The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 560: , the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind

Chapter 560: The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind

Sister Yan sneered, "Whether you want to follow or not is up to you."

 After saying that, he went down the stairs.

Several bosses saw this and had no other way to survive, so they could only make a dangerous move and follow her downstairs.

 The fire on the first floor was already very large and almost burned through.

When Sister Yan reached the third floor, she did not continue. Instead, she went to the room on the third floor, opened the clothes cabinet, and turned the switch.

 After the switch is triggered, the wooden door inside the wardrobe opens, and a secret passage immediately appears.

 Boss Zhang and others were delighted and hurriedly followed him.

Jing Shirong looked behind them, pinched the tracking powder on his hand, and then followed.

This secret passage is very long, deep, and has twists and turns. It is very similar to the passage we used to take the boat.

Jing Shirong memorized the route and left marks for Qi Yuanming along the way.

At this time, Qi Yuanming had rescued all the boys and girls, let them get on the boat together, and then led the officers and soldiers to rescue them.

 After the officers and soldiers came, he hid in the dark, and then turned back to find Sister Ying and Sister Yang.

 Seng Geer and Gu Gu also merged with the past.

After a few people gathered, Sister Ying counted the people and asked, "Brother Rong hasn't come yet."

Qi Yuanming was also a little worried, so he asked Gu Gu, "Take them out first, and I'll go find A Jing."

Sister Ying said, "No, let's not leave in a hurry. We'll stay here and wait for you."

 If anything happens, we can help each other.

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's okay. I'll go and contact you later."

 After he left, Sister Ying asked everyone to hide in the cave.

The cave here is hidden and far away from the brothel, so those people probably won't chase after him.

In addition, Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen were busy catching Mr. Tan and had no time to come over and search the mountain.

Although Mr. Tan has great martial arts skills, he is already dizzy and confused because of the incense and drugged wine.

Zhao Jie took advantage of this and shouted, "Catch him quickly!"

The guards immediately used an iron net to trap him and then chopped him unconscious.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen were in a good mood when they saw that the big boss was caught, and asked their men, "Go upstairs and see if there are any stolen goods."

 The first floor was burned down, so there must be stolen goods on the top floor.

The group of subordinates heard this and went there, and they found two large boxes in the old house.

 The box is full of rare treasures, which are extremely valuable at first sight.

 There is also a box full of gold.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen’s eyes lit up when they saw these treasures.

“Great. This meritorious service will give me confidence.”

The previous credit was all picked up the Jing Shi Rong and Qi Yuanming. They were guilty and unhappy.

I feel that I am capable, but I can't get any big things done. I can only take credit that others disdain. It's unpleasant to think about it.

Now that this black spot has been burned down by them, and so many gold bars have been found, they can feel proud after returning to Beijing.

Zhao Jie looked at the gold greedily, "Do you think we want it?"

You have to travel thousands of miles to do something, so it’s not too much to pay for the errands, right?

 Otherwise, with their salary, it would be difficult to buy a small yard, let alone a big yard.

Zhou Chuwen was also moved, but he said harshly, "Isn't this bad?"

 Once discovered, it will be a serious crime.

Zhao Jie said, "What are you afraid of? When those people came out to do things before, didn't they all make a little money for themselves?"

"Looking at how wealthy the Jing family is, Jing Shirong must have made money secretly when he was out doing business. Otherwise, how could he be so wealthy?"

Zhou Chuwen felt itchy to be told that, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay. Then it will be half for each person."

Anyway, the emperor doesn’t know how much money this black shop made, and he doesn’t know if they are greedy.

 The two of them looked at each other with greed in their eyes.

Zhou Chuwen looked around and asked, "What if I'm seen later?"

 Among the troops they brought, some were the emperor's confidants, and it would be over if they were seen. However, Zhao Jie said confidently, "Why are you panicking? That group of people went after other bastards. Let's just hide the things and don't let them find out."

 It’s not like the two of them have done this before, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Zhou Chuwen was moved by what he said, and immediately asked his confidants to hide the gold.

Qi Yuanming saw this scene in the dark and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

 The secret emperor cultivates these two things?

He took out a pen and wrote down all these things, including the amount of gold that had been embezzled. He summoned the eagle and asked the eagle to send it back.

Don’t the people surnamed Zhao and the people surnamed Zhou love to grab credit?

Then this time he will take away their credit and make a small report to see how proud they will be after returning to Beijing.

After sending the letter in secret, Qi Yuanming was in a very good mood and went to find Jing Shirong at a brisk pace.

 He looked along the way, but couldn't see any traces left by Jing Shirong.

 I thought he might be in there yet.

But the fire inside is so big, wouldn’t it be dangerous if he doesn’t come out?

Based on his understanding of Jing Shirong, there must be a way inside.

So he carefully got into the brothel and continued to follow.

 He searched from floor to floor and was choked.

 Fortunately, when we got to the third floor, we finally found the mark left by Jing Shirong.

 He turned the switch and chased along the numbers.

 It wasn’t until we encountered a fork in the road that we stopped to distinguish carefully.

Although Jing Shirong left a few numbers, Sister Yan also left a few numbers, obviously deliberately disturbing his sight.

 Fortunately, they cooperated tacitly. He already knew Jing Shirong's route and found it easily.

At this time, Jing Shirong and Sister Yan arrived at the top of a mountain.

This top of the mountain is not far from the brothel.

 There is a river further down, and her boat is there.

The group of bosses were very happy when they saw the boat and wanted to get on it immediately.

Sister Yan made a gesture to her subordinates.

 These bosses were immediately choked.

“Sister Yan, what are you doing?”

Didn’t you agree to help them?

Sister Yan smiled slyly, "I can help you. But I can't help you in vain."

  Means to get money now.

These bosses are also good people, and they discussed, "We will definitely give you the money. But we just ran for our lives in a hurry, and all the money was burned in the lobby."

Sister Yan believes this, but she is neither stupid nor stupid.

She walked over and reached out to pick up the tokens on their bodies.

“I know you don’t have the money now, so I won’t ask you for it.” She took it herself.

 “Bring it, the seal.”

If you want to withdraw money from these bosses' warehouses, tokens and seals are indispensable.

Boss Zhang said displeasedly, "Sister Yan, what are you doing? Is it possible that we will lie to you again?"

"If you want money, I will send someone back to get it for you later. Why do you have to go there in person?"

Sister Yan doesn’t believe them.

 Today all the brothels have been burned down, how can there be a future?

 These people have been traveling outside for many years, so how can they stay here for a long time.

 Coupled with what happened today, these people will inevitably run away overnight.

In order to prevent losing both people and money, of course she had to get the money first.

 “Keep an eye on them, I will come as soon as I go.”


The group of subordinates kept an eye on the bosses and asked Sister Yan to leave first.

 (End of this chapter)

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