The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 540: , be honest with your words but not your actions

Chapter 540: Be honest with your words but not your actions

Jing Shirong saw that he was watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. He snorted coldly, pinched his eagle wings, and got into the carriage himself.

The flying eagle was pinched by him and became angry. It chirped and opened its wings to slap him, but he said "Huh?" in danger, and then folded its wings. He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

Sister Ying looked on with amusement. She smiled and waved to Fei Ying, "A Fei, come here."

The eagle flapped its wings and stood on tiptoe excitedly with its talons. When Jing Shirong didn't respond, he immediately flew over and landed on Sister Ying's shoulder. The hook of the eagle gently grabbed her clothes without hurting her at all.

Jing Shirong looked back and saw Sister Ying smiling brightly, and whispered, "What a vixen."

  Not only did he seduce him, but he also refused to let go of his flying eagle.

Sister Ying.

 “I heard it.”

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, meaning, so what if I heard?

Sister Ying walked over and looked at him with sly eyes like a little fox. She stood on tiptoes and pretended to kiss him.

Jing Shirong covered his lips, thinking she was going to secretly kiss him again.

Sister Ying’s eyes raised the corners of her mouth slyly, like a coquettish girl, and she got closer and closer, and her nose was almost touching his.

Jing Shirong looked away at her coldly, wondering if she would kiss her or not.

Sister Ying just hung him up on purpose.

She lowered her head and blew the warm fragrance into his face, which was charming and fragrant.

Jing Shirong frowned slightly, his ears were a little warm, but his temper was very arrogant, "Is this the only way?"

 Just blow on it and try to seduce him?

 Is he so flirtatious?

Sister Ying smiled silently, lowered her head and leaned towards him, and was about to kiss him on the face. Jing Shirong instinctively closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, but she still remembered to push her away.

Sister Ying turned around, took the opportunity to push him away, and then smiled proudly.

 “What? You think I want to kiss you? That’s great.”

 After saying that, he turned around and ran again.

Jing Shirong didn't expect to be struck by her, he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Sister Ying was not as strong as him, so she was pulled back by him and her body was pressed against the carriage frame.

Like a domineering president, he slammed the wall with one hand and trapped her on the frame of the car.

Sister Ying raised her head and looked at him, her peach blossom eyes alluring.

 “What do you want to do?”

Jing Shirong looked down at her red lips, then raised his hand to wipe her lower lip, his dark eyes meaning unknown.

Sister Ying looked at his eyes and could vaguely read something in them, but she didn't want to get in his way and pressed her chest against his to prevent him from getting close.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and originally wanted to kiss her, but she blocked him with her hand and glanced at her displeasedly. As if asking her why she refused to kiss him.

Sister Ying looked at him triumphantly and said provocatively, "Didn't you look down on me? Didn't you say you wouldn't be tempted by me? Then what are you doing now?"

This provocative look made Jing Shirong frown. He glared at her displeasedly with his dark eyes and said in a cold tone, "Really think I want to kiss you? Who do you think you are?"

He is just trying to retaliate with others. Do you really think he is so incapable of determination? Can a kiss make him lose his temper?

Sister Ying's big eyes were like mirrors, exposing him, "Who knows?"

 If you say you don’t like it, aren’t your actions honest?

Still so close, with his heart beating so loudly, who would believe him if he said he didn't want to kiss her.

Jing Shirong saw her sharp teeth and cunning and shrewd expression. He took a rough breath and sprayed hot air on her face. He seemed to want to deal with her, but he couldn't bear it.

Sister Ying is not afraid of him, her peach blossom eyes are shining, she just wants to see what he can do to her.

Even the flying eagle fell aside, raising its head and looking curiously.

Jing Shirong was stared at closely by the two of them. He looked deeply at Sister Ying with his dark eyes, but did nothing.

 Finally, Sister Yang came to the rescue and shouted, "Sister? Are you okay yet?"

Jing Shirong just let go, Sister Ying slipped out of his arms and replied, "Just come." After the two sisters gathered together, Sister Yang smiled and asked for a reward, "Well, I saved the scene in time, right?"

Sister Ying laughed and said, "It's timely, but it's too timely. You are really my sister's cutie."

 After saying that, he pinched her little face in a good mood.

Sister Yang dodged away, "Don't pinch it. It doesn't look good to begin with. If you pinch it again, it will become even uglier."

Sister Ying held up her little face and said gently, "Silly girl, how can you be ugly? She is so cute."

Sister Yang, however, is not confident, "Cute is not beautiful. Big guys say I'm ugly every day, and I don't have any confidence."

Sister Ying gently touched her head and comforted her, "Don't listen to Brother Qi's nonsense. You are very beautiful."

 It’s just that now is the period of growth, and the appearance has changed somewhat, just like the ugly duckling before metamorphosis.

For example, boys in adolescence will grow beards, their voices will become thicker, and their originally delicate appearance will suddenly become rough.

These are minor problems, and they will get better and better over the years.

Sister Yang pouted, "Really?" If she could be beautiful, she would be relieved.

Sister Ying rubbed her little face and said, "I can do it, don't worry."

At this time, Qi Yuanming came over to eavesdrop again. Seeing the two of them chatting, he asked Sister Yang to go out with him.

“Sister Yang, there is roasted gluten in front of you, shall we eat it?”

Sister Yang shook her head, "No, you're still eating after eating all the way, aren't you tired of it?"

Qi Yuanming scratched his head, "Do you want to eat the fruit? There is a big golden orange tree in front of you. It looks very sweet at first sight. Do you want to pick a few?"

Sister Yang's eyes lit up, "Oranges? Okay, I haven't eaten fruit for a long time."

They have been ashore for so long, but they haven’t seen many delicious fruits along the way, only sour wild fruits.

Especially in winter, there are few fruits.

 You will be able to eat sweet and juicy oranges, and of course you will be thirsty.

Seeing that she liked it, Qi Yuanming pulled her along and said, "Let's go, let's go up the tree and pick a few more."

Sister Yang laughed and ran over with him, no longer as quarrelsome as before.

The two of them ran to pick fruits. Sister Ying also went there with a cloth bag and wanted to go to the tree to pick a few.

 Oranges in winter are particularly sweet, especially those freshly picked from the trees, which are golden and fresh.

Qi Yuanming first went around and asked around. When he saw that the orange tree had an owner, he bought two kilograms of it with money.

Sister Yang said, "Buy more. I want to eat it every day."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head in embarrassment, scratched his worn pocket, and said shyly, "This is all I have left."

His salary was not high, and the rewards he received could not be realized, so he was always poor.

In addition, when I go out, I usually eat food from the government or use local materials to solve problems. I don’t like spending too much money, and I have no idea about money.

  It wasn’t until I took Sister Yang to eat and drink every day these days and spent all my pocket money that I realized that I had no money.

Sister Yang looked at his handsome face and blushed. It was rare that she didn't make fun of him. She coughed and said, "What's the matter? I've got it."

 After that, he took out his money bag to pay and asked the owner for ten catties of oranges.

Qi Yuanming watched her pay, and for the first time he felt frustrated that he had no money.

 I secretly made a decision in my heart that I must do business with A Jingxue when I return to Beijing. I can’t be so poor anymore.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t have money to buy food for Sister Yang.

 (End of this chapter)

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