If you are young and endure some hardships, your children will be blessed when they grow up.”

After hearing this, the women all laughed and began to flatter each other.

“Mrs. Liang is good at teaching. Your son has become a scholar at a young age, and your granddaughter is also so well-behaved. You are really capable.”

Mrs. Liang was so praised that she was very useful and in a very good mood. "It's okay, okay, you are great too, and the children are lively and cute."

Sister Ying looked at her grandmother and looked at her. She looked at Mrs. Wu, and both mother and daughter laughed.

 After the full moon and dinner, Mrs. Liang and her family were going back.

Wu’s mother brought them a lot of things and wanted Mrs. Liang to take them home to eat. "The in-laws can take these with them and use them as snacks. They are not valuables, so don't dislike them."

Old Mrs. Liang declined and said, "Why don't you excuse me? Let's keep it for the children to eat."

While trying to push back, Wu took over.

 “Mom, just take it back, I like to eat these.”

Old Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue and said to her, "You are already a mother-in-law, and you are still greedy."

 But in my heart, I felt that Mrs. Wu was sensible and knew how to bring things to her home.

Wu's mother was happy when she saw that they had collected it. "The children like to eat it, so they all brought it with them. There is beef jerky that my son-in-law likes to eat. An old cow died last month. I bought it specially to dry it into beef jerky and bring it to my son-in-law." Go back and eat.”

 When Mrs. Liang saw this, she accepted it politely.

 “Well, I bring back so many things every time I come, I’m embarrassed to come.”

Wu Mu quickly said no, "What are you talking about? I wish you could come. I'd like to be a guest next time. I like you to come over."

Old Mrs. Liang also thinks that the Wu family is good. The old couple are very good people. They don't take advantage of others and they always give food away.

So she spoke politely to Wu Mu for a while, then got into the carriage and went back together.

Liang Jin also said on the road.

“Mom, now you know where my mother-in-law’s family is.”

At that time, he wanted to marry Mrs. Wu, but his mother still didn't agree.

Now that we get along with each other, his mother-in-law's family are such good people. He is lucky to be able to become his in-laws with the Wu family.

 It was rare for Mrs. Liang not to refute.

 After more than two years of getting along, the Wu family is indeed very good.

 At the beginning, she agreed to her son's marriage to the Wu family because of their ability and their unwillingness to take advantage of others.

Now that I think about it, she is the real master.

Liang Jin laughed loudly after hearing this, but did not refute his mother.

Mrs. Liang looked at Liang Qing, who was covering her mouth and snickering, and sighed, "It would be great if Sister Qing can find a family as good as the Wu family in the future."

  The biggest fear when choosing an in-law for your daughter is to choose a bad in-law.

 Once you make the wrong choice, your daughter’s life will be ruined.

 So Mrs. Liang must pay more attention to Liang Qing's affairs.

She discussed with Liang Jin, "Do you want me to wait until you win the imperial examination before looking for your sister? Or should I start looking for her now?"

 Originally, her plan was to wait until Liang Jinzhong became a scholar to start looking for a partner for her younger daughter.

But now it seems that if the son wins the imperial examination, if he can win the first prize in the future, or become a minor official, then the threshold for the daughter to marry should be better.

Liang Jin didn’t agree very much after hearing this.

“It’s so easy to get the exams for being the first person to be a candidate for the exam. Don’t let this delay your third sister’s marriage. Let’s start looking for them now.”

 When the time comes and he really passes the exam, it will be fine.

As long as her natal family is good and Liang Qing has status in her husband's family, she won't be afraid of being bullied.

 (End of this chapter)

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