Chapter 525, Qi Yuanming was beaten

Sister Ying had not yet fallen asleep. Seeing that he dared to bite her, she snorted softly and did not open her eyes, too lazy to be acquainted with him.

 He has no memory now, and his personality is like a child. If you really care about him, you will be angry to death.

Especially now that he has become stubborn, loses his temper, imitates people's actions, and holds grudges, so he can only be taught slowly.

 Fortunately, he is not that stupid, he can learn it once he is taught, and he can also draw inferences from one case to another.

As long as you teach him slowly, he will get better.

Thinking about it this way, I felt relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong woke up first.

He opened his eyes and was stunned for a while, then as if his brain was restarting, he came back to his senses and started looking for Sister Ying.

He looked down and saw Sister Ying sleeping soundly next to him. He breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed her little hand with his big hand and put it on his heart, saying, "Mine."

Sister Ying slept for a while before she got up. When she opened her eyes, she was dazed for a while, and then looked to the side.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Jing Shirong playing with her fingers, squeezing this one and then that one.

She wanted to take her hand out, but he grunted, "No."

The big-eyed **** stared at her fiercely, not wanting her to take them away.

Sister Ying yelled, "Do you still want to eat? If I play with you, you won't have anything to eat in a while."

Jing Shirong knew the meaning of eating, but after thinking about it, he still refused to let go.

He is playing hard now and refuses to give anything.

Sister Ying had no choice but to lie down and play with him.

Jing Shirong didn’t want to get up yet when Qi Yuanming came and knocked on the door.

Sister Ying could only coax him, "Shall we go outside to fly a kite? Or catch shrimps and fry them for you?"

Jing Shirong touched his belly and felt greedy before he got up.

Sister Ying asked him to open the stone door and take him out with her.

 Qi Yuanming had chopped the firewood early.

This time when I came to the island, Xiao Zi didn’t come with me, and Sister Ying didn’t have any help, so she had to do all the cooking by herself.

Fortunately, Jing Shirong was obedient. Sister Ying gave him a bowl of vegetables and taught him how to wash it. After he learned it, he washed it very seriously and washed every piece of it very clean.

Qi Yuanming saw that the water was boiling, and he was still washing one piece at a time. He stretched out his hand to help him, but he glared at him. "No no no!"

 Meaning to tell Qi Yuanming to go away and not touch his food.

Qi Yuanming felt aggrieved, "Then don't I want to help you?"

 How come you have such a bad temper? Really.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Qi Yuanming, "He is like this now. It's better not to offend him. Once he is unhappy, his voice will be louder than anyone else."

Qi Yuanming was helpless and shrugged, "Forget it, he is almost like a kid now, and I don't have the same experience as him."

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "Brother Qi, cut the meat and I'll cook noodles for you."

Qi Yuanming sighed and went to cut the meat into strips. When Jing Shirong saw it, he also wanted to cut it.

Qi Yuanming refused to give in. "After you wash the dishes, go get the chopsticks. Don't grab anything from me."

Jing Shirong didn't want to, so he stretched out his big hand to grab his kitchen knife.

Qi Yuanming is also childish and won't give it.

 If he didn't give it to him, Jing Shirong would rob it.

The two of them stared at each other and were about to start a fight, but Sister Ying was about to stop them. The two of them had already run out.

 “Alas, you.”

Sister Ying hurriedly chased her out and saw that Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were already fighting.

 The two used fists and kicks at first, then jumped directly to the roof and started using their internal strength.

Qi Yuanming deliberately tried to test how much his internal strength had increased, deliberately provoking him and making him angry, "Ajing, if you lose, Sister Ying will cook for me, and I won't cook for you anymore." ”

Jing Shirong knew who Sister Ying was, and when she saw that he dared to rob her, she immediately glared at him angrily and said, "Hit you!" She was so angry that she used her inner strength to hit her.

Qi Yuanming dodged and deliberately ran to Sister Ying in front of him, pretending to **** Sister Ying away.

Jing Shirong looked at it, his handsome face was startled for a moment, and then he got angry and said, "Mine!"

 When he was furious, the red flames between his eyebrows were very coquettish and looked a bit evil.

He rushed over with such speed that Qi Yuanming felt a gust of wind in his ears. When he turned around, Sister Ying had disappeared.

Just as he was about to turn around to look, a powerful internal force flashed behind him and headed straight for him.

 Qi Yuanming was startled and jumped up.

 With a "bang!", the roof of the kitchen was knocked down.

Qi Yuanming.

 “I’ll go, so strong?”

Jing Shirong has been very strong in the past, but this is the first time he has directly knocked over the roof.

Especially the inner force with anger and greater power.

 Happily, Jing Shirong didn't have murderous intentions towards him. He must have instinctively known that he couldn't kill him and still retained his strength.

Old Yao Wang and several others just came to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. They saw the roof being beaten to pieces, and they all swallowed their saliva.

They secretly decided in their hearts that they should use gentle medicine in the future, otherwise their brains would be shattered.

Sister Ying did not expect that Jing Shirong would be so explosive after being angry.

 He was quite good-tempered two days before co-writing?

She hurriedly touched his handsome face soothingly to calm him down, "Okay, okay, don't be angry. Brother Qi bullies me. I'll beat him up for you? Okay?"

Jing Shirong looked at her with red eyes, and his angry eyes slowly turned back to innocence again, "Help?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes. I'll help you. Come on, I'll take you to beat him up."

Jing Shirong vaguely seemed to understand, so he followed her to the kitchen.

As soon as Sister Ying came over, she looked at Qi Yuanming, winked at him, and then kicked him over, "I want you to bully our brother Rong, watch your moves!"

Kicked with his calf, Qi Yuanming was kicked over with a thud.

 “Oops, it hurts.” False.

But his expression was extremely exaggerated, "Why are you still beating people?"

Sister Ying showed the performance to Jing Shirong, "You are the one I am going to beat. I want you to bully our brother Rong. Watch your moves."

 Keep kicking.

Qi Yuanming pretended to be kicked and screamed. Jing Shirong's red eyes immediately brightened up and his mood seemed to be getting better.

Sister Ying saw that he was happy, so she kicked Qi Yuanming several times in front of him.

Jing Shirong clapped his hands happily, as if someone was supporting him, making him raise his chin proudly.

Qi Yuanming felt that this scene was so childish, but he had to cooperate, so he could only roll on the ground and keep shouting for mercy.

 “Xia Xia, please spare your life, I don’t dare to do it anymore.”

Sister Ying stopped and asked Jing Shirong, "I've avenged you, are you still angry?"

Jing Shirong seemed relieved. He shook his head happily and grinned, "No."

 He smiled so happily, but he didn't have the explosive power just now.

Sister Ying took the opportunity to tell her, "If anyone bullies you in the future, just tell me and I will beat him up for you."

Jing Shirong understood. He nodded seriously like a child, his big eyes very serious, "Okay."

 “Sister Ying, help me.”

It was rare for him to say so many words. Sister Ying's eyes widened in surprise, she pinched his handsome face happily and praised him, "It's awesome."

 Before, I could only say one word, but now I can call her by her name. There is progress. "

Jing Shirong saw her happy and grinned like a little fool, "Haha. I like it."

Sister Ying also smiled, touched his handsome face, and said in a bright mood, "I like it too."

 (End of this chapter)

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